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[Merged] Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? Pt 2

"Usual insanely blatant lying about a science article. This is a flare three million years ago. The Solar System alone is 4.6 billion years old ! The Milky Way was born maybe 13 billion years ago !"


Sun born 5 billions years ago.

Still Sun have very strong burst / storms today.

Galaxys born inside to outside long time ago. Like over 13 billions years ago.

But still this expanding supermassive concentrations expanding and emit expanding dark matter.

Sometimes very strong burst / storms like this one three millions years ago.

The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science

"Usual insanely blatant lying about a science article. This is a flare three million years ago. The Solar System alone is 4.6 billion years old ! The Milky Way was born maybe 13 billion years ago !"
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 10 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

More insanity about the fact that he lied about a science article.
A flare 3 million years ago is not about the birth of the Milky Way because that happened billions of years ago as in what he quotes from my post.
Not long ago, the center of the Milky Way exploded
A titanic, expanding beam of energy sprang from close to the supermassive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way just 3.5 million years ago, sending a cone-shaped burst of radiation through both poles of the Galaxy and out into deep space.
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 10 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

More insanity about the fact that he lied about a science article.
A flare 3 million years ago is not about the birth of the Milky Way because that happened billions of years ago as in what he quotes from my post.
Not long ago, the center of the Milky Way exploded


Sun born 5 billions years ago.

Still Sun have very strong burst / storms today.

Galaxys born inside to outside long time ago. Like over 13 billions years ago.

But still this expanding supermassive concentrations expanding and emit expanding dark matter.

Sometimes very strong burst / storms like this one,

three millions years ago.

Repeats his insanity of emphasizing the fact that he lied about a science article

The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 10 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Repeats his insanity of emphasizing the fact that he lied about a science article.

For others:
Not long ago, the center of the Milky Way exploded is that 3 million years ago the supermassive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way underwent a huge nuclear explosion. That caused two enormous 'ionisation cones' that quickly exited the Milky Way and hit the Magellanic Stream about 200,00 light years away and above the galactic plane. There is existing evidence for this event. The paper uses the impacts on the Stream as more evidence and to trace the flowing gases back to the center of the galaxy.

The large-scale ionization cones in the Galaxy (preprint, to be published Astrophysical Journal, November issue, 2019)
Have scientists succeeded in stretching space !!?

You would think that this can be done because the continuous expansion of space is so certain that it is not reasonable to doubt it?!?

Or could the light, after all, expand and consist for the most part of us, the waves of darkening, which interact with each other and cause each other to expand, so that the speed of expanding light would increase in proportion to matter and light.

These dark waves of expanding light for us would be the expanding pushing force that the expanding nuclei of atoms circulate among themselves.

If so, the elongation of the old light, that is, the general redshift, would be explained without a hat-trapped concept that can be compared to the gods.

Stretched photons Recover lost interference


"With an eye toward easing these requirements, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) and the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) have stretched out multiple photons — the quantum particles of light — and turned three distinct pulses into overlapping quantum waves The work that was published recently in the Journal of Physical Review Letters, restoring the interference between photons and may eventually enable a demonstration of a particular kind of quantum supremacy — a clear speed advantage for computers that run on the rules of quantum physics .

"While photons don't directly interact with each other when they meet, they can exhibit a purely quantum feature absent from Classical, non-quantum waves," says JQI Fellow Mohammad Hafezi, co-author of the paper and an associate professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maryland. "

Just like this!!!

Expanding photons do not interact much with each other, but these dark waves of expanding light do interact with us, and it is these waves that carry these expanding photons.

The expanding photons surfing then convey information about the expanding object from which the expanding light originates.


Ovatkohan tutkijat onnistuneet venyttämään avaruutta!!?

Luulisi että näin voidaan tehdä koska avaruuden jatkuva laajeneminen on niin varmaa ettei sitä ole järkevää epäillä?!?

Vai voisiko valo sittenkin laajentua ja koostua suurimmaksi osaksi meille pimeistä laajenevista aalloista jotka vuorovaikuttavat toistensa kanssa ja saavat toistensa laajenemisen kiihtymään, jolloin laajenevan valon vauhti kiihtyisi samassa suhteessa kuin aine ja valo laajenevat.

Nämä laajenevan valon meille pimeät aallot olisivat sitä laajenevaa työntävää voimaa jota laajenevat atomien ytimet keskenään kierrättävät.

