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Merged Onesimpleprinciple predicting the flow of Dark? Pt 2

Yes, but they did not understand that Mars is going to be behind Sun.

I'm sure the irrelevance of astrology was quite clear to those making the weather predictions.

I mean Right behind Sun. Over one day!

So what, how long would it usually take? Eventually there will be a day when you can't see it any more, when you were still able to see it just the day before.

That day was the 18th and then behind the sun for like 2 weeks. So not even around the 13th

This is bad!

Evidently, for your prediction of "Also there is almost New Tropical Storm Vince."

For Islannin volcano.

Also for Karibialle, you know.

Ttere is that Dark Energy from Mars which moving through Sun etc.


So just any disaster in a storm now?
Yes. It was and it is Crazy November 2023.

Or what you thinking about weather all over the World.

There is coming some extra energy from Sun.

So, this Pole Vortex is broke after this even more.

I just Wonder what happening in Mars now and later near future.


Heck, looks like a coronal hole high speed stream for minor to moderate geomagnetic storming next couple of days. For your own edification a coronal hole is a cooler less dense and less active region of the solar corona.

You remember, Savorinen already stated in October, when it starts to rain in November, it seems like it never ends.

"Savorinen warns researchers, then don't blame people for the events of November 2023?
Savorinen warns researchers, then don't blame people for the events of November 2023?

"But it's not like there's going to be wild heavy rains and floods. Maybe not from the beginning of November, but then when the water starts to come, it finally starts to seem like there will be no end at all. That is, where it starts to come."



I also wrote like this.

"Hurricanes may also occur in November this year around 3.11 and 13.11.

That is, on two different occasions.

Normally, I think there are two of them in about five years. That is, hurricanes that intensify to Hurricane numbers.

There were only two hurricanes that made landfall in the 20th century.

If there are two hurricanes coming ashore this year, and even more so around 3.11 and 13.11, then scientists shouldn't blame us humans for them. That's what I assume.

I think the reason for these November 2023 events would be somewhere else!

In energies that current physicists don't understand yet!

Ps. I wouldn't be surprised if some volcanoes were activated.

A big earthquake is also possible.

Oh yeah, don't forget the tornadoes. There will also be a higher than normal probability for them.

That is, although they are apparently less common in November.

But yeah. Storms in one form and another.

Heavy rains and floods.

It remains to be seen where they will hit hard.

No one has yet talked about these in Valtmedia's weather forecasts. At least they haven't predicted any special trouble here in Europe.

It will be interesting to see at what point e.g. Foreca's and Pekka Pouda's forecasts start talking about these. 🤔"

And there were. Two of them made landfall in Hurricane numbers.


Well, now it's been raining quite a bit around the Earth. Where as water and where as snow. Somewhere in big grains.

And there seems to be no end at all.

In December 2022, the weather in California was completely messed up all December after Mars was behind the Moon for 44 minutes during the full moon.

That is, the dark energy originating from Mars towards the Earth in such a way that it also met the dark energy originating from the Moon in the opposite sphere and was still pushed through the Moon on its way towards the Earth and finally inside the Earth, where it collided with the Earth's matter much more than normal. It activates the Earth, according to my view, in such a way that it delays water molecules and energy out of the Earth, and apparently a lot in the California area.


This year, there had already been many alignments in late October and November before the very special and rare alignment on November 17-18, 2023.

Mars was directly behind the Sun for a day and a half.

In this way, the dark energy originating from Mars would have been pushed towards the Earth, so that the dark energy originating from the Sun would also have been pushed directly into the opposite sphere towards this dark energy which originated from Mars and was on its way to the Earth.

During the penetration of the sun's surface layers, this dark energy would have been activated even more strongly than normal. Of course, some collided with the nuclei of the Sun's atoms, and thus the Sun would also have been strongly activated due to this alignment.

Well, in any case, the Sun was strongly activated on 17-18 November 2023 and it was seen with a delay of a couple of days on both sides of the Sun as seen from Earth.

Exactly as I predicted in advance 11/17/2023.


It will be interesting to see if Earth's weather is messed up for several more weeks.

And above all, are strong dust vortices and/or dust storms observed on Mars. And if so, with what delay.

If we get a Global Martian sandstorm on Mars in the near future, then especially then it would be very interesting to get information from someone about when two planets have been directly on the other side of the Sun in relation to each other and for how long.

Then just to look for info if strong storms etc. have been detected on the planets in question with a delay.

I don't think scientists yet understand what causes Global Martian sandstorms.

Let's follow the situation.

On Earth 4 December 2023.

Savorinen Jukka


Savorinen varoittaa tutkijoita, älkää sitten syyttäkö marraskuun 2023 tapahtumista ihmisiä?
Savorinen varoittaa tutkijoita, älkää sitten syyttäkö marraskuun 2023 tapahtumista ihmisiä?

”Vaan eiköpähän sieltä vaan tulene hurjia rankkasateita ja tulvia. Ei ehkä ihan marraskuun alusta lähtien, mutta sitten kun vettä alkaa tulemaan, niin lopulta alkaa vaikuttamaan ettei loppua tule ollenkaan. Siis siellä minne sitä alkaa tulemaan.”


Kirjoitin myös näin.

”Marraskuussa saattaa tänä vuonna esiintyä myös Hurrikaaneja 3.11 ja 13.11 aikoihin.

Siis kahteen eri kertaan.

Normaalisti niitä esiintyy käsittääkseni noin viiden vuoden aikana kaksi. Siis hirmkumyrskyjä jotka voimistuvat Hurrikaanin lukemiin.

Rantautuneita Hurrikaaneja oli 1900 luvulla vain kaksi.

Jos niitä rantautuu tänä vuonna Hurrikaanin lukemissa kaksi ja vieläpä 3.11 ja 13.11 aikoihin, niin niistä tutkijoiden ei sitten kannata syyttää meitä ihmisiä. Näin oletan minä.

Syy näille marraskuun 2023 tapahtumille olisi mielestäni jossakin aivan muualla!

Energioissa joita nykyiset fyysikot eivät vielä ymmärrä!

Ps. En ihmettelisi jos joitakin tulivuoria aktivoituisi .

Jokunen isohko maanjäristyskin mahdollinen.

Ai niin, tornadoja ei kannata unohtaa. Niillekin tulee olemaan normaalia isompi todennäköisyys.

