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Split Thread Language and labels - paedophile or child-molester

Tthis thread is explicitly about language and labels. If you have no opinion on questions of language and labels, then you're posting off-topic. Should I report you?
You could start with those changing it to rape fantasys

Changing it to gay dudes being a risk

And changing it to adult consensual sex somehow being a risk.

They have all missed your criteria
You do realise that, almost without exception, serial rapists spend years fantasizing about violent rapes before actually turning their fantasies into reality?

Of course you did!


A fantasy-based drive model for serial sexual homicide (cf. Prentky and Burgess) may be helpful in trying to understand serial rape. Simply stated, once the restraints inhibiting the acting out of internally generated, recurrent rape fantasies are no longer present, the individual is likely to engage in a series of progressively more accurate "trial runs" in an attempt to "stage" the fantasies as they were imagined. Because the trial runs can never precisely match the fantasy, the offender must restage the fantasy with a new victim.

Still think rape fantasy is just a bit of harmless fun?

Hahahahaaha. So what exactly is MY pathology, honey? I ask you again. Who am I, specifically, hurting? Is there a problem of women going out and getting themselves raped plaguing this nation? Or should you, perhaps, butt out of other people's fantasies with your disgusting, prurient judgments?

Cullennz wants a medal because he's never had a rape fantasy. I've never had a diapering fantasy either. BLAHHHHHHHH, on a personal level. But do I, isissxn, have the right to declare consenting adults who do "deviant" and "abhorrent?" No. No, I *********** do not.

Guess what, guys. Your personal (IMO boring) sexual proclivities do not determine law, goodness, or propriety. And thank god, I daresay. What a dreadfully empty world it would be if that was the baseline.

You should be deeply ashamed of your sickening bigotry. Pathetic. I'm off to get tied to my bed by another consenting adult. Peace.
Hahahahaaha. So what exactly is MY pathology, honey? I ask you again. Who am I, specifically, hurting? Is there a problem of women going out and getting themselves raped plaguing this nation? Or should you, perhaps, butt out of other people's fantasies with your disgusting, prurient judgments?

Cullennz wants a medal because he's never had a rape fantasy. I've never had a diapering fantasy either. BLAHHHHHHHH, on a personal level. But do I, isissxn, have the right to declare consenting adults who do "deviant" and "abhorrent?" No. No, I *********** do not.

Guess what, guys. Your personal (IMO boring) sexual proclivities do not determine law, goodness, or propriety. And thank god, I daresay. What a dreadfully empty world it would be if that was the baseline.

You should be deeply ashamed of your sickening bigotry. Pathetic. I'm off to get tied to my bed by another consenting adult. Peace.
I don't really care what fantasies you have had.

If you have to bring them up you should put in some warped pedophile with fantasies of being alone with kids and doing the deed being put with kids

But that's all cool according to you
I don't really care what fantasies you have had.

If you have to bring them up you should put in some warped pedophile with fantasies of being alone with kids and doing the deed being put with kids
But that's all cool according to you

Yeah... because all of the times isissxn has stressed the difference between a fantasy and acting on a fantasy (and the difference between doing so with and without consent) never happened. And she never stated she wasn't defending pedophiles... :rolleyes:

What thread have you been reading?
Yeah... because all of the times isissxn has stressed the difference between a fantasy and acting on a fantasy (and the difference between doing so with and without consent) never happened. And she never stated she wasn't defending pedophiles... :rolleyes:

What thread have you been reading?

No problem.

She said rape fantasy

Except her accepted pedo having her healthy fantasys about shagging 4 year olds and there being no problem with them having access to them I tend to disagree with.

Because apparently fantasys are fine right?
I think this is all pointless as Prestige will apparently report most of the posters on here
You do realise that, almost without exception, serial rapists spend years fantasizing about violent rapes before actually turning their fantasies into reality?

You do realise that, almost without exception, serial rapists spend years eating cereal before actually raping someone?

I'm sure you're aware that this sort of reasoning is a fallacy?

Rape fantasy might be harmless in your opinion, but it is not in mine...

It's not a matter of opinion. You're starting to sound like Boggis.

You find rape fantasy pleasurable?

Not personally, no. Does something need to be universally pleasurable in order to be acceptable?

Yes, I do

Then you are profoundly ignorant of the evidence on this topic, and you should go out and do some real research before you form an opinion on the matter. Decades of research on this have yielded NO EVIDENCE of a causal link between the two.