Jos, niin silloin vanhan valon venyminen eli yleinen punasiirtyminen selittyisi ilman hatusta tempaistua käsitettä jota voidaan verrata jumaliin.

Stretched photons recover lost interference


"With an eye toward easing these requirements, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) and the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) have stretched out multiple photons—the quantum particles of light—and turned three distinct pulses into overlapping quantum waves. The work, which was published recently in the journal Physical Review Letters, restores the interference between photons and may eventually enable a demonstration of a particular kind of quantum supremacy—a clear speed advantage for computers that run on the rules of quantum physics.

"While photons do not directly interact with each other, when they meet they can exhibit a purely quantum feature absent from classical, non-quantum waves," says JQI Fellow Mohammad Hafezi, a co-author of the paper and an associate professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maryland."

Juuri näin!!!

Laajenevat fotonit eivät juurikaan vuorovaikuta toistensa kanssa, mutta nämä meille pimeät laajenevan valon aallot kylläkin vuorovaikuttavat ja juuri nämä aallothan näitä laajenevia fotoneita kuljettavat.

Surffaavat laajenevat fotonit sitten välittävät infoa laajenevasta kohteesta josta laajeneva valo on peräisin.

Have scientists succeeded in stretching space !!?

Sure, all it takes is localized mass or energy.

You would think that this can be done because the continuous expansion of space is so certain that it is not reasonable to doubt it?!?

The metric expansion of space is different than a simple stretching of space and is only significant on cosmological scales.

Or could the light, after all, expand and consist for the most part of us, the waves of darkening, which interact with each other and cause each other to expand, so that the speed of expanding light would increase in proportion to matter and light.

No experiment has shown any increase in the local speed of light in a vacuum

These dark waves of expanding light for us would be the expanding pushing force that the expanding nuclei of atoms circulate among themselves.

If so, the elongation of the old light, that is, the general redshift, would be explained without a hat-trapped concept that can be compared to the gods.

The cosmological red shifting of light is only one method of estimating distance on that scale. So even if whatever gibberish you want to spout purports to otherwise explain the cosmological red shifting of light it can't refute the evidence of expansion by other methods of estimating cosmological distances.

You are simply wasting your time.


Stretched photons Recover lost interference


"With an eye toward easing these requirements, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) and the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) have stretched out multiple photons — the quantum particles of light — and turned three distinct pulses into overlapping quantum waves The work that was published recently in the Journal of Physical Review Letters, restoring the interference between photons and may eventually enable a demonstration of a particular kind of quantum supremacy — a clear speed advantage for computers that run on the rules of quantum physics .

"While photons don't directly interact with each other when they meet, they can exhibit a purely quantum feature absent from Classical, non-quantum waves," says JQI Fellow Mohammad Hafezi, co-author of the paper and an associate professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maryland. "

Just like this!!!

Expanding photons do not interact much with each other, but these dark waves of expanding light do interact with us, and it is these waves that carry these expanding photons.

The expanding photons surfing then convey information about the expanding object from which the expanding light originates.


You said just above that they do "interact with each other and cause each other to expand, so that the speed of expanding light would increase in proportion to matter and light."

Do please let us know when you can at least agree with just yourself.

So, have you actually tried that rope experiment yet?

If not, why not?

If so, why haven't you reported what you found?

It would clearly demonstrate the difference between pulling and pushing forces. Particularly on materials that, well, react differently to such differing forces.

How do the observations of that experiment support your "point of view", particularly about there being no pulling forces?
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Where is coming from energy which keep Ceres water liqued way.

Same phenomena which explain Sunspots, Jupiter red spot, our hurricanes and tornadoes.

Now, suspects don't understand how rocky planets work.

Strong display Ceres can provide liquid water.

But, but what's the energy like?

No, where does the energy for the Jupiter red spot come from?

For other gas planet storms / spots?


Hurricanes and tornadoes?

Ps. Can't cry enough hurricanes and tornadoes would be known and understood with equal accuracy !!!

Don't understand, look for that !!!

From How the Universe works program.


The video explores the Cereselle energy from where and how it keeps the water liquid and also releases it from Ceres earlier.


Nyt epäilevät etteivät ymmärrä miten kiviset planeetat toimivat.

Vahvaa näyttöä että Cereksellä olisi nestemäistä vettä.

Mutta mutta, mistä energia moiseen?

