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Ladies - Would you date a short man?

Are sceptics evil ?

  • Yes we are

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No we aren't

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not a sceptic thus I feel incapable of judging

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Returning to this thread, I had to give this some thought. I'd like to be open minded on the subject, but to be perfectly honest, I doubt that I would date a man shorter than myself unless there was some overwhelming attraction--i.e. I found him to be a kind, funny, intelligent man. I'd add to that I'd probably not date any man unless that was the case, but the lack of height would be a (ahem) shortcoming in my perception.

And I'd like to say that looks aren't everything, just as money can't buy love or happiness, but I can't agree. Just because Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist doesn't mean I want to play tonsil hockey with him. I doubt that I would be sexually attracted to a morbidly obese man, either. I doubt that I'm alone in that statement. I certainly wouldn't dislike anyone strictly on the basis of looks alone, but honestly speaking, in terms of love and romance, the looks do have a bearing. Of course, my definition of 'handsome' is pretty broad. I find Joe Bob Briggs to be swoon-worthy, and I've tried to get the husband to dress in western shirts and bolo ties, but it ain't happening. :D
I'm about 5 foot 3, and I have hardly met any men shorter than me. I have dated a man who was about 5 foot 5 inches. If I was attracted by a man shorter than me I'm sure I would date him- if I dated. Anyhow, you get the idea.

So yes, I would date a short man. I would date a fat man. I have dated stupid men- don't think I'll do that again!:D
Melissa Johnson said:
I find Joe Bob Briggs to be swoon-worthy, and I've tried to get the husband to dress in western shirts and bolo ties, but it ain't happening. :D

I'm conflicted, but I simultaneously find that tremendously attractive and tremendously disturbing. ;)
UnrepentantSinner said:

I'm conflicted, but I simultaneously find that tremendously attractive and tremendously disturbing. ;)

You have no idea the amount of time I've wasted watching Monstervision on TNT just to get Briggs' commentary at the end..
well, maybe I just gave you an idee...I miss that show, if not the movies exactly. Dinner And A Movie just doesn't compete with Briggs' witticisms and Brylcreem hairdo.

Originally posted by Denise So yes, I would date a short man. I would date a fat man. I have dated stupid men- don't think I'll do that again!

heh heh...stupid men...ain't we all done that...:roll:
Yeah, unfortunately it's when we are dumb and naive that we date these stupid men. Oh well, gotta learn somehow, even if it is the hard way. At 30 I think I can tell most stupid men from smart ones. I like to think so...

It's hard to find stupid men on this site though. In real life it's too darn easy.
Eos of the Eons said:
Yeah, unfortunately it's when we are dumb and naive that we date these stupid men. Oh well, gotta learn somehow, even if it is the hard way. At 30 I think I can tell most stupid men from smart ones. I like to think so...

It's hard to find stupid men on this site though. In real life it's too darn easy.

Some men are quite good at concealing their stupidity for long periods of time. They are the dangerous ones.

If they're so stupid, then how can they can conceal it so well? Are they the 'smart' stupid men we know as con artists? More like conniving maybe.

If we're smarter we can spot them a mile away too. If not, then I fear we may be hypocrites, sigh. I can proudly say I have been able to date a con and dump him before losing my life's earning on him! I also may have been able to hurt him more than he tried to con me ;) I've been called the B name a lot :D

Serves him right for telling me he needed money for a hair cut and then bought beer...yeah yeah we had just moved and hadn't got a pay cheque from our new jobs yet.

It really took the cake when he back ended someone and asked me to jump in the driver's seat though. Turns out he had no license or insurance, etc. Huh. The things you learn about the charmers. Not so charming when they try to make you take the fall for them! Ugh. At least his car window got smashed and his expensive stereo ripped out after I left him. No, I didn't have anything to do with it! I just felt very good after hearing about it :p
Interesting to read this thread as I have been wondering about the other end of the scale. How do women feel about very tall men?

I am 6'6" and have recently joined an internet dating site. For any lady's profile you look at it tells you whether your profile matches her criteria and I have been stunned to see that, of the ones I have seen (which admittedly is a small sample compared to everyone on the site) around 1/2 to 3/4 of the women say they don't want a man over 6'3"!

Now I've always been quite proud of my height and thought it was good for attracting girls but now I have to wonder. Are men over 6'3" too freaky for most women?
UKBoy1977 said:
Interesting to read this thread as I have been wondering about the other end of the scale. How do women feel about very tall men?

I am 6'6" and have recently joined an internet dating site. For any lady's profile you look at it tells you whether your profile matches her criteria and I have been stunned to see that, of the ones I have seen (which admittedly is a small sample compared to everyone on the site) around 1/2 to 3/4 of the women say they don't want a man over 6'3"!

Now I've always been quite proud of my height and thought it was good for attracting girls but now I have to wonder. Are men over 6'3" too freaky for most women?

I am very attracted to tall men, but, that attraction can be tempered by related factors. For instance, I used to know a guy who was 6'8". Upon meeting him, all lot of people would ask him if he was a basketball player. (I know, I know, it's obnoxious) Well, all one had to do was watch him move for about 15 seconds to know that he was not an athlete. He was awkward and seemed uncomfortable with his size. It was also clear that most things in human society aren't made for people as tall as him.

I aslo think that many women have images of Jack Cassidy in mind when they say that very tall men aren't what they are looking for.

Obviously, many tall men are athletic, graceful and not at all physically awkward. As always, it depends on the individual.

Now I've always been quite proud of my height and thought it was good for attracting girls but now I have to wonder. Are men over 6'3" too freaky for most women?

To me, it's absolutely indifferent how much taller he is, and long as he is taller in the first place. :)

Really, I too didn't know that "too tall" could be an inconvenient.
UnrepentantSinner said:

Surely our skepchicks aren't that shallow? So how about it ladies, would you date or marry a short guy, and if so, what's the cut off hight?

