Then I looked up this Singal person and made the mistake of following him on my main account to get a sense of what the controversy was all about. Following him opened the flood gates and as of this morning I am now blocked by over 2000 accounts and am on 67 block lists even though I stopped following him a few days later.
To be clear, I have never posted one single thing about the trans community, either pro or con. Every one of my posts on BSky has to do with either sports or economics. But according to the hate mob I am a pedophile who is responsible for multiple genocides. I've been told to kill myself numerous times. I'm really at a loss as to how these people think they are helping win hearts and minds to their cause with this sort of behaviour.
At this point, all I can do is laugh. As toxic as twitter can be, the abuse I have had hurled at me on BSky is orders of magnitude worse. I'm not going back to twitter because I can't stomach supporting Musk. As for BSky, I'm torn on whether to stay and try to help create a community that is free from this type of nonsense or just throw my hands up and leave.
It's guilt by association. The trans hate this guy. I mean really hate this guy. Really, really hate him and work on the assumption that anyone who would follow him has to be a fellow "transphobe" There's even a changedotorg petition going to get him kicked off Bluesky.
Now I'm sure we're all aware that the terminally online trans community has to be the center of attention, everywhere, all the time with their favourite weapons being censorship and abuse rather than argument and discussion and if you want to keep your main Bluesky handle you may want to delete your account and come back in a few months and reregister in the hopes that nobody has taken it.
Like I said in a previous post, if you want to "monitor" Twitter, use nitterdotpoastdotorg. You'll end up with a folder of browser links, but so what?