No, mistä energia Jupiterin punaiselle pilkulle?

Muiden kaasuplaneettojen myrskyille / pilkuille?


Hurrikaaneille ja tornadoille?

Ps. Älä jaksa itkeä sitä että hurrikaanien ja tornadojen syntytapa muka tiedettäisiin ja ymmärrettäisiin jo muka tasan tarkkaan!!!

Eivät ymmärrä, eivätkä tiedä!!!

Ja tästä videoon jossa videolainaus kuutos kanavan Uljas Universumi ohjelmasta.


Videolla käyn läpi mistä ja miten Cerekselle energiaa joka pitää sen veden nestemäisenä ja saa sen myös purkautumaan aika ajoin ulos Cereksestä.

The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science

Where is coming from energy which keep Ceres water liqued way....
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 10 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Usual insane gibberish and lies.

There is no evidence of liquid water on or in Ceres. We have detected emissions of water vapor, probably from exposed water ices - "There are indications that Ceres has a tenuous water vapor atmosphere outgassing from water ice on the surface.[105][106][107]". There is evidence of brine held in hydrated minerals. Ahuna Mons may be a crypovolcanoe formed by the brine being melted and squeezed out from the interior by an impact on the opposite side of Ceres.

An insane lie that we do not know how rocky planets work. Delusions about Jupiter's Red Spot which is just weather on a gas giant. Delusions about unrelated sunspots, hurricanes and tornadoes.

A new deluded video about Ceres and his delusion of liquid water on Ceres.
The usual insane lies, delusions, insults, etc. addressed over the last 10 years

So, reality check say that this science people in How the Universe working program is liars?!?
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 10 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Lies about my post which was:
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 10 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Usual insane gibberish and lies.

There is no evidence of liquid water on or in Ceres. We have detected emissions of water vapor, probably from exposed water ices - "There are indications that Ceres has a tenuous water vapor atmosphere outgassing from water ice on the surface.[105][106][107]". There is evidence of brine held in hydrated minerals. Ahuna Mons may be a crypovolcanoe formed by the brine being melted and squeezed out from the interior by an impact on the opposite side of Ceres.

An insane lie that we do not know how rocky planets work. Delusions about Jupiter's Red Spot which is just weather on a gas giant. Delusions about unrelated sunspots, hurricanes and tornadoes.

A new deluded video about Ceres and his delusion of liquid water on Ceres.

An utterly stupid lie of linking to his deluded video instead of any science or "science people" :jaw-dropp

Probably another utterly stupid lie of a "How the Universe working program" somewhere with scientists stating Ceres."]Ceres[/URL] has liquid water.

A basic fact about Ceres is that its temperature is between minus 73 degrees Celsius (day side) and minus 143 C (night side).
A basic fact about water - it is liquid at 1 atmosphere at 0 Celsius and a solid below that. I leave it to Pixie of key to do simple research and find out what water does in the vacuum on Ceres. Hint: Only water ice with sublimation to water vapor is mentioned for Ceres!


Hello Cardboard, wake up!!!

It's then there !!!

What have I told you already many plans to ???

Galaxies are created from the inside out.

The birth of each supermassive object in the center of the galaxy is its own 3D "Big Bang" where the expanding supermassive object is created as if from nothing but of course nothing because they are born of the thrust that has always existed and of course they also come from space 3 D mode, which in itself is nothing!

And when two expanding supermassive objects collide at a steep angle from their start, a new expanding galaxy will emerge from the seemingly empty, but certainly not empty !!!

Cosmic Yeti From Dawn Of The Universe Found Lurking In Dust


"Discovery may solve a long-standing question in astronomy," the authors said. Recent studies have found that some of the biggest galaxies in the young universe grew up and came of age extremely quickly, a result that is not understood theoretically. Massive mature galaxies are seen when the universe was only a cosmic toddler at 10% of its current age. Even more puzzling is that these mature galaxies appear to come out of nowhere: astronomers never seem to catch them while they are forming. "

It is time to wake up!!!

Now or never!!!

Forget expanding space!

Forget curving space!

Forget extra dimensions!

Forget dark matter with pulling force!

Forget dark energy which get someway somehow expanding space expanding someway somehow faster.

Here is coming expanding pushing force which explain everything!

You dont understund that Nucleus of atoms expanding and recycling dark expanding pushing force which have example nature of expanding light.

Expanding light waves is dark for us, but we know, there is waves because we can register photons.

