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Resistance Twitter 2.0

Where will the resistance end up posting, mostly?

  • Bluesky

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Threads

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Mastodon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please specify in comments)

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • On Planet X, we resist telepathically

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Then I looked up this Singal person and made the mistake of following him on my main account to get a sense of what the controversy was all about. Following him opened the flood gates and as of this morning I am now blocked by over 2000 accounts and am on 67 block lists even though I stopped following him a few days later.

To be clear, I have never posted one single thing about the trans community, either pro or con. Every one of my posts on BSky has to do with either sports or economics. But according to the hate mob I am a pedophile who is responsible for multiple genocides. I've been told to kill myself numerous times. I'm really at a loss as to how these people think they are helping win hearts and minds to their cause with this sort of behaviour.

At this point, all I can do is laugh. As toxic as twitter can be, the abuse I have had hurled at me on BSky is orders of magnitude worse. I'm not going back to twitter because I can't stomach supporting Musk. As for BSky, I'm torn on whether to stay and try to help create a community that is free from this type of nonsense or just throw my hands up and leave.

It's guilt by association. The trans hate this guy. I mean really hate this guy. Really, really hate him and work on the assumption that anyone who would follow him has to be a fellow "transphobe" There's even a changedotorg petition going to get him kicked off Bluesky.

Now I'm sure we're all aware that the terminally online trans community has to be the center of attention, everywhere, all the time with their favourite weapons being censorship and abuse rather than argument and discussion and if you want to keep your main Bluesky handle you may want to delete your account and come back in a few months and reregister in the hopes that nobody has taken it.

Like I said in a previous post, if you want to "monitor" Twitter, use nitterdotpoastdotorg. You'll end up with a folder of browser links, but so what?
I decided to spend some time on bluesky this weekend while tending to a sick dog. I can tell you that your experience and mine are nothing alike. I saw several posts calling people "lib tards", swearing at them, etc. and it certainly wasn't one-sided. It's not like "the libs" were getting in jabs and the righties just had to sit back and accept it. There was mild trolling by both sides, but I saw plenty of anti-vax and pro-Trump stuff all over the site.

I didn't see any death threats anywhere at all. I saw a bunch of people implying that they wouldn't be losing sleep if others died, but I can absolutely say the experience you and I had on bluesky was very, very different. Polar opposite, in fact.

This is my wife's experience as well. She can't believe the nonsense I'm seeing. It really all has to do with following that Singal guy. Had I not done that, I probably wouldn't have seen the dark side of the site. I unfollowed him a couple of days later but I am still on the blocklists. But being blocked by some of the worst people BSky has to offer does have its advantages. A few days on I still get the occassional angry message from someone who would rather attack than block but its dying down for sure.
(Replying to Safe-Keeper)

Oh I agree completely with you there, but unfortunately that cat is well out of the bag. Between casual insult use, a nervous-horse-like prescision at identifying genuine threats, and the weird teen purity culture 3.0 that's going around now (16/18 is pedophilia! 20/23 is pedophilia! 40/50 is basically pedophilia too! Two people dating who LOOK like they could be siblings is incest! Writing smut about a character that was once a kid after he's grown up is pedophilia! I'm calling the cops on your fanfiction!) identifying and dealing with genuine abuse just gets more and more difficult. And splash damage to completely unrelated persons gets more likely.

The extreme left and extreme right don't agree on much but a hatred of the NY Times and a love of calling people who disagree pedophiles.
The actual ◊◊◊◊ are you talking about?
It's a common right-wing meme that the actively NSFW communities on Bluesky (especially the furries) are really stalking horses for degeneracy of the sort which easily can land people in prison without any activists speaking up for the perps in the name of sexual liberation.
The extreme left and extreme right don't agree on much but a hatred of the NY Times and a love of calling people who disagree pédöphïlës.
People still love a character slur about sexual degeneracy, and this is basically the only one left now that everything else is on the progress pride flag.
It's guilt by association. The trans hate this guy. I mean really hate this guy. Really, really hate him and work on the assumption that anyone who would follow him has to be a fellow "transphobe" There's even a changedotorg petition going to get him kicked off Bluesky.
Makes perfect sense that he's enemy number one for everyone east of LGB in the ever-expanding acronym, seeing as he published the seminal article which made it marginally acceptable to be at least mildly gender critical in mainstream print media.