Siis vaikka niitä ilmeisesti normaalisti marraskuussa harvemmin esiintyy.

Mutta joo. Myrskyjä muodossa ja toisessa tiedossa.

Rankkasateita ja tulvia.

Nähtäväksi jää minne ne koviten iskevät.

Valtamedian sääennustuksissa näistä ei kukaan vielä ole puhunut. Ei ainakaan tänne eurooppaan ole mitään erikoisempaa hässäkkää ennustaneet.

Mielenkiintoista seurata missä vaiheessa esim. Forecan ja Pekka Poudan ennustuksissa näistä aletaan puhua. 🤔

Ja olihan niitä. Niitä rantautui Hurrikaanin lukemissa kaksi.


No niin, nythän tuota on satanut melkoisesti ympäri Maapalloa. Minne vetenä ja minne lumena. Jonnekin isoina rakeina.

Ja loppua ei näytä tulevan ollenkaan.

2022 joulukuussa Kalifornian sää oli aivan sekaisin koko joulukuun sen jälkeen kun Mars oli Kuun takana 44 minuuttia täydenkuun aikana.

Eli Marsista peräisin olevaa pimeää energiaa Maapalloa kohti siten että se kohtasi myös Kuusta peräisin olevaa pimeää energiaa vastapalloon ja työntyi vielä Kuun läpi matkallaan kohti Maapalloa ja lopulta Maapallon sisälle jossa sitä törmäsi paljon normaalia enemmän Maapallon aineeseen kuin normaalisti. Se aktivoi Maapalloa näkemykseni mukaisesti siten että viiveellä vesimolekyylejä ja energiaa ulos Maapallosta ja ilmeisesti paljon juuri Kalifornian alueella.


Tänä vuonna linjautumia oli ollut jo paljon lokakuun loppupuolella ja marraskuussa ennen hyvin erikoista ja harvinaista linjautumaa 17-18.11.2023.

Mars oli suoraan Auringon takana puolitoista vuorokautta.

Näin Marsista peräisin olevaa pimeää energiaa olisi työntynyt kohti Maapalloa siten että myös Auringosta peräisin olevaa pimeää energiaa olisi työntynyt suoraan vastapalloon kohti tätä pimeää energiaa joka oli peräisin Marsista ja oli matkalla kohti Maapalloa.

Auringon pintakerrosten läpi työntymisen aikana tätä pimeää energiaa olisi aktivoitunut entisestään normaalia voimakkaammin. Osan toki törmäillessä Auringon atomien ytimiin ja näin myös Aurinko olisi aktivoitunut tämän linjautuman takia voimakkaasti.

No, joka tapauksessa Aurinko aktivoitui voimakkaasti 17-18.11.2023 ja se nähtiin päivän parin viiveellä molemmin puolin Aurinkoa Maapallolta katsottuna.

Juuri niin kuin ennustin etukäteen 17.11.2023.


Mielenkiintoista seurata onko Maapallon sää sekaisin vielä useamman viikon ajan.

Ja ennenkaikkea havaitaanko Marsissa voimakkaita pölypyörteitä ja / tai pölymyrskyjä. Ja jos, niin millaisella viiveellä.

Jos Marsiin saadaan lähiaikoina Globaali Marsin hiekkamyrsky, niin varsinkin silloin olisi erittäin mielenkiintoista saada jostakin infoa siitä milloin kaksi planeettaa on ollut suoraan Auringon toisella puolella suhteessa toisiinsa ja miten pitkän aikaa.

Sitten vain etsimään infoa onko kyseisillä planeetoilla havaittu viiveellä voimakkaita myrskyjä jne.

Tutkijat eivät käsittääkseni vielä ymmärrä mikä saa aikaan Globaaleja Marsin hiekkamyrskyjä.

Seurataan tilannetta.

Maapallolla 4.12.2023.

Savorinen Jukka

Heck, looks like a coronal hole high speed stream for minor to moderate geomagnetic storming next couple of days. For your own edification a coronal hole is a cooler less dense and less active region of the solar corona.


Yes, that region is less dense, and thus through this region it is easier to push the expanding observable matter / energy out of the Sun. Logically beautifully simple

Perhaps expanding dark matter also pushes out from the Sun, which would also be magnetic. At least dark energy, because that's what the expanding nuclei of atoms circulate among themselves.

Yes, that region is less dense, and thus through this region it is easier to push the expanding observable matter / energy out of the Sun. Logically beautifully simple

Less dense means less matter, also darker as there is, well, less "observable matter" and energy there as compared to elsewhere. "Logically beautifully simple" and counter indicative of everything you just said.

Perhaps expanding dark matter also pushes out from the Sun, which would also be magnetic. At least dark energy, because that's what the expanding nuclei of atoms circulate among themselves.


Perhaps dancing black unicorns make up the regions. Still no help to your observably erroneous fantasy claims.
You remember, Savorinen already stated in October, when it starts to rain in November, it seems like it never ends.

Only rained a few of times here in november and mostly light drizzle. So at least here it started to rain in November and most definitely stopped in November a number of times. At times the same day, a bit of drizzle in the morning and sunny the rest of the day.

Heck, it even just started and stopped in December. Again mostly light drizzle and then nice and sunny.

[...disaster pron snipped...]

Greeting to Stefan Burns

Savorinen and how others, such as e.g. Stefan Burns, are possibly doing a mole job when considering alignments in their videos.

In their own way, these guys who have started to bring up the alignments that occur in the Solar System from time to time are a problem for me.

Here, one of them brings up the current alignment towards the end of his video.



They do not understand what the effect of alignments is based on.

They might predict, for example, that earthquakes will occur during the alignments, and when they do not occur, the credibility of the alignments' effect is weakened.

During collisions, the Earth's internal pressure increases steadily, but this excess energy is released from the Earth unevenly. Because of this, earthquakes occur with a delay. Not much during alignments. Of course, that is also possible.

If one of them is better informed about what the alignments affect, but does not understand that terrestrial solar flares mix the internal processes of the Earth whenever a cloud of particles is pushed into the Earth's interior, then he also does not understand that the effect of the alignments disappears if energy originating from a terrestrial solar flare has been pushed into the Earth before that. / particles.

That is, while the alignments cause these flows of gas and water molecules to push out from the inside of the Earth with stronger pressure, the solar flares in the direction of the Earth cause these flows to disperse over a larger area and thus these tropical cyclones do not get stronger, etc.