But almost all expanding light mass is in dark expanding waves.

Expanding lights interactive with eachother and get eachother expanding faster and faster. So expanding light moving faster and faster same way what matter and light expanding.


So, Dark Expanding light waves interactive with eachother and get eachother expanding faster. Thats why expanding light moving faster and faster same way what matter and light expanding.

Explanation for

1. Bending light near star and galaxy

2. Cosmologys way redshifted light

3. Gravity redshifted light

So, there is no expanding space!

No curving space!

Space is infinity 3 D place which is nothing.


Wake up you cardboard!!!

Wake up.



Hello Cardboard, wake up!!!

It's then there !!!

What have I told you already many plans to ???

Galaxies are created from the inside out.

The birth of each supermassive object in the center of the galaxy is its own 3D "Big Bang" where the expanding supermassive object is created as if from nothing but of course nothing because they are born of the thrust that has always existed and of course they also come from space 3 D mode, which in itself is nothing!

And when two expanding supermassive objects collide at a steep angle from their start, a new expanding galaxy will emerge from the seemingly empty, but certainly not empty !!!

Cosmic Yeti From Dawn Of The Universe Found Lurking In Dust


"Discovery may solve a long-standing question in astronomy," the authors said. Recent studies have found that some of the biggest galaxies in the young universe grew up and came of age extremely quickly, a result that is not understood theoretically. Massive mature galaxies are seen when the universe was only a cosmic toddler at 10% of its current age. Even more puzzling is that these mature galaxies appear to come out of nowhere: astronomers never seem to catch them while they are forming. "


The article you cite makes no such claims. In fact you even quote it above asserting "these mature galaxies appear to come out of nowhere: astronomers never seem to catch them while they are forming. "

So they only seem to come from nowhere since they generally aren't observed while forming. Well this one is.

"Our hidden monster galaxy has precisely the right ingredients to be that missing link," Williams explains, "because they are probably a lot more common."


"JWST will be able to look through the dust veil so we can learn how big these galaxies really are and how fast they are growing, to better understand why models fail in explaining them."

Why do you continue to cite articles that not only don't support your claims but often directly refute them?
Here is some cardboards who i cant help.

They believing so strong way today theory that they cant think about things with own brain!!!

Expanding galaxys born very quickly inside to outside!

"Recent studies found that some of the biggest galaxies in the young universe grew up and came of age extremely quickly, a result that is not understood theoretically."

I understund how and i understund that exactly right.

It is time to wake up!!!

Now or never!!!

Forget expanding space!

Forget curving space!

Forget extra dimensions!

Forget dark matter with pulling force!

Forget dark energy which get someway somehow expanding space expanding someway somehow faster.

Here is coming expanding pushing force which explain everything!


Nope not even in just a basic mechanical application. A "pushing force" can't explain why things can get pulled apart. Nor why you need some magnitude of force to pull such things apart at all. As their must be opposing pulling forces of some magnitude holding it together in the first place, that needs to be overcome. When operating in the elastic range of a materials inter-molecular pulling forces you can stretch the material under force but once that force is released those inter-molecular forces pull it back into shape.


Have you actually tried that rope experiment yet?

If not, why not?

If so, why haven't you reported what you found?

It would clearly demonstrate the difference between pulling and pushing forces. Particularly on materials that, well, react differently to such differing forces.

How do the observations of that experiment support your "point of view", particularly about there being no pulling forces?
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The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science

The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 11 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Gibberish pathetically trying to be insults?

We are using our brains, unlike him. We know what science is and what lies are. We recognize ignorant and lying gibberish when we see it especially when there are over 11 years of maybe thousands of deluded and lying posts.
In the real world, science is written in the language of mathematics. His delusions have no mathematics (a bit of arithmetic pops up sometimes) :eye-poppi!
In the real world, science makes predictions that can be tested by many people and can be falsified. His delusions have no predictions except what he imagines and are only true in his head :eye-poppi!
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The usual insane lies, delusions, insults, etc. addressed over the last 10 years

The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 11 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Usual obvious lies about what he cites.

