Little 10 Toes
Master Poster
Crazy how you claimed based off your "science" (and I'm using that term very, very, very loosely) there was going to be a tornado outbreak and that never happened.
Yes, but they did not understand that Mars is going to be behind Sun.
I mean Right behind Sun. Over one day!
This is bad!
For Islannin volcano.
Also for Karibialle, you know.
Ttere is that Dark Energy from Mars which moving through Sun etc.
Yes. It was and it is Crazy November 2023.
Or what you thinking about weather all over the World.
There is coming some extra energy from Sun.
So, this Pole Vortex is broke after this even more.
I just Wonder what happening in Mars now and later near future.
Heck, looks like a coronal hole high speed stream for minor to moderate geomagnetic storming next couple of days. For your own edification a coronal hole is a cooler less dense and less active region of the solar corona.
Yes, that region is less dense, and thus through this region it is easier to push the expanding observable matter / energy out of the Sun. Logically beautifully simple
Perhaps expanding dark matter also pushes out from the Sun, which would also be magnetic. At least dark energy, because that's what the expanding nuclei of atoms circulate among themselves.
You remember, Savorinen already stated in October, when it starts to rain in November, it seems like it never ends.
[...disaster pron snipped...]
Greeting to Stefan Burns
Savorinen and how others, such as e.g. Stefan Burns, are possibly doing a mole job when considering alignments in their videos.
In their own way, these guys who have started to bring up the alignments that occur in the Solar System from time to time are a problem for me.
Here, one of them brings up the current alignment towards the end of his video.
They do not understand what the effect of alignments is based on.
They might predict, for example, that earthquakes will occur during the alignments, and when they do not occur, the credibility of the alignments' effect is weakened.
[...Excuses for both parties just getting **** flat out wrong snipped...]
You claims there would be a tornado outbreak in November. Why didn't it happen? Why do you keep avoiding answering that question?
Yes, there was line where Earth was beytween Venus and Jupiter. Also between Moon and Jupiter. This line was 9 december 2023. Some dark energy particle moving long time through eachothers etc.
Did you had any Tornadoes or or any Storms then?
That is, NOT so that the alignments would cause storms. But in such a way that the alignments intensify the storms quickly when they become more specific
Of course, it can also be the case that alignments cause storms with a delay, and if there is a new alignment during a storm, it quickly strengthens it.
I would assume that this peculiar 1.5 day completely direct alignment on November 17th and 18th has caused a lot of storms around the Earth with a delay.
And the alignment on December 9 caused the Earth's internal pressure to increase so that tornadoes could be born.
Where do I write that there are sure to be tornadoes at a certain time?
I write that the probability of tornadoes is higher during alignments.
Coincidentally, on December 9, Venus, Moon, Earth and Jupiter were aligned and I believe there had been Tornadoes.
I'm just learning these things.
It seems that if there are storms during the alignments, they intensify quickly during the alignments.
That is, so that alignments would cause storms. But in such a way that the alignments intensify the storms quickly when they become more specific
So. This is quite simple.
During an individual alignment, one or two storms are not born one by one.
There is always a delay here.
Dark energy inside the Earth collides with the Earth's matter and it activates the Earth.
In the center of the Earth, dark expanding matter collides with the cores of Earth's atoms in separate unregistered expanding condensations and thus dark matter expands into new observable matter which continues to expand like all observable matter all the time.
Then, with a delay, out of the expanding Earth and I saw the pressure change in the atmosphere. That is, these new gas and water molecules are not pushed out of the Earth evenly.
Some areas stick out much more than others.
This is how storms are created without alignments.
During alignments, these new gas and water molecules are pushed out with stronger pressure, creating storms that intensify surprisingly quickly.
That is, if these gas and water molecules at all are then pushing out of the Earth.
This is not even a difficult thing to grasp and understand ��
During a single alignment, a storm is not created hokkus pokkus.
At that time, these new gas and water molecules must already be pushing out of the earth.
Prediction. Researchers will notice that much more gas and water molecules escape from the Earth than is currently assumed.
Great, so storms are created with or without "alignments" and can "intensify surprisingly quickly" with or without "alignments". Glad you don't find the irrelevance of "alignments" to storms "a difficult thing to grasp and understand" anymore.
How much "gas and water molecules" escaping "from the Earth" is currently "assumed"? How does one measure precisely how much "gas and water molecules" are escaping "from the Earth" at any given time? What percent increase would you actually predict if you were to make a, you know, actual prediction and under what specific conditions?
Again, you are implying a quantitative comparison (more) as a purported "Prediction" that you evidently have no intent to actually quantify. Thus, rendering your purported "Prediction" moot.
Storms are likely to intensify quickly during alignments.
This also happened on December 9, 2023.
Earthward solar flares do not usually intensify storms. They usually cause hurricanes to break up and thus prevent the alignments from having an effect.
Too much for you![]()
Storms are likely to intensify quickly during alignments.
This also happened on December 9, 2023.
Earthward solar flares do not usually intensify storms. They usually cause hurricanes to break up and thus prevent the alignments from having an effect.
Too much for you![]()
I predict that scientists will notice so much gas and water molecules escaping from the Earth that they will understand that the Earth cannot have the current atmosphere, seas and fresh water as much as it is without more gas and water molecules coming from somewhere all the time.