So it is essential to understand what the effect of these alignments is based on.

Then you also understand that the straighter the alignments are, the stronger they affect the Earth's interior.

It is especially very good to know that the so-called gravitational force is definitely not related to alignments in any way.

This is because nothing so-called gravitational force doesn't even really exist!


Regarding the above, you should read this blog post I wrote on December 7, 2023.

Here I go through what the effect of these alignments is based on.

Savorinen asks in relation to climate change, does the Sun emit much more energy after all?


Greeting to Stefan Burns

Savorinen and how others, such as e.g. Stefan Burns, are possibly doing a mole job when considering alignments in their videos.

In their own way, these guys who have started to bring up the alignments that occur in the Solar System from time to time are a problem for me.

Here, one of them brings up the current alignment towards the end of his video.



I doubt many here have any interest concerning the infighting within the the disaster porn astrology fetish.

They do not understand what the effect of alignments is based on.

Demonstrably, you don't either.

They might predict, for example, that earthquakes will occur during the alignments, and when they do not occur, the credibility of the alignments' effect is weakened.

So, same as you. Should you be the only one permitted to decimate the "the credibility of the alignments"?

[...Excuses for both parties just getting **** flat out wrong snipped...]

Why bemoan them for being wrong but not yourself?
Yes, there was line where Earth was beytween Venus and Jupiter. Also between Moon and Jupiter. This line was 9 december 2023. Some dark energy particle moving long time through eachothers etc.

Did you had any Tornadoes or or any Storms then?

You claims there would be a tornado outbreak in November. Why didn't it happen? Why do you keep avoiding answering that question?

Where do I write that there are sure to be tornadoes at a certain time?

I write that the probability of tornadoes is higher during alignments.

Coincidentally, on December 9, Venus, Moon, Earth and Jupiter were aligned and I believe there had been Tornadoes.

I'm just learning these things.

It seems that if there are storms during the alignments, they intensify quickly during the alignments.

That is, so that alignments would cause storms. But in such a way that the alignments intensify the storms quickly when they become more specific

That is, NOT so that the alignments would cause storms. But in such a way that the alignments intensify the storms quickly when they become more specific 🙂

Of course, it can also be the case that alignments cause storms with a delay, and if there is a new alignment during a storm, it quickly strengthens it.

I would assume that this peculiar 1.5 day completely direct alignment on November 17th and 18th has caused a lot of storms around the Earth with a delay.

And the alignment on December 9 caused the Earth's internal pressure to increase so that tornadoes could be born.

Yes, there was line where Earth was beytween Venus and Jupiter. Also between Moon and Jupiter. This line was 9 december 2023. Some dark energy particle moving long time through eachothers etc.

Did you had any Tornadoes or or any Storms then?


Did who have "any Tornadoes or or any Storms then?" and where? Thing is chances are there are going to be things like storms and tornadoes somewhere even without such 'lines' of alignment.

That is, NOT so that the alignments would cause storms. But in such a way that the alignments intensify the storms quickly when they become more specific 🙂


Is contradicted by this...

Of course, it can also be the case that alignments cause storms with a delay, and if there is a new alignment during a storm, it quickly strengthens it.

I would assume that this peculiar 1.5 day completely direct alignment on November 17th and 18th has caused a lot of storms around the Earth with a delay.

And the alignment on December 9 caused the Earth's internal pressure to increase so that tornadoes could be born.


First you say that "NOT so that the alignments would cause storms. But in such a way that the alignments intensify the storms quickly..." then you say "it can also be the case that alignments cause storms with a delay," and "caused the Earth's internal pressure to increase so that tornadoes could be born.". So "NOT" cause the storms, then cause them with delay then being directly the proximity cause of the storm by causing "Earth's internal pressure to increase so that tornadoes could be born"

You just can't even simply agree with yourself.
Where do I write that there are sure to be tornadoes at a certain time?

I write that the probability of tornadoes is higher during alignments.

No you don't, you simply say there will be such things during alignments, or more often that there were such things during some alignment.

Probabilities and comparative assertions like higher or lower are quantitative statements and you make none.

Coincidentally, on December 9, Venus, Moon, Earth and Jupiter were aligned and I believe there had been Tornadoes.

Well, so now it is just a coincidence as has been explained to you before. That things can happen around the same time with no underlying causal relation between them.

I'm just learning these things.

I doubt it, you don't seem to be learning anything and I surmise you weren't even aware of the meaning of the word "Coincidentally" when you just used it.

It seems that if there are storms during the alignments, they intensify quickly during the alignments.

Yes, there are likely to be storms "during the alignments" just as there are likely to be storms without such "alignments". Just as I'm sure some will "intensify quickly during the alignments" and others can intensify just as quickly or even quicker during no such "alignments".

That is, so that alignments would cause storms. But in such a way that the alignments intensify the storms quickly when they become more specific


Again, you are trying to imply a quantitative differentiation between "alignments" and no such "alignments" now as the cause of such storms as well as referring to the quickness of intensification and some as yet unspecified specificity, without any quantification or specificity.
So. This is quite simple.

During an individual alignment, one or two storms are not born one by one.

There is always a delay here.

Dark energy inside the Earth collides with the Earth's matter and it activates the Earth.

In the center of the Earth, dark expanding matter collides with the cores of Earth's atoms in separate unregistered expanding condensations and thus dark matter expands into new observable matter which continues to expand like all observable matter all the time.

Then, with a delay, out of the expanding Earth and I saw the pressure change in the atmosphere. That is, these new gas and water molecules are not pushed out of the Earth evenly.

Some areas stick out much more than others.

This is how storms are created without alignments.

During alignments, these new gas and water molecules are pushed out with stronger pressure, creating storms that intensify surprisingly quickly.

That is, if these gas and water molecules at all are then pushing out of the Earth.

This is not even a difficult thing to grasp and understand ��
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During a single alignment, a storm is not created hokkus pokkus.

At that time, these new gas and water molecules must already be pushing out of the earth.

Prediction. Researchers will notice that much more gas and water molecules escape from the Earth than is currently assumed.

So. This is quite simple.

During an individual alignment, one or two storms are not born one by one.

There is always a delay here.

Dark energy inside the Earth collides with the Earth's matter and it activates the Earth.