This article dos not say anything about how galaxies grow.
Cosmic Yeti from the dawn of the universe found lurking in dust
Astronomers accidentally discovered the footprints of a monster galaxy in the early universe that has never been seen before. Like a cosmic Yeti, the scientific community generally regarded these galaxies as folklore, given the lack of evidence of their existence, but astronomers in the United States and Australia managed to snap a picture of the beast for the first time. ...
The discovery may solve a long-standing question in astronomy, the authors said. Recent studies found that some of the biggest galaxies in the young universe grew up and came of age extremely quickly, a result that is not understood theoretically. Massive mature galaxies are seen when the universe was only a cosmic toddler at 10% of its current age. Even more puzzling is that these mature galaxies appear to come out of nowhere: astronomers never seem to catch them while they are forming.
The evidence from this and previous observations is that galaxies formed fast in the early universe and matured early to look like current galaxies. That is consistent with galaxies forming from collapsing gas clouds ("outside in"). It is evidence against large galaxies forming by merging (too slow).

This is not evidence for insane fantasies of an internet crank - see the stupidity about each "supermassive object in the center of the galaxy" in his post.
Supermassive black holes are a lot of matter that has collapsed to become dense enough to be hidden behind an event horizon. They are created either by collapsing gas clouds or stellar sized black holes growing. That is not the insanity of being created out of nothing.
An insane fantasy that colliding supermassive black holes create a galaxy when supermassive black holes are a tiny fraction of the mass of a galaxy and never emit anything (they are black :eek:).
Abysmal stupidity of the Big Bang being created out of nothing. The Big Bang starts at a very small time with the universe filled with something ("In the most common models the universe was filled homogeneously and isotropically with a very high energy density and huge temperatures and pressures..."). :jaw-dropp!
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Nope not even in just a basic mechanical application. A "pushing force" can't explain why things can get pulled apart. Nor why you need some magnitude of force to pull such things apart at all. As their must be opposing pulling forces of some magnitude holding it together in the first place, that needs to be overcome. When operating in the elastic range of a materials inter-molecular pulling forces you can stretch the material under force but once that force is released those inter-molecular forces pull it back into shape.


Have you actually tried that rope experiment yet?

If not, why not?

If so, why haven't you reported what you found?

It would clearly demonstrate the difference between pulling and pushing forces. Particularly on materials that, well, react differently to such differing forces.

How do the observations of that experiment support your "point of view", particularly about there being no pulling forces?

Just like i already told you.

This all i just too much for you.

You cant handle expanding pushing force.

You need to think about everything new way and it is too much for you.

Espeasially if you dont even try to think new way.

You have to forget everything what you already learn about matter!!!


You just have to start zero point and building everything again in your mind.

Maybe it is too much for you.

Galaxys born inside to outside quickly!!!

"Recent studies have found that some of the biggest galaxies in the young universe grew up and came of age extremely quickly, a result that is not understood theoretically."

Cosmic Yeti From Dawn Of The Universe Found Lurking In Dust


"Discovery may solve a long-standing question in astronomy," the authors said. Recent studies have found that some of the biggest galaxies in the young universe grew up and came of age extremely quickly, a result that is not understood theoretically. Massive mature galaxies are seen when the universe was only a cosmic toddler at 10% of its current age. Even more puzzling is that these mature galaxies appear to come out of nowhere: astronomers never seem to catch them while they are forming. "

A crisis in cosmology: New data suggests the universe expanding more rapidly than believed


""Therein lies the crisis in cosmology," says Fassnacht. "While the Hubble Constant is constant everywhere in space at a given time, it is not constant in time. So, when we are comparing the Hubble Constants that come out of various techniques, we are comparing the early universe (using distant observations) vs. the late, more modern part of the universe (using local, nearby observations)."

This suggests that either there is a problem with the CMB measurements, which the team says is unlikely, or the standard model of cosmology needs to be changed in some way using new physics to correct the discrepancy."

With expanding space you cant explain this news!!!

Time to wake up cardboards!!!

With expanding lights interacting with each other, the observations are explained in a logically beautiful simple way.
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science

A crisis in cosmology: New data suggests the universe expanding more rapidly than believed


""Therein lies the crisis in cosmology," says Fassnacht. "While the Hubble Constant is constant everywhere in space at a given time, it is not constant in time. So, when we are comparing the Hubble Constants that come out of various techniques, we are comparing the early universe (using distant observations) vs. the late, more modern part of the universe (using local, nearby observations)."

This suggests that either there is a problem with the CMB measurements, which the team says is unlikely, or the standard model of cosmology needs to be changed in some way using new physics to correct the discrepancy."
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 11 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Usual deluded lies about science. Usual insane lie that his delusions can explain anything in cosmology - that wold need the math and physics he has no idea about.

