A random link to get you started. But I didn't base my statement on a quick Google before I posted, I actually have some knowledge of this from books and documentaries. I recommend that you expand your own knowledge, or obtain it, in similar ways.
Ah, the Torygraph. Well, which is right? The headline "Sex slaves are in every street in Britain"? Or the text
Makela is among hundreds, if not thousands, of vulnerable people trafficked into and within the UK annually for remunerative sexual exploitation. The United Kingdom Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) – part of the National Crime Agency (NCA) – estimates that 2,744 people, including 602 children, were potential victims of trafficking for exploitation in 2013, an increase of 22 per cent on 2012.
Now, lets assume the real situation is two or three times as bad as that, and the authorities have not solved the problem.
Is that infinitely worse than the situation in 1860 Dixie, where the authorities were concerned to preserve, not to suppress, slavery? Where in several states the vast majority of agricultural labourers were slaves, and in two states the majority of the whole population were slaves; and where sexual abuse of slaves was not merely commonplace, but normal?
This situation described by the Torygraph is infinitely worse than the slavery of the anteBellum USA? Really? I don't believe you think that. I truly don't. I think your affection for reactionary politics has blinded you to plain historical reality.
ETA I notice that your cited article is headed "Home>Sponsored>Lifestyle". I am reassured to learn that the bulk of your wide knowledge comes from other types of source.
ETA 2. Genevieve Fox, The author of the sponsored article you cite
says of herself
Back in the UK nine months later, I cut off my African hair extensions (fake hair, not human) and wrote broader arts pieces before turning to features, celebrity interviews, property, wellbeing and luxury travel. You can find my pieces everywhere from The Telegraph, Guardian,Times, Independent and the Daily Mail to the New Statesman, Catholic Herald, Marie Claire and Psychologies ...
When it comes to marketing yourself, or your product or your organisation, communicating a clear message and reaching your target audience go hand in hand. Whether it’s developing content for your website that you need expert help with, writing press releases, helping you find the right voice for your product or drawing up a communication strategy, I will work with you.
I see.