Have scientists succeeded in stretching space !!?
You would think that this can be done because the continuous expansion of space is so certain that it is not reasonable to doubt it?!?
Or could the light, after all, expand and consist for the most part of us, the waves of darkening, which interact with each other and cause each other to expand, so that the speed of expanding light would increase in proportion to matter and light.
These dark waves of expanding light for us would be the expanding pushing force that the expanding nuclei of atoms circulate among themselves.
If so, the elongation of the old light, that is, the general redshift, would be explained without a hat-trapped concept that can be compared to the gods.
Stretched photons Recover lost interference
"With an eye toward easing these requirements, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) and the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) have stretched out multiple photons — the quantum particles of light — and turned three distinct pulses into overlapping quantum waves The work that was published recently in the Journal of Physical Review Letters, restoring the interference between photons and may eventually enable a demonstration of a particular kind of quantum supremacy — a clear speed advantage for computers that run on the rules of quantum physics .
"While photons don't directly interact with each other when they meet, they can exhibit a purely quantum feature absent from Classical, non-quantum waves," says JQI Fellow Mohammad Hafezi, co-author of the paper and an associate professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maryland. "
Just like this!!!
Expanding photons do not interact much with each other, but these dark waves of expanding light do interact with us, and it is these waves that carry these expanding photons.
The expanding photons surfing then convey information about the expanding object from which the expanding light originates.
Ovatkohan tutkijat onnistuneet venyttämään avaruutta!!?
Luulisi että näin voidaan tehdä koska avaruuden jatkuva laajeneminen on niin varmaa ettei sitä ole järkevää epäillä?!?
Vai voisiko valo sittenkin laajentua ja koostua suurimmaksi osaksi meille pimeistä laajenevista aalloista jotka vuorovaikuttavat toistensa kanssa ja saavat toistensa laajenemisen kiihtymään, jolloin laajenevan valon vauhti kiihtyisi samassa suhteessa kuin aine ja valo laajenevat.
Nämä laajenevan valon meille pimeät aallot olisivat sitä laajenevaa työntävää voimaa jota laajenevat atomien ytimet keskenään kierrättävät.
Jos, niin silloin vanhan valon venyminen eli yleinen punasiirtyminen selittyisi ilman hatusta tempaistua käsitettä jota voidaan verrata jumaliin.
Stretched photons recover lost interference
"With an eye toward easing these requirements, researchers at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) and the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) have stretched out multiple photons—the quantum particles of light—and turned three distinct pulses into overlapping quantum waves. The work, which was published recently in the journal Physical Review Letters, restores the interference between photons and may eventually enable a demonstration of a particular kind of quantum supremacy—a clear speed advantage for computers that run on the rules of quantum physics.
"While photons do not directly interact with each other, when they meet they can exhibit a purely quantum feature absent from classical, non-quantum waves," says JQI Fellow Mohammad Hafezi, a co-author of the paper and an associate professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering at the University of Maryland."
Juuri näin!!!
Laajenevat fotonit eivät juurikaan vuorovaikuta toistensa kanssa, mutta nämä meille pimeät laajenevan valon aallot kylläkin vuorovaikuttavat ja juuri nämä aallothan näitä laajenevia fotoneita kuljettavat.
Surffaavat laajenevat fotonit sitten välittävät infoa laajenevasta kohteesta josta laajeneva valo on peräisin.