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Ladies - Would you date a short man?

Are sceptics evil ?

  • Yes we are

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No we aren't

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not a sceptic thus I feel incapable of judging

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


A post by Alan Smithee
Aug 26, 2001
Dallas, Texas
One of the guys on the housekeeping crew at work is a good looking guy who looks like he works out. He's also about 5'3". Every once in a while when I see him he reminds me of the experiment that 20/20 or Dateline did some years ago about short men. Apparently in order to get a woman to date a short guy he needs to be a millionare doctor, world traveller, who grows and bottles his own wine for his 5 star resaurant where he is head chef.

Surely our skepchicks aren't that shallow? So how about it ladies, would you date or marry a short guy, and if so, what's the cut off hight?
I have a physics professor who isn't much taller than 5 feet. (I'm 5'7"). If he wasn't way too old for me, I would totally date him. :)

He's cute. And a string theorist!

For all I know he might be married.
5 or 6 of my ex-lovers have been around the same height as me (165 cm) or shorter. It definitely has some advantages where sex is concerned.
I voted yes. Mine is about 5' 10 or something, and I'm not just dating, I'm marrying him!

I would draw the line at Danny De Vito *shudder* but I think that's more to do with pug-ugly, because I would definitely have gone for Dudley Moore.
UnrepentantSinner said:
Every once in a while when I see him he reminds me of the experiment that 20/20 or Dateline did some years ago about short men. Apparently in order to get a woman to date a short guy he needs to be a millionare doctor, world traveller, who grows and bottles his own wine for his 5 star resaurant where he is head chef.
That was a very interesting experiment they conducted. For those who missed it, you can read the story here. Check this out:
McGinty helped ABCNEWS put together an experiment to test just how willing women are to date shorter men. We brought together several short men and asked them to stand next to taller men. We invited groups of women to look at the men and choose a date.

To see if the women would go for short guys who were successful, ABCNEWS' Lynn Sherr created extraordinary résumés for the shorter men. She told the women that the shorter men included a doctor, a best-selling author, a champion skier, a venture capitalist who'd made millions by the age of 25.

Nothing worked. The women always chose the tall men. Sherr asked whether there'd be anything she could say that would make the shortest of the men, who was 5 feet, irresistible. One of the women replied, "Maybe the only thing you could say is that the other four are murderers." Another backed her up, saying that had the taller men had a criminal record she might have been swayed to choose a shorter man. Another said she'd have considered the shorter men, if the taller men had been described as "child molesters."
Missy said:
Before I vote.. How short exactly??

Let's say below 5'6 or 175cm (does quick math in his head).

Zakur, thanks for digging that up. That's the show I was talking about.

I didn't add this earlier, but I wanted a reply based poll. The guy I mentioned is Fillipeno and doesn't speak English that well. But, as I said, he's fairly buff and pretty good looking (from a guy judging competition POV). I'm 6'2", not very good looking and need to hit the gym.. to say the least. I speak English and am very Anglo.

So who of us would win on Elimidate?
One of the nice things about being 5'4" is that everybody is tall. I have dated men ranging from 5'3" to 6'4". Height has never been a factor in deciding whom I would date.

BTW, my husband is 6'4". Sometimes I think it would be nice to be with someone that didn't place things on the top shelf. He calls it job security.:D

Same here, except I'm 5' 1". Most of the world, in fact, is taller than me. I have dated men that others would consider short (for these purposes, I guess under 5'9" would do). My current Mr., however, is 6'2". For what it's worth, we've found ... ways around the height differences.

well, I did date a guy an inch shorter than myself. I found myself in the Nicole Kidman situation...never being able to wear heels. I had more nice flat shoes. It was his hang up though, and one of the reasons I decided to NOT marry him. I think I would like dating a short guy who doesn't mind if I wear heels and can accept our height differences. Plus, he would be easier to hide under the bed if Pool Boy comes home unexpectedly (just kidding....) I have to say that when I dated Pool Boy it was nice to look UP. Makes a girl all mushy....
I am married so I don't get many dates but, I have been known to find short men attractive. I would not rule out a man because he was short. I would not alter my behaviour because of a man's small stature either. I am 5' 7" and I like high heels on occasion. Who cares what others think about how we look together?

However,I suppose, for honesty's sake, I should disclose that my husband is 6' 3".

