Savory's idea is that converting a billion hectares to his HM will cause
reversal of global warming by sequestering C in soil and reducing atmospheric CO2 to pre-industrial levels.
Skeptical Sceince article with many references:
Holistic Management can reverse Climate Change
That article by Seb V over at skeptical science is wrong. Now you have continued to repeat the error.
I already explained it to you where the mistake was made.
So stop being so pig headed please. The article claims the Savory thinks only some sort of grazing changes would reverse AGW. This is false, and indicates a profound lack of understanding of holistic management. Savory has never claimed that ONLY grazing could reverse global warming. NEVER
Savory claims the eight tools for managing natural resources are money/labor, human creativity, grazing, animal impact, fire, rest, living organisms and science/technology. To be successful you need to use
all these tools to the best of your ability.
So both you and Seb v made the same error in assuming when Savory claims only a holistic management using all the tools available to us can reverse global warming, he is talking about the broader holistic management, rather than the subset of holistic planned grazing. HM is not the same as or HPG.
More proof that his claims are very different that what some critics have proclaimed in their ignorance is found here.
A Global Strategy for Addressing Global Climate Change by Allan Savory
That is his actual plan, not the strawman found many places including over at skeptical science.
For any one who can actually read it is obvious.
Two-Path Strategy is Essential for Combating Combat Climate Change
1) High Technology Path. "This path, based on mainstream reductionist science, is urgent and vital to the development of alternative energy sources to reduce or halt future emissions.
2) Low Technology Path. This path based on the emerging relationship science or holistic world view is vital for resolving the problem of grassland biomass burning, desertification and the safe storage of CO2, (legacy load) of heat trapping gases that already exist in the atmosphere."
Not just restoring desertified land we destroyed with poor agricultural management practises, but rather BOTH reducing emissions AND restoring the desertified land back to productivity.
You repeat that strawman again, after I explained it to you in terms even a 3 years old child can understand, and all it proves is you are telling lies.
The "little or no significant " is a bit exaggerated. It should be "not enough to support Savory's claim".
Holistic management – a critical review of Allan Savory's grazing method by Nordborg, M. (2016). (
PDF), described at
Holistic management – a critical review of Allan Savory’s grazing method.
The role of ruminants in reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint in North America by Teague, et. al (2016) has 3 tonnes of C per ha year sequesters
which debunks Savory's claim which needs ~8 tonnes of C per ha year just to remove current CO2 emissions!
You made a simple math error here RC. You forgot to convert C to CO2.
8 tonnes CO2e is the magic number, not 8 tonnes C.
3 t C /ha/yr X 44 t CO2 / 12 t C = 11 tonnes CO2e/ha/yr on average. and yes this is big enough to offset your 8 Tonnes CO2e.
Nordborg, M. (2016) also makes the point that it is invalid to not account for emissions of methane from cattle. It is well established that the increasing concentration of methane in the atmosphere can largely be attributed to the world’s increasing livestock population. This is something the Savory Institute tries to deny.
This is completely false. There is less biomass in animals than ever. We are in a dangerously low level worldwide of animals. Livestock do not even come close to making up for the lost herds of deer bison buffalo antelope birds and yes even insect number are dropping off the charts low as the Mass extinction that is the Anthropocene continues.
It is even false that increasing methane can be largely attributed to livestock. Only a very small % can even be attributed to livestock, much smaller than gas leaks and other sources like paddy rice production.
Furthermore if the cattle were raised on properly managed grasslands, they would be balanced by methanotroph activity, giving a net negative result.
Soil Microorganisms as Controllers of Atmospheric Trace Gases
All you are doing is repeating bad science RC. The very slight increase in methane from animal husbandry is caused by removing those animals from the land. Something absolutely different than Savory advises. In fact he has
STRONGLY stated the opposite.
“The number one public enemy is the cow. But the number one tool that can save mankind is the cow. We need every cow we can get back out on the range. It is almost criminal to have them in feedlots which are inhumane, antisocial, and environmentally and economically unsound.” Allan Savory