In the center of the Earth, dark expanding matter collides with the cores of Earth's atoms in separate unregistered expanding condensations and thus dark matter expands into new observable matter which continues to expand like all observable matter all the time.

Then, with a delay, out of the expanding Earth and I saw the pressure change in the atmosphere. That is, these new gas and water molecules are not pushed out of the Earth evenly.

Some areas stick out much more than others.

This is how storms are created without alignments.

During alignments, these new gas and water molecules are pushed out with stronger pressure, creating storms that intensify surprisingly quickly.

That is, if these gas and water molecules at all are then pushing out of the Earth.

This is not even a difficult thing to grasp and understand ��

Great, so storms are created with or without "alignments" and can "intensify surprisingly quickly" with or without "alignments". Glad you don't find the irrelevance of "alignments" to storms "a difficult thing to grasp and understand" anymore.
During a single alignment, a storm is not created hokkus pokkus.

At that time, these new gas and water molecules must already be pushing out of the earth.

Prediction. Researchers will notice that much more gas and water molecules escape from the Earth than is currently assumed.


How much "gas and water molecules" escaping "from the Earth" is currently "assumed"? How does one measure precisely how much "gas and water molecules" are escaping "from the Earth" at any given time? What percent increase would you actually predict if you were to make a, you know, actual prediction and under what specific conditions?

Again, you are implying a quantitative comparison (more) as a purported "Prediction" that you evidently have no intent to actually quantify. Thus, rendering your purported "Prediction" moot.
Great, so storms are created with or without "alignments" and can "intensify surprisingly quickly" with or without "alignments". Glad you don't find the irrelevance of "alignments" to storms "a difficult thing to grasp and understand" anymore.

Storms are likely to intensify quickly during alignments.

This also happened on December 9, 2023.

Earthward solar flares do not usually intensify storms. They usually cause hurricanes to break up and thus prevent the alignments from having an effect.

Too much for you 🙂
How much "gas and water molecules" escaping "from the Earth" is currently "assumed"? How does one measure precisely how much "gas and water molecules" are escaping "from the Earth" at any given time? What percent increase would you actually predict if you were to make a, you know, actual prediction and under what specific conditions?

Again, you are implying a quantitative comparison (more) as a purported "Prediction" that you evidently have no intent to actually quantify. Thus, rendering your purported "Prediction" moot.

I predict that scientists will notice so much gas and water molecules escaping from the Earth that they will understand that the Earth cannot have the current atmosphere, seas and fresh water as much as it is without more gas and water molecules coming from somewhere all the time.

Is this enough?

Storms are likely to intensify quickly during alignments.

This also happened on December 9, 2023.

Earthward solar flares do not usually intensify storms. They usually cause hurricanes to break up and thus prevent the alignments from having an effect.

Too much for you 🙂

I submit to you storms can intensity quickly without alignments.

I also believe you will never run a blind test to track weather events against your alignments.
Storms are likely to intensify quickly during alignments.

This also happened on December 9, 2023.

Earthward solar flares do not usually intensify storms. They usually cause hurricanes to break up and thus prevent the alignments from having an effect.

How likely and how quickly? How does that compare when there is no alignments?

Guess what else prevents alignments from having an effect on storms.

Too much for you 🙂

Again, an implied quantitative assertion with no intent to actually quantify.
I predict that scientists will notice so much gas and water molecules escaping from the Earth that they will understand that the Earth cannot have the current atmosphere, seas and fresh water as much as it is without more gas and water molecules coming from somewhere all the time.

Is this enough?


More than enough to demonstrate the lack of any basis in reality. So it is your assertion that "current atmosphere, seas and fresh water" are unsustainable without "more gas and water molecules coming from somewhere all the time" and all of that has simply gone unnoticed even though people are actively looking?

Toward Mapping the Atmosphere’s Escape from Earth

Even at the current rates of loss, Earth’s atmosphere should stick around for billions of years.
Savorinen and greetings to all science journalists around the Earth

On April 8, 2024, Mexicans and Texans may have a chance to make history and scientifically prove the current atomic model wrong.

The so-called Allais Effect may be a real phenomenon, but in such a way that it does not always occur during a solar eclipse.

It would be about how close to the center of the Earth the line between the center of the Sun and the center of the Moon intersects the center of the Earth.

That is, how close the alignment of the Sun, the Moon and the Moon’s shadow passes the center of the Earth.

The closer, the stronger the phenomenon.

If so, scientific experiments should always be done when a total solar eclipse occurs at noon and near the equator.

The April 8 solar eclipse is pretty much exactly at noon in Mexico, I believe, and the area is much closer to the equator than the North Pole.

Ok, there is a lot of pressure in the center of the Earth.

I assume that massive and dense particles originating from the center of the Earth are pushed out of the Earth all the time, and on April 8th they are pushed through the area shadowed by the Moon directly towards the Moon and the Sun.

They meet particles corresponding to the countersphere, which originate from the Sun and the Moon.

During straight alignment, these particles have time to push through the corresponding particles again and again.

During the pushing through of each opposing particle, there is a strong interaction and thus the energy in the particles is dispersed over a larger area and the probability of encountering the next one increases, etc.

Pushing through the moon also activates these particles. Inside the moon, this small-scale energy moves more densely and inside these particles, etc.

Pushing towards the moon, these particles already have time to activate more than normal, because they encounter particles that have already penetrated the moon and activated inside the moon.

Physicists are already planning a new particle accelerator at Cern. Its price is estimated at around 20 billion euros.

On April 8, anyone can do scientific experiments very cheaply.

For example, local tennis clubs could use devices that launch tennis balls.

First, the device is adjusted to fly the balls as far and accurately as possible.

So it’s not necessarily worth trying to make the balls fly just as far as possible, if you can’t make the balls fly quite precisely the same distance, you know.

Ok, when we find out how far the balls fly with a certain power on average normally, we wait for the Solar eclipse and when the Moon’s shadow starts to reach the area, we start sending tennis balls into the air and monitor how far the balls fly.

Perhaps a surprise will be experienced during the exam.

You should fly the balls in at least two different directions. From north to south and from south to north.

The more distinct groups, the better.

Everyone should also think about some other scientific experiments that can be done in connection with the so-called to gravitation.

Traditionally, experiments have been done with pendulums and gravity measuring devices. You should also use them.