All of character assassination drama bodes ill for the effectiveness of Bluesky as a resistance platform, since normies aren't about to grow enthusiastic about a platform which recapitulates the bad old days when left-of-Obama cancel culture was fully ascendant.
It's a common right-wing meme that the actively NSFW communities on Bluesky (especially the furries) are really stalking horses for degeneracy of the sort which easily can land people in prison without any activists speaking up for the perps in the name of sexual liberation.

People still love a character slur about sexual degeneracy, and this is basically the only one left now that everything else is on the progress pride flag.

Makes perfect sense that he's enemy number one for everyone east of LGB in the ever-expanding acronym, seeing as he published the seminal article which made it marginally acceptable to be at least mildly gender critical in mainstream print media.

All of character assassination drama bodes ill for the effectiveness of Bluesky as a resistance platform, since normies aren't about to grow enthusiastic about a platform which recapitulates the bad old days when left-of-Obama cancel culture was fully ascendant.

This has to be the biggest load of bull ◊◊◊◊ I've read on here in a long, long time. I can't imagine making stuff up, like you are here, and saying it with a straight face. Crazy.
No argument detected.

What's there to argue with? Your post was nothing but nonsensical jabs at the LGBT+ community, from the flag to the people. I don't argue with thinly veiled hate because it doesn't deserve to be debated. It deserves to be ridiculed and mocked. Which is what I did. That's all it deserves.
You didn't make an argument to refute - you made a post full of unreferenced assertions.
It's not at all hard to find the right-wing meme which I mentioned, but it might be weird to link it.

I already linked to the original Atlantic article, so that part is beyond dispute.

Any other factual assertions you need to see backed up?
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It's not at all hard to find the right-wing meme which I mentioned, but it might be weird to link it.
Which still does not make what you posted anything but unreferenced assertions - you can't complain about people not providing an argument against your unreferenced assertions, there is nothing to argue against until you support your claims.
Which still does not make what you posted anything but unreferenced assertions - you can't complain about people not providing an argument against your unreferenced assertions, there is nothing to argue against until you support your claims.
I've given you the right-wing meme and the seminal article.

What other factual claims are you skeptical of in that post?
What other factual claims are you skeptical of in that post?
You literally ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ said that every form of sexual degeneracy is on the "progress pride flag". There's no supporting that. It's just the inane claim of an internet nobody that can't make a point without taking insulting jabs at a community. It's pathetic. Truly.

Of course you won't agree, you're the one with the hate and judgement bull ◊◊◊◊ attitude of looking down on others. Like I said, it's small and petty, but expected. As Darat claimed, it's a baseless assertion formed by your obvious ignorance and snide attitude towards a community you don't belong in.

Just like I can say people who support...whatever teams' ugly jersey you're wearing in your picture are the epitome of gutless cowards. Is it true? No, it's based off of my opinion. It does nothing to further the conversation, it's just an insulting jab towards you and whatever stupid community that jersey represents. See? Nonsensical, right?
You literally ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ said that every form of sexual degeneracy is on the "progress pride flag". There's no supporting that. It's just the inane claim of an internet nobody that can't make a point without taking insulting jabs at a community. It's pathetic. Truly.

Of course you won't agree, you're the one with the hate and judgement bull ◊◊◊◊ attitude of looking down on others. Like I said, it's small and petty, but expected. As Darat claimed, it's a baseless assertion formed by your obvious ignorance and snide attitude towards a community you don't belong in.

