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Johnny Carson Died

That's right. In fact, if I remember correctly, JR first exposed Peter Popoff's fraudulent methods on Carson's show!
I wonder if he mentions the JREF in the will? I am aware of the relationship. Perhaps the challenge will go up in amount?

Johnny Carson was a great human being and a valued skeptic. I gained my interest in science from his shows with Carl Sagan. I didn't quite catch skepticism from James Randi when he appeared, but it must have rubbed off. ;)

He has always been very generous to JREF and it is sad to see him leave the stage one last time.

Sagan's career as a popularizer had begun in the early 1970s when he started publishing science books aimed at a lay audience and made his first of 25 appearances on NBC's "Tonight Show."


Randi was a guest some 30 or more times.
Johnny Carson - through his Foundation - made a $100,000 contribution to the JREF.


Johnny Carson like Carl Sagan will be fondly remembered and sorely missed!!!
Johnny Carson's going to get a real shock when he meets God then, isn't he?
Everyone knows that good atheists go to heaven because God is good and love and not petty or insecure.

And that bad people go to hell, no matter how strongly they belive in God.

"Sure I may have lied, cheated, killed. stlen, abused and pillaged, but I believe in God!"
[Sounds of trapdoor opening, a long scream, then hot sizzling]
If you've not seen it, in today's NYTimes (1-25-05) there is a great piece by Steve Martin in memory of Johnny, notes his skepticism and treatemtn of con-artists...
Re: Johnny

songstress said:
Johnny Carson's going to get a real shock when he meets God then, isn't he?

Why do you consider the belief that Uri Geller is a two-bit, lying, con-artist incompatible with a belief in God?
Re: Johnny

songstress said:
Johnny Carson's going to get a real shock when he meets God then, isn't he?

Another medium who wont take the challenge,I recall.Songstress not Carson,lol ;)
jambo372 said:
I thought athiests went to hell.

"If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul." -Isaac Asimov-
Over the last couple of days, I've seen lots of clips of Carson's best work and enjoyed the nostalgia of the good old days of the Tonight Show. So I was amused to see the clip posted on this web page:

It's from some public access TV show offering a critique of Carson using clips from the 70s. While I find the host and his critique a bit sour, it was nice to see the old Tonight Show clips, one of a seemingly spur-of-the-moment bit that just doesn't click, and one of a more edgy comic bit that probably wouldn't be tolerated on network TV today.

They were nice to see because that was the Carson I truly remember. The slow parts, the bits that didn't work, or may have been in poor taste. Along with the classic ones that have been played over and over in the last few days. A more complete picture triggered in my memory. Made me even more nostalgic for those days.

So long, Johnny.
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