If someone has ready these small rockets that don’t aim for orbit, but only test how high you can get, then maybe during the solar eclipse it would be interesting to try if you can maybe even get much higher than you could assume based on the calculation in advance.

Ps. If the solar eclipse occurs in June, then I assume that it is worth doing these experiments even if the eclipse is closer to one of the polar regions than the equator and even if it is late evening or early morning.

This is because then the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the supermassive object in the center of the galaxy.

Perhaps from the center of the galaxy there is also a kind of matter / energy that physicists do not yet understand.

At least that’s what I assume.

That is, these supermassive objects in the centers of galaxies may emit dark matter as separate condensations that are much denser than the separate condensations in the nuclei of the atoms of the observable matter.

The denser, the slower the internal motion / time and the less these dark matter particles would interact with observable matter.

In June, when the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the center of the galaxy, these dark matter particles inside the Earth would meet the energy from the Sun in the opposite sphere and thus their internal movement / time would speed up and the interaction with the Earth’s matter would intensify.

I assume that the Earth gets new matter in its center in June when these dark matter particles collide in the center of the Earth with the nuclei of the Earth’s atoms.

Could the Earth even get new water molecules in its center?

That is, would new solid matter, but also new water and gas molecules, be born in the center of the Earth?

If so, perhaps the researchers should observe that more water and gas molecules escape from the Earth than estimated.

Greetings to all Mexicans and Texans. Also for all those who have the opportunity to participate in scientific experiments on April 8.

April 8, 2024 may be a very significant day for humanity, but it may not be so without you🙂

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revalation
And the mind's true liberation

Sorry, I had an earworm triggered by the OP.
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In case there are people here too stupid to do basic reasearch on anything they read, here is something on the Allais_effectWP
The Allais effect is the alleged anomalous behavior of pendulums or gravimeters which is sometimes purportedly observed during a solar eclipse. The effect was first reported as an anomalous precession of the plane of oscillation of a Foucault pendulum during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1954 by Maurice Allais, a French polymath who went on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics.[1] Allais reported another observation of the effect during the solar eclipse of October 2, 1959 using the paraconical pendulum he invented.[2][3] This study earned him the 1959 Galabert Prize of the French Astronautical Society and made him a laureate of the U.S. Gravity Research Foundation for his 1959 memoir on gravity.[4] The veracity of the Allais effect remains controversial among the scientific community, as its testing has frequently met with inconsistent or ambiguous results over more than five decades of observation.
In case there are people here too stupid to do basic reasearch on anything they read, here is something on the Allais_effectWP


Because all physics is math, the movements of sensitive pendulums, including Foucault's, are very precisely described mathematically, and can be predicted with 100% accuracy. That means any repeatable anomalous behavior can also be quantified and described mathematically as well.

This particular effect is noticed - sometimes - during solar eclipses, but the WP page makes it sound like the "effect" has been different every time it's been recorded, with the only commonality being that they involved anomalous motion that was detected during a solar eclipse. That's a bit of a problem because it introduces the possibility that all of these observed anomalies have separate unrelated causes, and even that some or all of them may have had nothing to do with the eclipses themselves, but just happened to be observed during those times because that's when the experiments were being conducted.

Needless to say there needs to be some organized data collection and sharing so that the effect can be solidly quantified before we go about trying to guess what causes it.
On April 8, 2024, Mexicans and Texans may have a chance to make history and scientifically prove the current atomic model wrong.

The so-called Allais Effect may be a real phenomenon, but in such a way that it does not always occur during a solar eclipse.

It would be about how close to the center of the Earth the line between the center of the Sun and the center of the Moon intersects the center of the Earth.

That is, how close the alignment of the Sun, the Moon and the Moon’s shadow passes the center of the Earth.

The closer, the stronger the phenomenon.

If so, scientific experiments should always be done when a total solar eclipse occurs at noon and near the equator.

The April 8 solar eclipse is pretty much exactly at noon in Mexico, I believe, and the area is much closer to the equator than the North Pole.

Ok, there is a lot of pressure in the center of the Earth.

I assume that massive and dense particles originating from the center of the Earth are pushed out of the Earth all the time, and on April 8th they are pushed through the area shadowed by the Moon directly towards the Moon and the Sun.

They meet particles corresponding to the countersphere, which originate from the Sun and the Moon.

During straight alignment, these particles have time to push through the corresponding particles again and again.

During the pushing through of each opposing particle, there is a strong interaction and thus the energy in the particles is dispersed over a larger area and the probability of encountering the next one increases, etc.

Pushing through the moon also activates these particles. Inside the moon, this small-scale energy moves more densely and inside these particles, etc.

Pushing towards the moon, these particles already have time to activate more than normal, because they encounter particles that have already penetrated the moon and activated inside the moon.

Physicists are already planning a new particle accelerator at Cern. Its price is estimated at around 20 billion euros.

On April 8, anyone can do scientific experiments very cheaply.

For example, local tennis clubs could use devices that launch tennis balls.

First, the device is adjusted to fly the balls as far and accurately as possible.

So it’s not necessarily worth trying to make the balls fly just as far as possible, if you can’t make the balls fly quite precisely the same distance, you know.

Ok, when we find out how far the balls fly with a certain power on average normally, we wait for the Solar eclipse and when the Moon’s shadow starts to reach the area, we start sending tennis balls into the air and monitor how far the balls fly.

Perhaps a surprise will be experienced during the exam.

You should fly the balls in at least two different directions. From north to south and from south to north.

The more distinct groups, the better.

Everyone should also think about some other scientific experiments that can be done in connection with the so-called to gravitation.

Traditionally, experiments have been done with pendulums and gravity measuring devices. You should also use them.

If someone has ready these small rockets that don’t aim for orbit, but only test how high you can get, then maybe during the solar eclipse it would be interesting to try if you can maybe even get much higher than you could assume based on the calculation in advance.

Ps. If the solar eclipse occurs in June, then I assume that it is worth doing these experiments even if the eclipse is closer to one of the polar regions than the equator and even if it is late evening or early morning.

This is because then the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the supermassive object in the center of the galaxy.

Perhaps from the center of the galaxy there is also a kind of matter / energy that physicists do not yet understand.

At least that’s what I assume.

That is, these supermassive objects in the centers of galaxies may emit dark matter as separate condensations that are much denser than the separate condensations in the nuclei of the atoms of the observable matter.