Just like I can say people who support...whatever teams' ugly jersey you're wearing in your picture are the epitome of gutless cowards. Is it true? No, it's based off of my opinion. It does nothing to further the conversation, it's just an insulting jab towards you and whatever stupid community that jersey represents. See? Nonsensical, right?
He didn't say that. He said it was a right wing meme.

Which it is. Something you'd know if you paid any attention to right wing media
You literally ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ said that every form of sexual degeneracy is on the "progress pride flag". There's no supporting that.
Of course there isn't, but that's not what I said.
Of course you won't agree, you're the one with the hate and judgement bull ◊◊◊◊ attitude of looking down on others.
Going to the man isn't a good look, and it doesn't help us focus on the claims which you would like to dispute.
Like I said, it's small and petty, but expected.
Again, going after the arguer instead of the argument.
As Darat claimed, it's a baseless assertion formed by your obvious ignorance and snide attitude towards a community you don't belong in.
For values of obvious that involve imputing bad motives based on misreading.
Just like I can say people who support...whatever teams' ugly jersey you're wearing in your picture are the epitome of gutless cowards.
Should I perhaps change my profile photo back to the one of me marching in the Pride Parade?
Is it true? No, it's based off of my opinion.
Opinions aside, were there any factual claims you are hoping to dispute?
Of course there isn't, but that's not what I said.

Going to the man isn't a good look, and it doesn't help us focus on the claims which you would like to dispute.

Again, going after the arguer instead of the argument.

For values of obvious that involve imputing bad motives based on misreading.

Should I perhaps change my profile photo back to the one of me marching in the Pride Parade?

Opinions aside, were there any factual claims you are hoping to dispute?

You can change it to whatever you'd like but it, again, doesn't change my point. Also, did you just "I have black friends" this conversation? Seriously?

If you don't have any interest in furthering the discussion and I'm so terrible at reading then feel free to quit replying. I definitely don't value our conversations by any means, and I generally find you to be a contrarian and little more. I still don't even see any factual claims you've actually brought to the table, so actually let me be the one to step away. I'm obviously not up to your level and I get sick of this one line bull ◊◊◊◊ back and forth. It's obnoxious and I have better things to do.
Quite a few, and fairly active.

Probably won't help much with #resistance but good for a time sink.
It seems damion is now playing the game of dismissing everything on a topic (here, the left-wing and BlueSky) because of a minuscule number of extremists. That game is itself a type of extremism.
It seems damion is now playing the game of dismissing everything on a topic (here, the left-wing and BlueSky) because of a minuscule number of extremists.
Please feel free to quote the bits I missed; things get pretty hectic and even crazy when you're hosting the in-laws.
I finally deactivated my twitter account. I think bluesky has already matured enough to be a vaible information source during emergencies, which was always a twitters strength. Twitter got worse in that regard, allowing spam and bots and misinfo, most of the smarter people migrated to Blusky arleady.

Not all of them, unfortunately. But enough. Government agencies are still really slow about it though. Local sheriff departments, state government and federal agencies are mostly not in bluesky yet. Hopefully they'll get there.
I've not quite got as far as deactivating my account, but I'm monitoring to make sure I'm following the same people on Bluesky now, where possible.

I might still keep the account going anyway, for business reasons.
Finally took the step today to delete my Face and Insta. I've been meaning to do it for a while, but Zuck's commitment to fascism was the extra reason I needed to finally get it done. Feels incredibly good, actually. I'll lose Messenger, but I almost never used that anymore anyway, and there are always other ways to reach people.
Finally took the step today to delete my Face and Insta. I've been meaning to do it for a while, but Zuck's commitment to fascism was the extra reason I needed to finally get it done. Feels incredibly good, actually. I'll lose Messenger, but I almost never used that anymore anyway, and there are always other ways to reach people.

The ◊◊◊◊◊◊ part for me was losing all the pics I had taken on there over the years. I had a lot of family and friends. A few friends that had passed away I lost as well but at this point it's probably a good idea. I don't see myself on Facebook all that much moving forward, and I never had an insta.
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