This needs to be balanced with the question of whether men will date a tall woman.

I'm 6'4" myself (190 cm) and I see few women taller than me. But when I do see them, if they are reasonably OK looking, their height is an additional attraction.

In my experience, it is average or slightly below average height men who have a problem with womens' height.

Really short men tend to prefer the tallest women they can get, at least in my observation.
I have to admit, I did meet a girl who was about 6'5" once and it just freaked me out! As I am used to towering over most people and particularly women, it was just too weird. Maybe I could get used to it, I don't know after all it does mean there's more of them to love!
Glory said:

It was also clear that most things in human society aren't made for people as tall as him.
I can testify that the doorways in some Japanese private homes and hostels are less than 186 cm in height.
I have been led to understand that I would be unable to buy shoes in Asia and Japan. Apparantly they only go up to a size 8 for ladies. As a 91/2 my feet are freakishly large to them.

I have been led to understand that I would be unable to buy shoes in Asia and Japan. Apparantly they only go up to a size 8 for ladies. As a 91/2 my feet are freakishly large to them.

:eek: In Brazil you'd be hard-pressed to find female shoes this size, too. You'd have to make special requests.
I'm 5'9". I date tall. I prefer 6'2" and up...with my ideal man being built like a lumberjack.

Of course, whoever set up the poll should have specified what "date" meant. Because there's date and then there's "date".
Yes, I'll date a man with a big nose.
They come in handy sometimes.
Move on, what next?
My first ever kiss was from a boy who was about 6 foot 4. I was 15 he was 16...

Anyhow, to me, dating a man that much taller than me is kind of awkward as well as intimidating to be honest. Slow dancing is not possible cheek to cheek to say the least!:D
NoZed Avenger said:
Forget all this stuff.

Move on to really pressing issues: what about men with big noses?

I thought a big nose translated into a big......;)
What about hair, where do you gals stand on the whole hair issue.

Mrs. Yahweh agrees, I have perfect hair.

Just a quick description: I have very fine hair (its always been like that), its not long but not short either (medium I guess), its dark blonde, I brush the hair straight down because any other style and I look "retarded", and Dove shampoos made it both silky and smooth.
Yahweh said:
What about hair, where do you gals stand on the whole hair issue.

Mrs. Yahweh agrees, I have perfect hair.

Just a quick description: I have very fine hair (its always been like that), its not long but not short either (medium I guess), its dark blonde, I brush the hair straight down because any other style and I look "retarded", and Dove shampoos made it both silky and smooth.

Hair used to be really important to me. Not anymore. I am bored with it. If you have great hair, good for you. If you don't, as long as it's not offensive, I don't care that much. If you're bald, okey dokey, I can deal with that. I have known a couple of very attractive bald men.

Hair on woman is of more interest to me but ultimately, aren't there other things to pay attention to? As long as you don't look like Cousin It you're fine.

I find it interesting that the polls show women don't find short men attractive, yet so many of the Hollywood leading men are rather short. This includes many of the ones who make the People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive. Mel Gibson, for instance, is about 5'8" (about 1.72 m). Tom Cruise is famously short (5'6"), as is Robert Redford (5'7"). Paul Newman is 5'9", as is Hollywood tough guy Robert DeNiro. Al Pacino is 5'6." Colin Farrell, the current "it" boy, is about 5'6". I doubt that many of the young women who claim they wouldn't date short guys would turn him down.

The list goes on and on. Some of these guys are close to "average," but none of them is tall.

Counterexamples exist, of course, as Brad Pitt is about 6', for instance.


Anyway, I'm 5'9" (1.75 m) and I've dated several girls my height, and even a few two inches or so taller. It never seemed to be much of an issue for either of us.

I suppose my ideal height for a woman is about 5'4" to 5'7" (1.62 to 1.70 m).

I suppose I am pretty superficial when it comes to weight. I won't date a girl who weighs as much as me. I'm about 192 lb., or 87.5 kg. I don't think this has ever been much of an issue, however.

I'm glad to hear several skepchicks say they don't care too much about height.

Hair doesn't matter at all to me. I'm dating a man who has the best hair in the world, but, that's just part of him. I've had a lot of fun in the past with a bald man.
When it comes to men, I like haveing something interesting to look at. I like the not so average guy. I'm not exagerating when I say that Chippendales dancers make me sick to my stomach. If you've got ripped abs, I won't even look at you, let alone date you.
But, I'm sorry, height plays a huge role in who I date. Even my attraction to Hollywood celebrities is based first on height. Clint Eastwood is what, 6' 4"? I have a crush on Alan Rickman but I'm reluctant to find out his height because I suspect he's shorter than me. That changed my mind on Ed Harris.
It's completley shallow. It is.
But, men judge women on their looks as well. I suppose for me it's like looking for that Adonis. I'm attracted to men based on height and brains.
I won't, however, go for a man who's thighs are thinner than mine. I'm tiny, and I want a good hunk of man, not someone who is going to make me feel big.

I think though, what you're searching for is reassurance that women are attracted to men who aren't the average "stud". And you know, they are. People are attracted to everything. Everyone has their kinks. From men who love BBW (that's Big Beautiful Women to you, google it) to women who love Chippendales, people are attracted to everything.
I like older men with a little fat on them. I don't think that's as common as women likeing shorter men. I have a Little Person friend who is just astonishing with women. He's always dating 6' tall blondes. It's great.

Don't worry about your height. Make it work for you, empower you. That's sexy.
Okay, you know, that's a very good point.
Michael J. Fox is extremely hot. I would date him. So maybe the height pickiness isn't a set thing.
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