The denser, the slower the internal motion / time and the less these dark matter particles would interact with observable matter.

In June, when the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the center of the galaxy, these dark matter particles inside the Earth would meet the energy from the Sun in the opposite sphere and thus their internal movement / time would speed up and the interaction with the Earth’s matter would intensify.

I assume that the Earth gets new matter in its center in June when these dark matter particles collide in the center of the Earth with the nuclei of the Earth’s atoms.

Could the Earth even get new water molecules in its center?

That is, would new solid matter, but also new water and gas molecules, be born in the center of the Earth?

If so, perhaps the researchers should observe that more water and gas molecules escape from the Earth than estimated.

Greetings to all Mexicans and Texans. Also for all those who have the opportunity to participate in scientific experiments on April 8.

April 8, 2024 may be a very significant day for humanity, but it may not be so without you🙂


Do please let us know how these experiments work out for you.

By the way, how's that rope experiment coming?
If the effect exists, GRACE and GRACE-FO would be in a far better position to detect it than any earthbound measurements.


And a gravimeter on the Moon should be able to detect the effect every month.

This effect works in Moon and Earth all a time.

Name is Tide. Tidal effect, you know.

The tidal phenomenon is based on the fact that the internal pressure of matter❤️

increases in the area between the center of the Earth and the Moon❤️

Dense and massive particles move through each other again and again. Activation❤️

They originate from a large area the centers of the Earth and the Moon❤️

Their interaction with the substance intensifies❤️

The internal pressure of the substance increases. The sea expands❤️

This is also how the tidal phenomenon is explained without a pulling force, without curved space❤️

In Mexico on April 8, the existence of these particles can be proven through scientific experiments❤️

An expanding Black Star Causes The Matter in the Observable Star to Expand Faster❤️
Now this Faster Expanding Matter Is Pushed Away from the Center of the Star Towards the Black Star❤️
At the same time, the expanding observable star is pushed away from the expanding black star❤️
This is true relativity together with relative time. Einstein could not realize / figure out this❤️
Planck space observatory suggest that the space expand 67.4 kilometers per second per megaparsec
nearby supernovas and Cepheid stars suggests a faster rate of about 73 km per second per megaparsec
It is Insurmountable problem fof Big Bang cult. Observations cannot be explained by expanding space
For me, these observations are not a problem. Dark lightwaves expand and interact with each Other❤️
Nucleus of atoms expanding and recycling dark expanding pushing force. Space dont expanding!❤️
The stars in the outer rings of galaxies move too fast. They should move out of the galaxy❤️
Stars constantly pushing away from the center of the galaxy and there is already evidence of that❤️
However, expanding stars not FadesAway fromThe center ofThe expanding galaxy. That’s true relative❤️
Stars expand in the same proportion as they push away from the center of the expanding galaxy❤️
Yes, Earth expanding two way. More expanding matter pushing centre to Earth 🙂❤️
Supermassive objects were born in their own 3D big bangs. The 3 D Big Bang is still going on❤️


Light can be studied scientifically. Space can’t. Expanding light is a scientific claim❤️

Describe a scientific experiment that proves the existence of expanding space. You can’t.❤️
I challenge this Nasa dudes to prove the existence of expanding space. They can’t❤️
They says that galaxy clusters do not move away from each other in space❤️
Later, however, they are further apart due to the expanding space❤️
What happens to the expanding space as it expands? What is its expansion based on?❤️
What makes space itself expand in the first place?❤️
Build a long chute in front of Hubble. Look at a distant galaxy whose location you know❤️
I predict that it seems to be in a different place than we know.❤️
based on the pushing force of expanding light that has experienced entropy for billions of years❤️
The new expanding light is faster than the old expanding light of other galaxy clusters❤️


The new accelerates the expansion of the old and thus it stretches, cosmologically redshifts❤️

The speed of the old expanding light accelerates to the same as the new one,❤️

and at the same time the old expanding light stretches. Cosmologically redshifted❤️

Lets try to explain your god, expanding space. You cant. Sorry about that❤️


Most massive and dense particles that transmit the pushing force come from the center of the Earth❤️

The expanding nuclei of the atoms in the center of the Earth are under a lot of pressure❤️

They do the most work pushing the expanding nuclei of the atoms above them away from each other❤️

At the same time, they themselves are under a lot of pressure. Strong pushing force❤️

Thus, they have to use much more massive and dense particles that transmit the pushing force❤️

Which they therefore circulate among themselves in the center of the expanding Earth❤️

Many of these massive particles are channeled out of the expanding Earth. Explain the Allais Effect

That sometimes a strange movement is observed in the pendulums during the Solar Eclipse❤️


The closer the Moon’s shadow moves to the center of the Earth as seen from the Moon❤️

during a Solar Eclipse, the stronger the Allais Effect in pendulums is observed❤️

Then massive and dense dark energy particles from the center of the Earth❤️

move through the shadow directly towards the Moon and the Sun❤️

Lots of activation as these dark energy particles push through each other❤️

Pushing through the moon activates them strongly. Internal pressure increases❤️

Dispersion intensifies. Internal motion / time speeds up, etc❤️

This explains why sometimes the Allais Effect is observed during a Solar Eclipse and sometimes not❤️


Yes, Whole picture of Universe maybe change Big way soon, you know.

Now, if ever, it’s worth doing scientific experiments in Mexico 2024 April 8th.

In my video, I tell you why I think it’s worth doing scientific experiments during the Solar Eclipse.

With pendulums, gravimeters and machines used by tennis players that push tennis balls into flight❤️

Measure how far they fly on average.T hen again during the Solar Eclipse.

I assume you will notice the difference in how far the balls fly.

Of course, you should also monitor pendulums and gravimeters❤️

Disturbances have been detected in them before, but not always. I have a idea why it is that way❤️

In my video, I also explain why I assume this is the case.

Check it out Allais Effect.


Tell everyone who has a connection to Mexico about this.

Thank you ❤️

Would there be any connections to Mexico, Texas or those who live there?❤️

Now it would be about a potentially very important issue for all of humanity.❤️

Relates to a scientific experiment you can do during the Solar Eclipse. Google: Savorinen Jukka❤️
This effect works in Moon and Earth all a time.

Name is Tide. Tidal effect, you know.

[...baseless nonsense snipped...]