I'm about 6 feet tall, my wife is around 5'7. If there was a larger height difference, it wouldnt matter.
I voted 'yes' in the end. I'm a shortie myself (about 5'4). I hate picturing myself trying to stretch up on my tiptoes for a goodnight kiss with a tall guy. :rolleyes:

So I guess I like short guys... My size :).
I'm actually quite surprised. While some of you seem to have a preferance (judging by your husbands) you all seem very open minded (and Missy, you actually buck the conventional wisdom by wanting someone closer to your own hight) about this issue.

I was thinking about posting a poll asking if men would date tall women (over 6') but I think we're a lot more shallow a gender than that.
I freely admit that I am very atypical compared to most women where chosing men is concerned. As long as a man is not actually offensive in some way, I'll give him a chance, or, I would were I not married. Things that many women would deem nonnegotiables are not a problem for me. I have found myself attracted to short men, bald men, overweight men (granted not hugely overweight), poor men (my husband is not wealthy by anyone's standards), and geeky men. The biggest turn on for me is intelegence and stupidity is the biggest turn off. Everything else is balanced against those two extremes. It has always amazed me that grown women would toss aside a wonderful man simply because he wasn't physically perfect or capable of giving her a better lifestyle than she already has. But then, alot of things amaze me including the fact that I am so different from every woman I have ever known. Alas...

It's difficult to find a man higher than the 1.96 that I am so I have been dating with shorter men the whole of my life :)

Only once I was seeing somebody who was 2.04 and as reprise said it had a lot of advantages... although... oh shut up Cleopatra! :p

Unrepentant Sinner, maybe you should have posted the other poll ;)
Cleopatra said:
It's difficult to find a man higher than the 1.96 that I am so I have been dating with shorter men the whole of my life :)

Only once I was seeing somebody who was 2.04 and as reprise said it had a lot of advantages... although... oh shut up Cleopatra! :p

Unrepentant Sinner, maybe you should have posted the other poll ;)
Previously you claimed to be 1.86 m tall.
Obviously miss typed! I guess you will have the opportunity to measure me in TAM , I doubt if I can get taller in some months :p
Let me think... :p

In this thread. My height varies from 1,84-86, it depends on the wall I guess!
I have never dated a man that was shorter than me, partly because I am also short 5ft 3 in. but even if I were taller I don't think I'd date a man shorter than me.

To me having a man that is a little taller than me, makes me feel safer. If he's shorter I'd feel more like his mother with him having to look up at me all the time and me looking down at him when I'm yelling at him.

But, if I weren't married now, who knows, anything is possible and I do change my mind sometimes :)
I'm 5' 1", so all men are taller than me. I purposely picked short cute guys when I was dating.

Tall men make me feel like a kid. I hate that. It was the taller guys in my schools that tortured me, so I kind of hate tall guys. I don't really judge until I know them, but I'd rather talk to someone under 5' 7". I find big people are more arrogant most of the time, especially around short people. You're not smarter just because you're taller :p
LillyThePink said:
I voted yes. Mine is about 5' 10 or something, and I'm not just dating, I'm marrying him!

After a quick conversion I noted that I'm 5' 10" tall (to be precise, I'm 0.1 inches taller than that) and I have vague recollections that it is the average height of men in Northern Europe. Definitely not short.
UnrepentantSinner said:

I was thinking about posting a poll asking if men would date tall women (over 6') but I think we're a lot more shallow a gender than that.

I know several women who are taller than that, and yes, I would date them (if I didn't already have a girlfriend). Though, I have to admit that I fall in love much easier to women who are slightly shorter than me.
Nothing worked. The women always chose the tall men. Sherr asked whether there'd be anything she could say that would make the shortest of the men, who was 5 feet, irresistible. One of the women replied, "Maybe the only thing you could say is that the other four are murderers." Another backed her up, saying that had the taller men had a criminal record she might have been swayed to choose a shorter man. Another said she'd have considered the shorter men, if the taller men had been described as "child molesters."

Whenever I see something like this, I just have to wonder where they dig up these shallow sub-humans. As for myself I've dated both short and tall guys. Never made any difference to me.
LW said:

I know several women who are taller than that, and yes, I would date them (if I didn't already have a girlfriend). Though, I have to admit that I fall in love much easier to women who are slightly shorter than me.

