I like the idea of calling the site/org RAMP. I would add that if a database of missing person files could be added, in PDF format, it would help get the message out further, ideally by making people aware of those missing. Either that, or link to those groups that already have flyers available, such as Kelly's done.
Meanwhile, let me see if I can contact some Bears I know. They might be willing to read through this, and offer some help, too.
Unfortunately, a database of missing persons would be too monumental of a task. If you ever go to the NCMEC or NCMA sites, you'll think it astonishing the number of missing persons there. That, however, is a mere drop in the bucket. Because of the issue I mentioned yesterday in regards to LE not giving referrals to families when the report is taken, the majority of cases never show up on these sites.
For example, in my home state, Nebraska, there are approx. 700 open missing person's cases, but there are only 11 listings of missing persons shown on the NE pages for NCMA and NCMEC. They say that every 30 seconds in the USA a child disappears, and who knows how many adults.
Anyway, off the soap box now and back to the site ideas.
What I am thinking for starters consists of the following:
An introductory/purpose statement
Links to articles/papers debunking psychics, particularly as it relates to missing persons
Link to this forum
Liinks to worthy missing person's organization (You might be shocked to know that there are predators right here in the midst of our cause.)
A Steps to Take list for families of the missing just in case they have come across this site before some of the others
Am I missing something?
Oh, and going back to some things discussed earlier by Meg and others, an idea that is brewing is to have a brief online form that a family member can fill out if they want to discuss or refer a particular psychic to volunteers from this forum who could gently show them the error of their ways. I'm still thinking this one out.
One family I know has a person who handles all psychic inquiries. I believe they filter out the nutcases, but I don't know what they do about the others. I do suspect this person is a believer, so maybe they work with the psychic to gather info. Obviously, that is not the approach we would take.