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Psychics and Missing People


I think you need to write your "conversion" story for my blog series!

I would be honoured. I think I would write it better than the remote viewing you suggested.
I'll get back to you with that.

(and thanks for noticing it)
I would be honoured. I think I would write it better than the remote viewing you suggested.
I'll get back to you with that.

(and thanks for noticing it)

I agree about the remote viewing...this one is for you! (The conversion story!)

Shoot me an email when you get time.

I just had a great conversation with Joe Nikell. He is too busy to contribute a complete article to the blog series, but I have permission to use segments from his articles. He's going to try to get me a quote specific to the series in relation to what we are trying to accomplish.

I will be out for a good part of the day on a missing person search, so see you later.

Try going to Page Setup in your printer options and narrowing the margins.

It's the frame on the left causing the letters to cut off on the right. Select the text you want to print (make sure nothing in the left pane is highlighted) then don't hit the print icon, go to file>print, and click the button for Selection. That should print better.
what I did was highlight the text, file, print, and check the Selection button rather than the All button.

It's the frame on the left causing the letters to cut off on the right. Select the text you want to print (make sure nothing in the left pane is highlighted) then don't hit the print icon, go to file>print, and click the button for Selection. That should print better.

Yeah, but the problem is a site related problem, or am I wrong?
which is my main area I wish to help in.
I just had a great conversation with Joe Nikell. He is too busy to contribute a complete article to the blog series, but I have permission to use segments from his articles. He's going to try to get me a quote specific to the series in relation to what we are trying to accomplish.

I will be out for a good part of the day on a missing person search, so see you later.


You go, girl. Joe Nickell is the finest debunker out there--sharp as a tack and even tempered--and not easy to get a hold of. You are cookin' with grease now. My admiration knows no bounds.
You go, girl. Joe Nickell is the finest debunker out there--sharp as a tack and even tempered--and not easy to get a hold of. You are cookin' with grease now. My admiration knows no bounds.

Thank you!

I have my quote already...that was fast. It's brief like Susan's, but effective. It will also be helpful to know I can quote from his materials.
You'll have so many experts putting in their two cents, Michael Shermer will be sorry he didn't reply to me, darn him!

Idea: maybe if YOU emailed him, telling him about Susan Blackmore's participation (which I did) and Joe Nickell's, he would now. Couldn't hurt.

And when the Amazing One himself is able...! What do you think about going on Art Bell show? Or has that already been addressed here on the forum and I've forgotten or missed it?

That would be a different take on things than when you visited the TV folks.
I think I will write to Shermer.

Last night I was telling my husband that I received a quote from a world famous psychic buster. He said: "James Randi?" I told him: "No, not yet." ;)

I think someone did mention the Art Bell idea. Isn't he a believer in woo? When I hear his name, I think of UFO stories.

Alex Tanous, a noted psychic and parapsychologist from Maine (now deceased) helped locate my next door neighbor's daughter and boyfriend many, many years ago. They were teenagers at the time and they had eloped but hadn't been in contact with their families. My neighbors consulted Alex Tanous and he told them where they were. As it turned out, he had been correct and they were both fine.


He was also mentioned in another thread:


I also know someone who is gifted in this regard but didn't really like to use his abilities except in special cases. Some people find psychic abilities burdensome and they're not particularly comfortable with such gifts. He helped the police locate two young children who were lost in the woods in northern Maine.
Alex Tanous, a noted psychic and parapsychologist from Maine (now deceased) helped locate my next door neighbor's daughter and boyfriend many, many years ago. They were teenagers at the time and they had eloped but hadn't been in contact with their families. My neighbors consulted Alex Tanous and he told them where they were. As it turned out, he had been correct and they were both fine.


He was also mentioned in another thread:


Unverifiable anecdote.

I also know someone who is gifted in this regard but didn't really like to use his abilities except in special cases. Some people find psychic abilities burdensome and they're not particularly comfortable with such gifts. He helped the police locate two young children who were lost in the woods in northern Maine.

Please identify this "gifted" person.

Please provide information about this case so we can verify just what this "gifted" person did.
I also know someone who is gifted in this regard but didn't really like to use his abilities except in special cases. Some people find psychic abilities burdensome and they're not particularly comfortable with such gifts. He helped the police locate two young children who were lost in the woods in northern Maine.

I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but I could "help" the police find a missing person by participating in a search or related activities.

You will need to further define what actions were involved in the help given and what case information was made available beforehand to your friend.
Good afternoon Hardenbergh.

Your post seems to have missed the point of this very productive thread. If you have evidence to back up your claims, please start a new thread about it. Your post is directly the opposite of what the thread is about.
Good afternoon Hardenbergh.

Your post seems to have missed the point of this very productive thread. If you have evidence to back up your claims, please start a new thread about it. Your post is directly the opposite of what the thread is about.