I like to learn but I CHOOSE the subject material.

Maybe you should stick with the subjects you CHOOSE to learn about, then, rather than proudly displaying your ignorance. We're trying to educate you on the matter but you are CHOOSING not to learn.
You do realise that, almost without exception, serial rapists spend years eating cereal before actually raping someone?

I'm sure you're aware that this sort of reasoning is a fallacy?

It's not a matter of opinion. You're starting to sound like Boggis.

Not personally, no. Does something need to be universally pleasurable in order to be acceptable?

Then you are profoundly ignorant of the evidence on this topic, and you should go out and do some real research before you form an opinion on the matter. Decades of research on this have yielded NO EVIDENCE of a causal link between the two.

Maybe you should stick with the subjects you CHOOSE to learn about, then, rather than proudly displaying your ignorance. We're trying to educate you on the matter but you are CHOOSING not to learn.
No link between violent fantasy and action?

Putting aside the fact you have dangerously gone off Prestiges strict subject.

Have you not read any papers?
No link between violent fantasy and action?

No causal link, I said. Why do you change what I said?

Putting aside the fact you have dangerously gone off Prestiges strict subject.

No, we're still squarely on topic: smartcooky thinks that fantasizing about illegal/violent sex means you're more likely to engage in it. That's the same logic used by anti-video game yokels. It's sensible, but not supported by the evidence. It's just more proof that smartcooky believes in thought policing.

Have you not read any papers?

Yeah, that's why I know there's no causal link.
No causal link, I said. Why do you change what I said?

No, we're still squarely on topic: smartcooky thinks that fantasizing about illegal/violent sex means you're more likely to engage in it. That's the same logic used by anti-video game yokels. It's sensible, but not supported by the evidence. It's just more proof that smartcooky believes in thought policing.

Yeah, that's why I know there's no causal link.

Except you are the one making the claim its less likely

Not unlike a pedo and a 4 year old.

Evidence please
No problem.

She said rape fantasy

Except her accepted pedo having her healthy fantasys about shagging 4 year olds and there being no problem with them having access to them I tend to disagree with.

Because apparently fantasys are fine right?

A fantasy is a thought. How are you going to know about someone's fantasy if they don't tell you about it and never act on it? Are you a mind reader?

And could you point me to the post where isissxn said that pedophiles should have 'access' to children?
There's a difference between a woman fantasising about the scenes in fifty shades of gray and a man doing the same. The latter is somewhat creepy in my opinion. It depends on whether one is fantasising about being the one acting without consent (creepy) or being acted upon (whatever rocks your boat). Luchog gave a plausible explanation of this earlier.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

No, but it's a pretty darn good start. And give that there have been studies done on this for decades with no causal link found, the "absence of evidence" is now becoming a good case for evidence of absence.


Nope, sorry, that does not support your assertion at all, especially if you go read the actual study instead of the rather sensationalist reporting of it. All it says is that some people already prone to violence respond favourably to depictions of violence. It says nothing about violent films causing violence.
Nope, sorry, that does not support your assertion at all

What assertion? I have made no assertion

Argumemnon: "Do you believe that violent movies or video games lead to actual violence?"

smartcooky: "Yes, I do. I know it is controversial (there are about as many psychologists on one side of the debate as there are on the other side). I would rather remain on the side of caution."

How is this an assertion?

..especially if you go read the actual study instead of the rather sensationalist reporting of it. All it says is that some people already prone to violence respond favourably to depictions of violence. It says nothing about violent films causing violence.

No, you are misquoting the study.

"Using PET scanners to peer into the brains of volunteers watching especially bloody movie scenes, researchers determined that the way a viewer’s brain circuitry responds to violent video depends upon whether the individual is aggressive by nature."

Aggression and violence are not the same thing. You have substituted one for the other as if they were.

"Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine say that brain scans of kids who played a violent video game showed an increase in emotional arousal – and a corresponding decrease of activity in brain areas involved in self-control, inhibition and attention."
I don't really care what fantasies you have had.

If you have to bring them up you should put in some warped pedophile with fantasies of being alone with kids and doing the deed being put with kids

But that's all cool according to you

This **** isn't new, kids. Google "bodice ripper." Women have been digging on these FANTASIES since they've been reading erotica.

