Hahahahaaha. So what exactly is MY pathology, honey? I ask you again. Who am I, specifically, hurting? Is there a problem of women going out and getting themselves raped plaguing this nation? Or should you, perhaps, butt out of other people's fantasies with your disgusting, prurient judgments?
Cullennz wants a medal because he's never had a rape fantasy. I've never had a diapering fantasy either. BLAHHHHHHHH, on a personal level. But do I, isissxn, have the right to declare consenting adults who do "deviant" and "abhorrent?" No. No, I *********** do not.
Guess what, guys. Your personal (IMO boring) sexual proclivities do not determine law, goodness, or propriety. And thank god, I daresay. What a dreadfully empty world it would be if that was the baseline.
You should be deeply ashamed of your sickening bigotry. Pathetic. I'm off to get tied to my bed by another consenting adult. Peace.