Excellent, so there is no need to wait for any kind of eclipse to do your experimenting. Again, do please let us know how it turns out.

By the way, how's that rope experiment coming?
Yes, Whole picture of universe is going change very soon big way 😀

Truth was too much for all physicist and cosmologist 🤣

Galaxies expanding in space were born rapidly from the center outwards. First, expanding supermassive objects were born in their own 3D Big Bangs.
Could it even be that this has already been seen with the James Webb telescope 😀
Expanding supermassive objects emit zillions of separate expanding condensations of dark matter which quickly combine to form new observable expanding stars as if out of thin air, but of course not really out of thin air.
All it takes is two expanding supermassive objects that moved close to each other in space in the early days of the expanding visible universe.
So it’s not space that expands. In the nuclei of atoms, there are congestion areas of the energy that is dispersed into space, which recycle the energy that is dispersed into space.
Expanding galaxies are particles that transmit information from an object outside the visible universe that emits energy that has the character of galaxies.
The expanding nuclei of atoms circulate the expanding dark energy, which creates electrons and photons, which also expand.
That is, electrons do not stay around the nuclei, but when you send expanding light with suitable energy towards the expanding nucleus of an atom, a new expanding electron is created from the expanding dark energy pushing out of the nucleus.
The physicist thinks that he has detached an already existing electron from around the nucleus, and does not realize that a new, expandable electron that can be registered was born.
”In” the infinite 3D space, eternal recycling is going on. Everything basically consists of one and the same physically concretely existing thing that recycles itself.
Due to recycling, objects have internal pressure. At the same time, they are under external pressure. Internal and external pressure is always based on a pushing force.
All pulling forces are a joke!
Expanding space is the naked emperor. Einstein opened the Pandora’s box of physics when he grabbed the concept of curved space out of his hat. Curved space is a hoot!
Only losers explain observations Hocus pocus with space that does tricks without anyone ever telling you how it does these tricks!
#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #physics #cosmology #science #theoryofeverything #HelloJimCarrey #八
In the nuclei of the atoms, there are congestion areas of the energy dispersed into space, which circulate the energy dispersed into space, thus pushing each other away from each other in the same proportion as they expand.

Is it too difficult to understand and accept that all energy has an internal pressure that causes it to disperse in space outward into the already existing space to a larger and larger area of ​​space?

What is so hard to understand and accept that even quarks and photons have internal pressure?

Space itself has no internal pressure. Space has no reason to expand or do anything else!

Only losers explain observations with space.

Space has always existed as an infinite stage of three spatial dimensions that IS nothing at all. Space can’t do anything.

Truth is just too much for all physicist and cosmologist 🤣

There is no pulling force and no curving space. Curving space is naked emperor 🤣

Nuclei of atoms expanding and recycling dark expanding pushing force which have a nature of electrons and photons which also expanding.

Expanding dark lightwaves interactive with eachothers and get eachothers expanding faster same way what matter and light expanding.

That’s why expanding lights move faster and faster same way what matter and light expanding.

Yes yes, truth is too much for you all 🤣

The old expanding light is slower than the new, more energetic expanding light from our expanding galaxy cluster. When these expanding lights interact with each other, the new expanding light accelerates the speed of the old expanding light to the same as its own, and at the same time the old expanding light is stretched, i.e. cosmologically redshifted.

You can’t tell anything about what this so-called the expansion of expanding space is.

Nothing about what the expansion of space is based on.

Nothing about anything that could enable the expansion of space itself.

Space as an infinite scene of three spatial dimensions, which IS nothing at all, enables, for example, the thermal expansion of matter so that the separate atomic nuclei of the thermally expanding matter can move relative to each other so that movement takes place in 3 D space which IS nothing.

Too much for you? Really 🤣

The trajectory of expanding light bends as it passes expanding stars and expanding galaxies.

This is based on the fact that expanding light that has experienced billions of years of entropy is pushed towards stars and galaxies, which contains very small-scale space-dispersed energy that collides with expanding photons that are pushed past expanding stars and expanding galaxies.

This is a claim that can be studied scientifically. We can try to manipulate the trajectory of light using light that is billions of years old.

No one can scientifically study a god called curved space.

You can only believe in the existence of your God / curved space.

Too much for you? Really 🤣

#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #physics #cosmology #science #theoryofeverything #HelloJimCarrey #八


Sun movement is illusion, you know! Maybe the universe tricks us in other ways too 🤔

What if the cores of atoms have congestion areas of space-dispersed energy, into which more space-dispersed energy is pushed all the time.

The internal pressure of the congestion area of energy dissipating into space would increase if this congestion area of energy dissipating into space did not expand all the time outward into the already existing space.

The surfaces of the expanding congested areas would collide with each other if energy dissipating into space were not constantly being pushed out of these expanding congested areas, with the help of which these expanding congested areas are constantly pushing each other away from each other.

So they circulate this space-dispersing energy / pushing force with all other corresponding space-dispersing congestion areas and thus they push each other away from each other in the same proportion as they expand.

Your heart expands beat by beat and after each momentary expansion the steadily expanding body exerts an external pressure / pushing force on the expanded heart and thus the expanding blood is pushed out of the expanding heart into the expanding blood vessels etc.

We have to push the expanding apple away from the center of the expanding Earth, and when we drop the expanding apple, the expanding gas molecules can’t push it ahead of us.

The surface of the expanding Earth, pushing away from the center of the expanding Earth, will reach the expanding apple even though it is still moving / pushing away from the center of the expanding Earth.

And thus the movement of the falling apple towards the center of the Earth could be an illusion.

The steadily expanding apple approaches the center of the expanding Earth as measured by expanding instruments, but this would be the correct relativity together with relative time.

Maybe the universe is a master of illusion?

Maybe physicists still don’t understand gravity because they think that objects somehow attract each other with the help of some strange pulling force.

Perhaps here we have the key to the theory of everything in physics.

Einstein understood that time is relative. Perhaps it would have been worthwhile for him to consider the option that the volume of matter could also be relative.

Perhaps Einstein opened the Pandora’s box of physics when he invented a concept called curved space.

Maybe space is just an infinite 3D scene that doesn’t affect the events in any way.


Black holes with the mass of a star would not exist, nor would they be needed.

These stellar-mass black objects would be black stars expanding in space. They would be much more dense than observable expanding stars.

