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  • Robert, where are you guys? Yeah, I've been away again (just finished moving...finally!) and everything here has suddenly changed. Did everybody find a new place to go? If so, where? If I'm invited, that is! :)

    Anyway, hope you are well. I see you were last here about 2 weeks ago.
    i forgot to mention that, since transferring me to the dentist's chair would have been difficult, the whole procedure was done with me in my wheelchair. It was probably the best use yet for my 'chair's Tilt feature.
    Hi Robert. Just got back from the Hamilton Airshow where we saw a flying Lancaster:

    This is a resize/crop of a much larger image; unfortunately the Lanc is very much off-center in the original image.

    I also have a number of other pictures of the Lanc (and of other aircraft - 280 in all. I may post selected ones in Community later, but I thought you'd enjoy this one.

    - grmcdorman
    Hi, I'm sure you probably hear this a lot, but I am a huge fan of your "Stop Sylvia" site. I was already extremely doubtful of her "abilities" when I discovered your site, but I had no idea what an awful person she is. Thanks for all you have done on the site and I wish you the best of luck with your recovery.
    Greetings Robert, I am just a bystander and am just trying to right some wrongs I feel that live in the world today.


    Normally Robert I find your posts educational and enlightening, just lately I have found them to be an utterly Hypocritical
    shame on you
    I got my contributor's copy of the newest edition of SI in the mail a few days ago. It looks really good; if you can't make it to Barnes and Nobles, I'd be happy to email you a scan.
    Hi Robert, I am very glad to see you back at it, much more so to know you are still with us and recovering functionality. Way to go! Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year - all the best!

    Drat! I sent you so many to either webmaster@stopsylviabrowne.com or webmaster@stopsylvia.com ! Please tell me you didn't get ANY of them! I must have them all still in my Sent items folder. Let me look for them and forward them.
    Hi Robert! Good to see you posting regularly again!

    So I haven't gotten any emails back from you since the stroke...have you gotten any of them?
    Hi Robert!

    Well I asked ShowerComic just now and he says he finds me very pretty! So I guess you were right!

    Though we both agree it's the odd, geeky things we find most attractive in each other!

    Thanks so much, and may your health and happiness continue to improve!

    MattfnComic! :moose:
    Got your message about my Facebook profile. Everything seems fine and I emailed you via Facebook. Please watch for the email and let me know here if you didn't get it.
    Take Care!
    Hi Robert!

    I'd like to personally welcome you back home :). I'm very sorry I couldn't have done more for you while you were away; I hope you at least got my Dave Barry book and got a few laughs from it. I was at loss what to send you and gambled that you might enjoy that kind of humor.

    Which is probably a lot more than could be said for that Sylvia Browne "All Pets Go to Heaven" book you got from me!
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