I'm weird that way LW. I love 'em petite (5'4" and under) and tall (5' 10" and over). I have persued women in those ranges all my life, yet every woman I've ever dated was between 5' 5" and 5' 8". Don't get me started about the 6' 1" exchange student we had from Bergen... female btw.

Eos, I'm 6'2". If you're ever on the market, let me know and we'll cuddle. I'll be far too into you to exude even the slightest hint of arrogance.

When I thought about it enough, I remembered one tall guy I worked with at Dow who was really really nice. I think his wife was fairly short. My cousin married a really tall guy and she's my size. He's OK too.

I don't know if I would have dated them no matter how nice they were because of the feeling like a kid thing. I'm sure there's some guys out there that might be able to change that perception, but by the time I'll ever be single I'll be like a hundred!

Thanks for the offer UnrepentantSinner, maybe you're one of the nice ones. Good luck with the ladies :)
Hi U.S.,

Well, I'm guessing you mean "shorter than you." And I'm going to be perfectly honest, even though I really want to say, "Of course I would! It's the person that really counts!"

In college I dated two men who were a couple of inches shorter than I am (I'm 5'7). They were good looking, intelligent, fun--great guys, but in all honesty, I really wished they were taller.

I like "tall" but I've dated men who were my height or slightly taller and that's okay. But shorter...honestly, I didn't really like it. :(

(But the money thing--much or a little--would be absolutely no factor at all. Height...yes. Money...no. That much I can say at least :) ).
scarlet_35 said:
I have never dated a man that was shorter than me, partly because I am also short 5ft 3 in.

Gee, as if I didn't have enough reasons to be jealous of Bryan.

Reprise, I find your comments refreshing in an evolutionary sense. It means that even if I'm not some macho media sense that I can be attractive for having 10 or 11 inches on the woman I'm persuing.
Faustina said:

Whenever I see something like this, I just have to wonder where they dig up these shallow sub-humans. As for myself I've dated both short and tall guys. Never made any difference to me.

Shallow sub-humans? I resemble that remark :D I wouldn't have a problem with a shorter guy; most of the time it's the guys that have the problem with me. I'm on the high side of 5'9" and even in moderate heels I'm brushing 6.0. Married to a guy who's just at 6.0 and we fit together nicely, I think.

No, I don't think I'd have a problem with dating shorter guys, provided they don't have a problem with looking up at me. In my past experiences, short men seem to have found this either unattractive or embarrassing. Either way, it didn't work.
Clancie said:

(But the money thing--much or a little--would be absolutely no factor at all. Height...yes. Money...no. That much I can say at least :) ).

I always like to say "I married for money."

It isn't true, but it gets really good expressions. Then I can always throw out the line, "But I was misinformed," which is usually good for a couple of laughs...

Or maybe not...:D
Missy said:
I voted 'yes' in the end. I'm a shortie myself (about 5'4). I hate picturing myself trying to stretch up on my tiptoes for a goodnight kiss with a tall guy. :rolleyes:

Are you picturing the guy in some sort of back brace? :p

I'm 6' 7", my wife is 5' 3" and we really have no problems kissing or doing other, ahem, things. I find that it's not very difficult to lean over a bit. ;)
I'm 6'1", Mrs Zep is 5'1". We cope fine, thanks. I just pick her up if needs be...
I voted only if he had money....but that was only :p . Honestly I have dated guys who have been shorter and guys who have been taller than me ( I am 165cm). Height really doesn't bother me....it is more his ability to hold up his own end of a conversation that interests me.

(Warning - made up statistics follow) - Most teenage girls would NOT date a shorter guy - but as you mature you look for more that just the physical attractions, (although it still counts . :wink: )
UnrepentantSinner said:
One of the guys on the housekeeping crew at work is a good looking guy who looks like he works out. He's also about 5'3". Every once in a while when I see him he reminds me of the experiment that 20/20 or Dateline did some years ago about short men. Apparently in order to get a woman to date a short guy he needs to be a millionare doctor, world traveller, who grows and bottles his own wine for his 5 star resaurant where he is head chef.

Surely our skepchicks aren't that shallow? So how about it ladies, would you date or marry a short guy, and if so, what's the cut off hight?

Depends on how interesting and intelligent he is. Looks mean little, but a great mind is everything.
I'm 4'10" so there isn't much fear of guys being shorter than me. However, given that very slim possibility, I don't think I could date someone shorter than I am.
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