JPK is right. Perhaps sometimes I am too nice! This thread has been derailed on more than one occasion. Thanks, JPK.

BTW, since I have your (readers) attention, I'd still really love to find someone who would write a simulation dialog between a psychic and a missing person's family member to show the methods they use to reel the gullible and desperate person into believing in them.
Good afternoon KellyJ.

This has been one of the most productive threads I have ever read on this or any forum and I can't thank you enough for that. If he has evidence of a psychic helping someone great. Post it somewhere else.
This has been one of the most productive threads I have ever read on this or any forum and I can't thank you enough for that. JPK

I couldn't agree more! It has been very encouraging to see how people quickly volunteered to help. Kelly, I wish you all the best both on a personal level and with all your ongoing projects.
Thank you, JPK and Mr. Stick.

Dr. Michael Shermer just sent me an email and said I can quote the entire last chapter of his book "How We Believe". It's perfect for the occasion!
Kelly, please accept my belated welcome to this forum, and my sincere condolences for your loss.

Sorry to come in so late, but if there is any assistance I can offer, it would be my pleasure and honour. I can help with the new web site, if needed. Web design, development, hosting, anything. Fowl and Larsen, if you guys need anything, just ask.

Has a domain name been chosen yet? I notice that what appears to be the current choice, psychicpredators.com, has not been registered yet. I can buy the name right now if you want.
Kelly, please accept my belated welcome to this forum, and my sincere condolences for your loss.

Sorry to come in so late, but if there is any assistance I can offer, it would be my pleasure and honour. I can help with the new web site, if needed. Web design, development, hosting, anything. Fowl and Larsen, if you guys need anything, just ask.

Has a domain name been chosen yet? I notice that what appears to be the current choice, psychicpredators.com, has not been registered yet. I can buy the name right now if you want.

Thank you for your kindness. We're working behind the scenes to get this going. Claus did the developement end, and a fine job at that. FS is working on the domain and uploading.

I am to work on the content, but am dog paddling for the time being because of my work in a local search effort.

Please feel free to check with them to see if there is something else they need help with.

Thank you for your kindness. We're working behind the scenes to get this going. Claus did the developement end, and a fine job at that. FS is working on the domain and uploading.

I am to work on the content, but am dog paddling for the time being because of my work in a local search effort.

Please feel free to check with them to see if there is something else they need help with.

OK, I've PMed them. If there's any way I can put my skills to use to help, I'll be glad to.
Do your talents lie on the Web related end of the spectrum, or do you also write?
Mostly web stuff. I can write, and in fact I've had a few TLA nominations, for whatever that's worth. Never won, mind you...

What did you have in mind?
There's a few things I would like to have.

1) A dialog between a missing person family and a psychic that shows the methods the psychic uses to extract information and convince the family that they really do have paranormal abilities.

2) A summary of Sylvia Browne and her grand manipulations, including her apparent refusal to take the Challenge

3) An article about the tricks used by TV psychics: what really goes on behind the scenes

4) I don't know much about Remote Viewing, so I'd like an article about what that is and why it's another false claim

5) A brief history of related paranormal activity in the USA, starting with the Fox sisters

6) A summary of the various methods used by psychics

There may be others I am forgetting right now. I know there are several writers out there. Any and all help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Kelly, as part of my research, I've visited Florida's Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp which was the southern retreat for the Spiritualists who founded Lily Dale in New York State, where Spiritualism got its start in the U.S. and incubated. I do not have info directly related to psychic detectives, but I can report what I found out about psychics, firsthand. I attended their Sunday morning Lyceum, their church service, and the two hours of Sunday afternoon readings that experienced and student mediums hold for the public. I don't know if that would be specific enough, though.
There's a few things I would like to have.

1) A dialog between a missing person family and a psychic that shows the methods the psychic uses to extract information and convince the family that they really do have paranormal abilities.

2) A summary of Sylvia Browne and her grand manipulations, including her apparent refusal to take the Challenge

3) An article about the tricks used by TV psychics: what really goes on behind the scenes

4) I don't know much about Remote Viewing, so I'd like an article about what that is and why it's another false claim

5) A brief history of related paranormal activity in the USA, starting with the Fox sisters

6) A summary of the various methods used by psychics

There may be others I am forgetting right now. I know there are several writers out there. Any and all help is appreciated.

Thank you.


Hi Kelly,

There are others here much more knowledgeable about these things than I am; in fact I'm no expert at all. I really only know about these topics from what I read here and a few other places on the web. CFLarsen has some great articles. Also, the Skeptic's Dictionary and Skeptic Wiki have a lot of information.

It might be worth your while contecting the people at twopercentco to see if you can use their series on Allison DuBois.