I've never seen or read more than a few pages of 50 Shades of Grey because I find stilted purple prose to be a REAL turnoff (and the heroine sounded like a *********** idiot besides), but its existence and mass popularity should be a little clue that my fantasies are hardly relegated to some isolated freak corner of the sexual pop-culture lexicon.

Comparing an adult woman who likes to roleplay a sexy pirate kidnapping and having his way with her to a pedophile scheming for time alone with innocent children is sick, cruel, bigoted, risible, and of course, lame. And cullenz, I'm now certain you didn't read a single one of my posts beyond a little scan for naughty trigger words. I literally have said the opposite of everything your barely-comphrehensible "response" insinuated. Literally. Every single one. Right down to the post of mine where I outright disagreed with Arguememnon about trusting non-offending pedophiles around children. What is the point of having a discussion if you're not reading the responses?

In fact, I'd quit talking about pedophiles altogether before this particular thread drift started. I'd presented and reiterated my semantic argument, bowed out of the ethical one that was evolving, and wasn't posting, only reading. I then jumped back in because smartcooky said a "tiny, tiny minority" of "deviant" and "abhorrent" women indulge in what could be considered "rape fantasy." I couldn't let something so incorrect and offensive stand unchallenged, though I of course had no delusions about successfully educating anyone so entrenched in bigotry as to make that hideous comment in the first place.

There might be a lurker who could learn something. Or another "deviant" with my same interests who isn't comfortable enough to stand up for herself and might appreciate reading MY caustic retort. Because I am comfortable, super comfortable, with my exact and specific sexuality. Every single facet of it. And all the moralistic anti-psychiatry twaddle you can regurgitate onto the page doesn't change that. I speak for all the (consenting adult) freaks today. Mind your own business, and don't compare weird adult fetish-play to disgusting, abusive crimes against innocents who can't consent.

Good day!

I don't actually give a fat rat's arse what you do. If you have rape fantasies, that's fine. If you enjoy having them, then that's fine too, what ever rocks your boat... THAT IS YOUR RIGHT!

However, I am allowed to think that the idea of anyone having a rape fantasy is perverted. That is MY opinion, MY morality. I find the idea of rape fantasy disgusting. THAT IS MY RIGHT!
You didn't say "that's personally not my bag," though, did you. You insinuated, nay CLAIMED, that such people are fundamentally damaged or wrong. (All empirical evidence points to the contrary.)

There's a big difference between saying "that squicks me out" and "that is objectively WRONG!" One is your business. The other is fighting words, and you should be prepared to back them with something other than high-horse whining.

ETA - And perhaps the most ridiculous aspect of your original claim was that women with rapey fantasies are a "tiny, tiny minority." Whom did you think was going to see that Shades of Grey crap, rocketing it into bestseller status despite the fact that it's written like bad fanfiction? Give ya a hint - the ladies weren't reading it for the Hardy-esque lyrical style.
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You do realise that, almost without exception, serial rapists spend years fantasizing about violent rapes before actually turning their fantasies into reality?


This reminds me of when school shootings happened in the past and the stories would be in horror because "they played many violent computers games". Which was true.

But then so did 30 million other kids and adults, indeed it would have been more unusuall if they hadn't played "violent" video games.

That bad people do something does not necessarily mean it is a bad thing, you seem to be mistaking a weak correlation for causality.

I don't actually give a fat rat's arse what you do. If you have rape fantasies, that's fine. If you enjoy having them, then that's fine too, what ever rocks your boat... THAT IS YOUR RIGHT!

However, I am allowed to think that the idea of anyone having a rape fantasy is perverted. That is MY opinion, MY morality. I find the idea of rape fantasy disgusting. THAT IS MY RIGHT!

Do you not know that those sane people who enjoy rape fantasies know that they are fantasies and that no one is actually raped? And those that enjoy sex that enacts "rape fantasies" are consensual so no one is actually ever raped? It is a fantasy, a play acting.

I assume you find people who watch and read fantasies of people being tortured, mutilated and murdered are even more perverted?
No problem.

She said rape fantasy

Except her accepted pedo having her healthy fantasys about shagging 4 year olds and there being no problem with them having access to them I tend to disagree with.

Because apparently fantasys are fine right?

I was referring to healthy fantasies about a sexy (adult) pirate ripping my bodice and having his way with me in the galleys, but sure, cullenz. Now you've ascribed the desire to "shag 4 year olds" to me. Beautiful.