They would radiate expanding dark energy / light.

The expanding dark photons were denser. Their internal movement / time slower and thus they would not interact with the observable matter. They would be pushed through telescopes and telescopes without transmitting information about the object from which they came.

When this expanding dark energy is pushed into an observable expanding star orbiting an expanding black star, more energy would be pushed into these expanding dark energy densifications there. Their internal pressure would increase. Internal movement / time would speed up. They would expand faster and would eventually begin to collide with the expanding cores of the expanding atoms of the observed expanding star deep within the observed expanding star on their way to the center of this star.

Expanding faster, this observable expanding matter could do nothing but push faster away from the center of the observable expanding star, and the direction would of course be this expanding black star.

Because of the rotation on its axis, the direction would be slightly past this expanding black star because of the delay.

And this is how this expanding black star would cause the expanding matter of this expanding observable star to push towards itself without any pulling forces and without space being curved somehow.

Its ability to attract matter would be an illusion.

Naturally, the observable expanding star would be pushed in a spiral path away from the expanding black star and this faster exploding/expanding matter would act as an explosive fuel that would push the observable expanding star away from the expanding black star in the same proportion as matter and light expand.

Logically simple beautiful 🙂


Tidal phenomenon. There is a constant flow between the center of the Moon and the Earth, where these expanding condensations of dark energy circulated by the nuclei of the expanding atoms are constantly pushed into the opposite sphere and are activated during the push through each other.

And corresponding already activated thickenings are pushed against, so the probability of encountering the next ones increases, etc., etc.

Now these concentrations of dark energy interact more strongly with matter, accelerating its expansion, so the sea also expands more strongly.

Hence the tidal phenomenon on both sides of the expanding Earth without a pulling force and without curved space.


Tell me what the difference is between the gods of antiquity and the expanding space.

Zeus somehow created lightning.

The expanding space causes the light to stretch somehow.

No one ever tells how these gods do these tricks. Or how expanding space does this trick.

And these gods cannot be studied scientifically in any way.

And space cannot be studied scientifically. It cannot be manipulated in such a way that you get information about the success of the manipulation.

You can’t even tell in words or visually what this expansion of space would be. Easy to say, space is expanding, but not enough. It’s just as easy to say, Zeus creates lightning.

Somehow that Zeus makes those lightnings happen.

And somehow that expanding space makes that light stretch 🤣

Scientific theories seem to contain concepts similar to what the gods of antiquity were.

It’s easy to give space properties when you don’t even have to try to explain what these properties are based on or what in general could make it possible for space to influence events in space.

This isn’t even science anymore!

Or is it?

Can you tell me something relevant about how later there is more space in the area between galaxy clusters even though the galaxy clusters have not moved away from each other in space?

I’m just asking 🙂


#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八


It is assumed that more and more space-dispersing energy is pushed inside the space-expanding quarks, so that all the expanding quarks that circulate the space-dispersed energy are exactly the same.

Their density and volume in relation to each other can be changed when their speed is accelerated in particle accelerators.

When moving in groups, they experience the change in a different way, according to which of them pushes forward and which of them pushes in the background of the first one or the first ones.

That is, they encounter expanding energy pushing against them, which affects them differently according to the order in which they encounter the energy pushing against them.

And it affects how they recycle this energy that is scattered in space.

Naturally, energy also plays a big role, which accelerates their pace.

That too changes the density and volume of quarks expanding in space. The speed of internal movement / time. Internal pressure.

Well, when the expanding nuclei are collided, it’s no wonder that in the collisions, energy is dispersed/expanded into space in such a way that physicists interpret from this information that there are different quarks in the nuclei.

And yes, the density and volume of quarks expanding during collisions are different.

Even so much different that one of the quarks is so dense and small compared to the others that no information is obtained from it in collisions.

I understand that some parties assume that protons and neutrons are made up of zillions of separate quarks. Well, here’s another time.

Nowadays it is taught that protons and neutrons consist of three quarks that are different from each other.

The three quarks form a kite, as it were. In my opinion, four would form a much more logical and stable entity. The pyramid. Tetrahedron.

Ok, when the expanding quarks are at rest relative to us, they would already be much more congested regions of expanding energy with the same density and volume

Of course, their density and volume live somewhat all the time.

While the situation lives on all the time, they come to control each other’s density and volume while circulating with all other expanding quarks this space-dispersing energy of which they themselves are composed. So that it completely changes over time.

When someone momentarily expands a little faster than others, its ability to absorb the space-dispersing energy pushing through itself into itself is worse due to the fact that its density is lower than that of expanding quarks with a smaller volume at that moment.

Of course, more energy dispersing into space pushes through it, because it is bigger at that moment. The situation will recover as the recycling of energy dispersed into space continues.

The ability to recycle energy that dissipates into space is faster because its internal movement / time is faster at that moment.

It seems strange that no one before me has been able to consider that perhaps the so-called the atom is completely different from what physicists have assumed.

Perhaps the volume of matter is also relative.

Perhaps it is the case that time is not only relative.

Maybe here we have the key to the theory of everything in physics🙂

#Google #Savorinen #Read #How #Universe #Really #Works #HelloJimCarrey #八




Is There are objects outside the visible universe that are so

massive that they emit energy that has the character of expanding galaxies which born from centre to outside.

The center of these objects is under extreme pressure at all times.

Extremely fast energy pushes towards them. Remnants of galaxies that

have expanded into space. Millions of billions of years of energy that

moved through space and was dispersed into space.

It collides with the extremely dense energy pushing away from these

objects at extremely high speed and causes this extremely

dense energy to explode / expand into less dense energy.

The speed of the energy dispersed in space for millions of billions of years

has accelerated for millions of billions of years and therefore collides with

extremely dense energy at an extremely fast speed.

The speed of this extremely fast energy begins to slow down and eventually

stops in an area of extreme pressure. This extreme pressure compresses the energy

that was once scattered in space for millions of billions of years into extremely dense energy.

Pushing away from the center of an extremely dense and massive object starts

once again when more millions of billions of years of space-dispersed energy

pushes into the center of that object, which displaces the energy that was previously pushed

into the center of that object away from the center of that object.

In the infinite 3D universe, there is an eternal recycling going on,

which does not need pulling forces at all to maintain.

google: Savorinen Jukka

Read How Universe Really Works ❤️
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