Perhaps I'm best helping with the web site: coding, testing, hosting, or anything else.
Kelly, as part of my research, I've visited Florida's Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp which was the southern retreat for the Spiritualists who founded Lily Dale in New York State, where Spiritualism got its start in the U.S. and incubated. I do not have info directly related to psychic detectives, but I can report what I found out about psychics, firsthand. I attended their Sunday morning Lyceum, their church service, and the two hours of Sunday afternoon readings that experienced and student mediums hold for the public. I don't know if that would be specific enough, though.

I've never heard of these places, but I am sure your observances would be helpful. Not all articles will be specifically about missing person's cases, but as long as the reader can draw a rational conclusion from knowledge of the methods used, I'm sure it would be vaulable.

Thank you.
Hi Kelly,

There are others here much more knowledgeable about these things than I am; in fact I'm no expert at all. I really only know about these topics from what I read here and a few other places on the web. CFLarsen has some great articles. Also, the Skeptic's Dictionary and Skeptic Wiki have a lot of information.

It might be worth your while contecting the people at twopercentco to see if you can use their series on Allison DuBois.

Perhaps I'm best helping with the web site: coding, testing, hosting, or anything else.

Aw, thanks for the reminders on those links. I know those will be helpful when writing the summaries of methods used, etc.

It may be possible that there are future website needs as we see how this venture grows.

I will be sure to let Mr. Randi know (when he is better) what a huge help his members have been.
I have posted information about the start of the blog series in the Community forum area.

Thank you, and good night.
Unverifiable anecdote.

Please identify this "gifted" person.

Please provide information about this case so we can verify just what this "gifted" person did.

I didn't want to provide too many details as this person doesn't like to draw too much attention to himself although I did see an article from the newspaper at the time. I would like to add that he never charged for this service and he is the brother of someone very close to me who has since passed on.

Alex Tanous' brother, Wakine, is an attorney. Both Alex and Wakine were friends of the family I was speaking about above.
I didn't want to provide too many details as this person doesn't like to draw too much attention to himself although I did see an article from the newspaper at the time. I would like to add that he never charged for this service and he is the brother of someone very close to me who has since passed on.

Alex Tanous' brother, Wakine, is an attorney. Both Alex and Wakine were friends of the family I was speaking about above.

Please name the newspaper the article appeared in, and, if you can, the date the article appeared. (Month and year; I don't expect you to remember the exact date).
Please name the newspaper the article appeared in, and, if you can, the date the article appeared. (Month and year; I don't expect you to remember the exact date).

His brother showed me a copy of the article but this was many years ago. I assume it was a newspaper in northern Maine (either the Bangor Daily News, Katahdin Press, Lincoln News or some such newspaper in or around Millinocket).
His brother showed me a copy of the article but this was many years ago. I assume it was a newspaper in northern Maine (either the Bangor Daily News, Katahdin Press, Lincoln News or some such newspaper in or around Millinocket).
If our university library does not have this on microfilm, I have friends in Portland who would be able to find it in their library. Please try to narrow down the date--talk to his brother if you need to.
Good morning Hardenbergh.

I didn't want to provide

I do believe you were asked nicely to start your own thread if you have something to say about this. This thread is about providing grieving parents and family information on how to protect themselves against the second wave of predators, like your friends Alex, and Wakine.
If you wish to provide evidence that psychics have some ability to help, do so in a new thread.
If you would like to talk about all the pain they cause a family and the valuable police time and resources they waste, then all means give us your examples.
Please do not continue to blather on about your deluded friends in this thread.
[FONT=&quot] JPK[/FONT]
Good morning KellyJ.

I moved this post from the other thread. I don't know if you saw it or not.
Originally Posted by KellyJ :
Is there anything still on the web about this that shows the error of Carla's ways on this case?

I think this is the one where the dad claimed he couldn't remember where he placed their bodies. The mother spent alot of time going back and forth on I-80 looking for them.

Yes that is the case. I think I read in one of your posts that you are aware of I.I.G.
Here is a link to their investigation into Carla Baron's claims of success.
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular] Sarah and Philip Gehring was thier names. [/FONT]
That case is mentioned there but it hasn't been updated.
Good morning Hardenbergh.

I do believe you were asked nicely to start your own thread if you have something to say about this. This thread is about providing grieving parents and family information on how to protect themselves against the second wave of predators, like your friends Alex, and Wakine.
If you wish to provide evidence that psychics have some ability to help, do so in a new thread.
If you would like to talk about all the pain they cause a family and the valuable police time and resources they waste, then all means give us your examples.
Please do not continue to blather on about your deluded friends in this thread.
[FONT=&quot] JPK[/FONT]

I'm aware that there are more charlatans than not but I'm confident that there are many that have helped the police. I'm very sorry that the author of this thread has had this experience. I'll say no more about it.
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