The pirate who enjoys acting out my fantasies with me (he's got about 30 years on the 4-year-old of your imagination, but who cares about little details like that when essentially calling strangers pedophiles) is now also laughing at this thread. He had no idea he was such an evil, dangerous man! Now that we know, we're gonna be good! :blush:
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However, I am allowed to think that the idea of anyone having a rape fantasy is perverted. That is MY opinion, MY morality. I find the idea of rape fantasy disgusting. THAT IS MY RIGHT!

Do you go into the same pearl-clutching hysterics about slasher and "torture porn" films? After all, they're all about fantasizing about brutalizing and murdering people.
Do you not know that those sane people who enjoy rape fantasies know that they are fantasies and that no one is actually raped? And those that enjoy sex that enacts "rape fantasies" are consensual so no one is actually ever raped? It is a fantasy, a play acting.

Yes, I know that, but I am still allowed to find it disgusting.
I find the "adult baby" fetish thing to be one of the most personally revolting the cultural tides have managed to wash ashore yet, and I wouldn't indulge one bit of it for anyone, no matter how much I liked them. The very idea makes my skin prickle with the horrors.

That statement stops pretty far short of declaring people who DO enjoy the fetish deviant, unnatural, abhorrent, sick, or anything else, on a fundamental level, just 'cause. That's where you get out of line. So stop backpedaling. No one's telling you to like it. A lot of people are majorly turned off by the idea of personally engaging in homosexual sex. That's fine. But we start frowning on those people when they make declarative public statements that homosexuals are sick or broken because they DO have that desire. How is your bigotry different, other than the fact that it targets a (probably) smaller group? Consenting adults means consenting adults. No crime is committed. Objective judgments therefore have no place.

This really isn't brain surgery.
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I was referring to healthy fantasies about a sexy (adult) pirate ripping my bodice and having his way with me in the galleys, but sure, cullenz. Now you've ascribed the desire to "shag 4 year olds" to me. Beautiful.

The pirate who enjoys acting out my fantasies with me (he's got about 30 years on the 4-year-old of your imagination, but who cares about little details like that when essentially calling strangers pedophiles) is now also laughing at this thread. He had no idea he was such an evil, dangerous man! Now that we know, we're gonna be good! :blush:
We were told there is nothing wrong with fantasies of doing illegal sexual acts.

Mainly fantasies about rape.

So logic would say this includes pedos and 4 year olds.

Unless I missed something?
We were told there is nothing wrong with fantasies of doing illegal sexual acts.

Mainly fantasies about rape.

So logic would say this includes pedos and 4 year olds.

Unless I missed something?

That is not what you were told. In fact, I think you missed basically everything.

I SAID: smartcooky's statement that rape fantasies indulged in by adult women are uncommon or pathological is demonstrably false, and also offensive.

That is what I said. That is all I said.

The only one bringing "shagging four-year-olds" into it is you.
We were told there is nothing wrong with fantasies of doing illegal sexual acts.

Mainly fantasies about rape.

So logic would say this includes pedos and 4 year olds.

Unless I missed something?

cullenz. This is what some people do when they can't debate honestly.

They cannot address your point without undermining their own position, so they will drag in other irrelevant topics to try confuse the issue and obfuscate their own failure to address your point.

It wasn't you or I who dragged rape fantasy, torture, murder or peanut butter and the other irrelevant stuff into this thread or your original thread.
That is not what you were told. In fact, I think you missed basically everything.

I SAID: smartcooky's statement that rape fantasies indulged in by adult women are uncommon or pathological is demonstrably false, and also offensive.

That is what I said. That is all I said.

The only one bringing "shagging four-year-olds" into it is you.
The topic of rape fantasies wasn't brought up talking about women having them.

And there have been posters on here saying blokes having them are perfectly fine.

All good.

But you can't pick and chose.
cullenz. This is what some people do when they can't debate honestly.

They cannot address your point without undermining their own position, so they will drag in other irrelevant topics to try confuse the issue and obfuscate their own failure to address your point.

It wasn't you or I who dragged rape fantasy, torture, murder or peanut butter and the other irrelevant stuff into this thread or your original thread.
It is quite odd really
Not relevant.


If simply saying what I believe is disingenuous then I'm guilty, along with 99.999% of posters on all forums.

If you were simply saying what you believe, then I wouldn't have had to point out how disingenuous you were being. You don't get a free pass on attacking imputing motives to others and then dismissing their responses as "not relevant". That's a childish evasion. One that certainly makes your own double standard clear.
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