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  • Just read the last one. Others drafts sent by mistake. Where I am now connexions very bad. Sorry about bus. I hope you weren't too shocked, if you were a passenger. Apart from that, I haven't the least idea of what you are talking about, except that it is in no way connected with the subject under discussion.
    Did we have better presidents before women had the right to vote?
    I am not brave enough to ask this on the forum. Maybe you are.
    Possible responses to a poll question might include:

    Of course not, presidents were ugly then.

    You have sent me 3 email messages. Is there anything there that are healthy, helpful, or worth my reading? Some guy this moring cut infront of the bus and hit his breaks only to flip off the bus driver and also put about 50 lives at risk. His action probably made himself feel great. Are your IM's kind of like that. They are just about as useful as this guy flipping off the bus driver this morning?
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