Could have been handled better, and should have, given the known proclivity to completely ignore all negative aspects of mainstream culture, which is holy, greatest, and god-blessed. The transition from the map below until today also merits at least some form of explanation, preferably including discussion of mineral "rights" and "Manifest Destiny." At minimum, Custer's Last Stand should be celebrated as just deserts for criminal actions, including war crimes.
Puts today's bully pipelines in perspective. There's no turning back the clock, but slavery and ultra-violent land theft are as American as apple pie, and should at least be mentioned as often as Johnny Appleseed, for crying out loud. US history is as mixed a bag as that of, say, Germany, but remains wrapped in racial myth. Someone forgot to own up to the factual past (and present) after WWII, and it ain't the Nazis. Thus, Trump, and alt-right pride. Shameful.