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  • I consider the findings of Germar Rudolf to be serious as he is a Max Planck Institute educated chemist. Last year he completed a two and a half year prison sentence for the "crime" of writing this report. You mention that most historians don't consider the revisionist works serious. That's what they say in public but if you are threatened with jail or losing your job simply by being skeptical of the holocaust then of course most people won't rock the boat. Everyone having to conform to the same opinion with dissenters being sent to jail is the very essence of totalitarianism - something which you claim to be against. One man who has the courage of his convictions is Bishop Williamson of Britain, formerly of Argentina. He had to leave that country simply because he said that there were no nazi gas chambers and the Jewish death toll was 300 000 not 6 000 000. It's a great pity the catholic church doesn't go after pedophiles with as much vigour as they do historical heretics.
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