Is this enough?
Even at the current rates of loss, Earth’s atmosphere should stick around for billions of years.
The Allais effect is the alleged anomalous behavior of pendulums or gravimeters which is sometimes purportedly observed during a solar eclipse. The effect was first reported as an anomalous precession of the plane of oscillation of a Foucault pendulum during the solar eclipse of June 30, 1954 by Maurice Allais, a French polymath who went on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics.[1] Allais reported another observation of the effect during the solar eclipse of October 2, 1959 using the paraconical pendulum he invented.[2][3] This study earned him the 1959 Galabert Prize of the French Astronautical Society and made him a laureate of the U.S. Gravity Research Foundation for his 1959 memoir on gravity.[4] The veracity of the Allais effect remains controversial among the scientific community, as its testing has frequently met with inconsistent or ambiguous results over more than five decades of observation.
In case there are people here too stupid to do basic reasearch on anything they read, here is something on the Allais_effectWP
On April 8, 2024, Mexicans and Texans may have a chance to make history and scientifically prove the current atomic model wrong.
The so-called Allais Effect may be a real phenomenon, but in such a way that it does not always occur during a solar eclipse.
It would be about how close to the center of the Earth the line between the center of the Sun and the center of the Moon intersects the center of the Earth.
That is, how close the alignment of the Sun, the Moon and the Moon’s shadow passes the center of the Earth.
The closer, the stronger the phenomenon.
If so, scientific experiments should always be done when a total solar eclipse occurs at noon and near the equator.
The April 8 solar eclipse is pretty much exactly at noon in Mexico, I believe, and the area is much closer to the equator than the North Pole.
Ok, there is a lot of pressure in the center of the Earth.
I assume that massive and dense particles originating from the center of the Earth are pushed out of the Earth all the time, and on April 8th they are pushed through the area shadowed by the Moon directly towards the Moon and the Sun.
They meet particles corresponding to the countersphere, which originate from the Sun and the Moon.
During straight alignment, these particles have time to push through the corresponding particles again and again.
During the pushing through of each opposing particle, there is a strong interaction and thus the energy in the particles is dispersed over a larger area and the probability of encountering the next one increases, etc.
Pushing through the moon also activates these particles. Inside the moon, this small-scale energy moves more densely and inside these particles, etc.
Pushing towards the moon, these particles already have time to activate more than normal, because they encounter particles that have already penetrated the moon and activated inside the moon.
Physicists are already planning a new particle accelerator at Cern. Its price is estimated at around 20 billion euros.
On April 8, anyone can do scientific experiments very cheaply.
For example, local tennis clubs could use devices that launch tennis balls.
First, the device is adjusted to fly the balls as far and accurately as possible.
So it’s not necessarily worth trying to make the balls fly just as far as possible, if you can’t make the balls fly quite precisely the same distance, you know.
Ok, when we find out how far the balls fly with a certain power on average normally, we wait for the Solar eclipse and when the Moon’s shadow starts to reach the area, we start sending tennis balls into the air and monitor how far the balls fly.
Perhaps a surprise will be experienced during the exam.
You should fly the balls in at least two different directions. From north to south and from south to north.
The more distinct groups, the better.
Everyone should also think about some other scientific experiments that can be done in connection with the so-called to gravitation.
Traditionally, experiments have been done with pendulums and gravity measuring devices. You should also use them.
If someone has ready these small rockets that don’t aim for orbit, but only test how high you can get, then maybe during the solar eclipse it would be interesting to try if you can maybe even get much higher than you could assume based on the calculation in advance.
Ps. If the solar eclipse occurs in June, then I assume that it is worth doing these experiments even if the eclipse is closer to one of the polar regions than the equator and even if it is late evening or early morning.
This is because then the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the supermassive object in the center of the galaxy.
Perhaps from the center of the galaxy there is also a kind of matter / energy that physicists do not yet understand.
At least that’s what I assume.
That is, these supermassive objects in the centers of galaxies may emit dark matter as separate condensations that are much denser than the separate condensations in the nuclei of the atoms of the observable matter.
The denser, the slower the internal motion / time and the less these dark matter particles would interact with observable matter.
In June, when the Earth is in the area between the Sun and the center of the galaxy, these dark matter particles inside the Earth would meet the energy from the Sun in the opposite sphere and thus their internal movement / time would speed up and the interaction with the Earth’s matter would intensify.
I assume that the Earth gets new matter in its center in June when these dark matter particles collide in the center of the Earth with the nuclei of the Earth’s atoms.
Could the Earth even get new water molecules in its center?
That is, would new solid matter, but also new water and gas molecules, be born in the center of the Earth?
If so, perhaps the researchers should observe that more water and gas molecules escape from the Earth than estimated.
Greetings to all Mexicans and Texans. Also for all those who have the opportunity to participate in scientific experiments on April 8.
April 8, 2024 may be a very significant day for humanity, but it may not be so without you
If the effect exists, GRACE and GRACE-FO would be in a far better position to detect it than any earthbound measurements.
And a gravimeter on the Moon should be able to detect the effect every month.
This effect works in Moon and Earth all a time.
Name is Tide. Tidal effect, you know.
[...baseless nonsense snipped...]