For others:
A crisis in cosmology: New data suggests the universe expanding more rapidly than believed
The article he cites says that the universe is expanding- which has been known since 1927. That group measured a rate at which the universe is expanding :jaw-dropp! Hubble's law is merely the first evidence found. The existence and properties of the CMB tell anyone with an education or the ability to use Google that the universe was once on a hot dense state. No thinking person can have doubts that the universe is expanding given the overwhelming evidence that the universe is expanding.

The issue here is 2 different methods give two rates for the measured expansion. The measurements got accurate enough a couple of years ago to show that the rates are different. That gives a few possibilities. One of the methods has a systematic error that when fixed will bring the rate in agreement with the other rate. There is new physics affecting one method and not the other. Both rates are wrong either through systematic errors or new physics.
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Just like i already told you.

This all i just too much for you.

You cant handle expanding pushing force.

Incorrect, handling forces and their effects on materials was an essential part of me being a Mechanical Engineer.

You need to think about everything new way and it is too much for you.

Nope, particularly if your "new way" precludes pulling forces that are readily observable and easily applicable.

What did you learn from the rope experiment?

Espeasially if you dont even try to think new way.

Correct, your "new way" is demonstrably deficient. Something, based on your video before about the rope experiment, you evidently have even demonstrated to yourself.

You have to forget everything what you already learn about matter!!!


You just have to start zero point and building everything again in your mind.

Nope, a 'new way of thinking' needs to encompass and support want we "already learn about matter". Insisting your thinking needs to forget any of that just asserts your thinking to be deliberately ignorant.

Maybe it is too much for you.


Again, this is all just evidently too much for you. As not only didn't you even try to address the deficiencies, with regard to pulling forces, of your 'new way of thinking' that you quoted from me, you simply asserted your own intentional ignorance in said thinking. That, just in and of itself, demonstrates that such pulling forces are just "too much for you" and your 'way of thinking'

For your own edification deliberate ignorance is not a 'new way of thinking'

So, have you actually tried that rope experiment yet?

If not, why not?

If so, why haven't you reported what you found?

It would clearly demonstrate the difference between pulling and pushing forces. Particularly on materials that, well, react differently to such differing forces.

How do the observations of that experiment support your "point of view", particularly about there being no pulling forces?
A crisis in cosmology: New data suggests the universe expanding more rapidly than believed


""Therein lies the crisis in cosmology," says Fassnacht. "While the Hubble Constant is constant everywhere in space at a given time, it is not constant in time. So, when we are comparing the Hubble Constants that come out of various techniques, we are comparing the early universe (using distant observations) vs. the late, more modern part of the universe (using local, nearby observations)."

This suggests that either there is a problem with the CMB measurements, which the team says is unlikely, or the standard model of cosmology needs to be changed in some way using new physics to correct the discrepancy."

With expanding space you cant explain this news!!!

Time to wake up cardboards!!!

With expanding lights interacting with each other, the observations are explained in a logically beautiful simple way.

Once again "expanding lights interacting with each other" doesn't explain other methods of establishing changes in cosmological distances. Nor does it explain blue shifting (opposite of "expanding lights") or no shifting for locally gravity bound (co-moving) groups. Further in order to be detectable at cosmological scales such expansion of simply light would have to be detectable to smaller degrees at smaller scales. As one of your precepts seems to be that this expansion of everything isn't directly detectable then nether should be your "expanding lights".
With expanding energy fields of light, internal pressures of different magnitudes in different regions = explanation for the general redshift of light.

1. Expanding light has a lot of mass, but our devices cannot register the expanding waves of the expanding light that are dark to us, which is the expanding thrust that all expanding nuclei of atoms circulate with one another.

2. We can examine the expanding light with the help of available photons.

3. Expanding photons are a very small part of the expanding light. They are like foam heads of waves of expanding light.

4. The wave nature of the expanding light is projected by the available photons.

5. In the double-gap test, send single photons and see where the waves of expanding light are transporting us.

6. For us, the dark waves of expanding lights interact with each other, accelerating each other's expansion out of space into existing space.

7. The denser the individual expanding densities of the waves of the expanding light, the greater is the internal pressure of the expanding energy field formed by the expanding lights and the more widely expanding the energy field diffuses / expands outward into existing space.

8. In large "empty" spaces of space between galaxy clusters, the expanding energy field of the expanding beam of light is not as large as within the galaxy cluster.

9. Due to lower internal pressure, the rate of expanding light does not accelerate away from its own galaxy cluster as quickly as the rate of expanding light accelerates within the forward galaxy clusters.

10. When the old expanding light finally projects inside or past another expanding galaxy, the new, more energetic and slightly faster expanding light accelerates the old expanding light to its own, thus extending the old expanding light, i.e., generally redshifting.

11. The more expansive light that has passed through / past the galaxy cluster, the more elongated or generally redshifted the expanding light.

Expanding light vs. expanding space.

1. Space does not radiate information. You can't try to manipulate space to get information about it. In other words, expanding space is a completely religious concept. Expanding space is emperor naked.

2. Light can be studied scientifically. If and when the lights expand and interact with each other, we can change the trajectory of the expanding light with billions of years of expanding light by conducting a scientific experiment.

Why do cosmologists believe in the existence of an expanding space trapped in a hat even though they cannot scientifically prove its existence?!?

Expanding space is a concept similar to the gods of antiquity.

New map of Milky Way reveals giant wave of stellar nurseries


"The new, 3-D map shows our galactic neighborhood in a new light, giving researchers a revised view of the Milky Way and opening the door to other major discoveries.

"We don't know what causes this shape but it could be like a ripple in a pond, as if something extraordinarily massive landed in our galaxy," said Alves. "What we do know is that our Sun interacts with this structure. It passed by a festival of supernovae as it crossed Orion 13 million years ago, and in another 13 million years it will cross the structure again, sort of like we are 'surfing the wave'.""

Well yeah, why can't expanding stars be these foam heads of expanding waves of expanding dark matter?!?

Where the expanding photons are the foam heads of the expanding dark light waves of the darkening us?!?


No joo, miksipä eivät laajenevat tähdet voisi olla näitä laajenevan pimeän aineen laajenevien aaltojen vaahtopäitä?!?

Siinä missä laajenevat fotonit ovat laajenevan valon meille pimeiden laajenevien aaltojen vaahtopäitä?!?

The turbulent life of two supermassive black holes caught in a galaxy crash

"Most of the gas is located in a region between the two black holes. Less detailed observations taken previously suggested that this gas might be a rotating disk. "We don't find any evidence for that," said Treister. "Instead, we see a chaotic stream of gas with filaments and bubbles between the black holes. Some of this gas is ejected outwards with speeds up to 500 kilometers per second. We don't know yet what causes these outflows.""


"The gas also turned out to be even closer to the black holes than the astronomers had expected. "It is located in a very extreme environment," explained Medling. "We think that it will eventually fall into the black hole, or it will be ejected at high speeds.""

There it is!!!

Expandable dark matter protrudes from the expanding supermassive objects, which then meets the expanding dark matter protruding from this other expanding supermassive object.

Interaction with the projecting expanding dark matter accelerates the expansion of the expanding dark matter and thus creates a new detectable expanding substance.

If the expansion of the expanding dark matter accelerates into an explosion, new expanding stars will be created without the pulling forces and without the bonding forces that really do not exist at all.


Siinä se on!!!

Laajenevista supermassiivisista kohteista työntyy ulos laajenevaa pimeää ainetta joka kohtaa vastaan työntyvää laajenevaa pimeää ainetta joka siis peräisin tästä toisesta laajenevasta supermassiivisesta kohteesta.

Vuorovaikutus vastaan työntyvän laajenevan pimeän aineen kanssa kiihdyttää laajenevan pimeän aineen laajenemista ja näin syntyy uutta havaittavaa laajenevaa ainetta.

Jos laajenevan pimeän aineen laajeneminen kiihtyy räjähdyksenomaiseksi, syntyy uusia laajenevia tähtiä ilman vetäviä voimia ja ilman sidosvoimia joita ei siis oikeasti ole olemassa ollenkaan.

... gibberish snip...

5. In the double-gap test, send single photons and see where the waves of expanding light are transporting us.

Single photon double slit experiments have been done.


Feel free to glean whatever "where the waves of expanding light are transporting us" information you can from such experiments.

6. For us, the dark waves of expanding lights interact with each other, accelerating each other's expansion out of space into existing space.

... gibberish snip...

This part "For us", contradicts this part "the dark waves of expanding lights interact with each other, accelerating each other's expansion out of space into existing space"

Do please let us know when you can at least agree with just yourself.

Expanding light vs. expanding space.

1. Space does not radiate information. You can't try to manipulate space to get information about it. In other words, expanding space is a completely religious concept. Expanding space is emperor naked.

The metric expansion of space doesn't require it to "radiate information". Your objection is moot just as your assertion is silly.

2. Light can be studied scientifically. If and when the lights expand and interact with each other, we can change the trajectory of the expanding light with billions of years of expanding light by conducting a scientific experiment.

Space "can be studied scientifically" and as noted before, it has elecromagnetic properties, without which EM waves could not even transverse, well, space.

Why do cosmologists believe in the existence of an expanding space trapped in a hat even though they cannot scientifically prove its existence?!?

Expanding space is a concept similar to the gods of antiquity.


Simply because observational evidence supports the conclusion that the universe is expanding. Unlike, "the gods of antiquity".

So, have you actually tried that rope experiment yet?

If not, why not?

If so, why haven't you reported what you found?

It would clearly demonstrate the difference between pulling and pushing forces. Particularly on materials that, well, react differently to such differing forces.

How do the observations of that experiment support your "point of view", particularly about there being no pulling forces?
The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science

The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 11 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread

Probably completely insane gibberish even in his native language. For example:
1. Delusion that light has mass (even his "expanding light" delusion).
2. Delusion that his "expanding light" delusion
5. Abysmal ignorance - single particle double slit experiments have been done for many decades.
Merli, P G; Missiroli, G F; Pozzi, G (1976). "On the statistical aspect of electron interference phenomena". American Journal of Physics. 44 (3): 306–307. Bibcode:1976AmJPh..44..306M. doi:10.1119/1.10184.
Single photon slit experiments are standard physics demonstrations: Single Photon Interference.

Then we get "1. Space does not radiate information." insanity. No one says that. We say that the universe is expanding because the physical evidence matches what we predict for an expanding universe. Hubble's law, CMB, etc. happen in an expanding universe. That is physical information from physical objects in space (galaxies, light, etc).
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The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science

The same gibberish, ignorance, delusions and lies about science in this 11 year old Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? thread
There is no dark matter in this article or any of his "expanding stuff" delusions.
New map of Milky Way reveals giant wave of stellar nurseries is simply that there is a wave of stellar formation that includes stellar nurseries that we already knew about.
It is nice to be here. Thank you.

I think i found out how universe working.

With expanding energy fields of light, internal pressures of different magnitudes in different regions = explanation for the general redshift of light.


1. Expanding light has a lot of mass, but our devices can't register the expanding waves of the expanding light that are dark to us, which is the expanding thrust that all expanding nuclei of atoms circulate with one another.

2. We can study expanding light with the help of available photons.

3. Expanding photons are a very small part of the expanding light. They are like foam heads of waves of expanding light.

4. The wavy nature of the expanding light is projected by the available photons.

5. In the double gap test, send single photons and see where the waves of expanding light are transporting us.

6. For us, the dark waves of expanding lights interact with each other, accelerating each other's expansion out of space into existing space.

7. The denser the individual expanding densities of the waves of the expanding light, the greater the internal pressure of the expanding energy field formed by the expanding light and the more widely expanding the energy field will diffuse / expand outward into existing space.

8. In a large "empty" space between galaxy clusters, the expanding energy field of the expanding light field is not as large as within the galaxy cluster.

9. Due to lower internal pressure, the rate of expanding light does not accelerate away from its own galaxy cluster as quickly as the rate of expanding light accelerates within the forward galaxy clusters.

10. When the old expanding light finally projects inside or past another expanding galaxy, the new, more energetic and slightly faster expanding light accelerates the old expanding light to its own, thus extending the old expanding light, that is, generally redshifting.

11. The more expansive light that has passed through / past the galaxy cluster, the more elongated or generally redshifted the expanding light.

Expanding light vs. expanding space.

1. Space does not radiate information. You can't try to manipulate space to get information about it. In other words, expanding space is a completely religious concept. Expanding space is emperor naked.

2. Light can be studied scientifically. If and when the lights expand and interact with each other, we can change the trajectory of the expanding light with billions of years of expanding light by conducting a scientific experiment.

Why do cosmologists believe in the existence of an expanding space trapped in a hat even though they cannot scientifically prove its existence?!?

Expanding space is a concept similar to the gods of antiquity.

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