It is still correct that Alan Savory's article is ignorant about the cause of global warming. We know it is CO2 primarily from industry and transport,
not any kind of farm management.
It is still correct that
Savory and his institute is a bad source on climate science.
I have spent years
citing the scientific literature on carbon sequestration in soils to you and have cited a source yet again with many references yet again.
Nordborg, M. (2016). Holistic management – a critical review of Allan Savory's grazing method. Uppsala: SLU/EPOK – Centre for Organic Food & Farming & Chalmers. (
PDF), described at Holistic management – a critical review of Allan Savory’s grazing method.
List the LOTS of published papers reporting "sequestering carbon at those rates and even higher" and what are "those rates"?
Read your own sources Reality Check
"The total carbon storage potential in pastures does not exceed 0.8 tonnes of C per ha and year, or 27 billion tonnes of C globally, according
to an estimate in this report based on very optimistic assumptions"
It is based on an estimate and an assumption. Get this through your thick skull. I have repeated this over and over. These studies made valid hypotheses based on estimates and assumptions, not on measurements. That means if I find that there actually are examples of sequestration rates higher than that, these estimates and assumptions forming a hypothesis, no matter how much you want it to be true,
it is falsified.
Now I gave you the case studies from Dr Kristine Jones, and she has
MEASURED case studies
AVERAGING 5-20 tonnes CO2e/ha/yr.
In science
MEASURED CASE STUDIES (with controls too) always trump estimates and assumptions.... every time.
Then of course we have Teague's published work which I also gave you multiple times with
AVERAGE 11 tonnes CO2e/ha/yr
Low and behold an independant scientist confirming Savory's
MEASURED CO2 sequestration is also confirmed twice removed and completely independent of
BOTH Jones and Savory.
Now we have three cases where MEASUREMENTS have exceeded the assumed estimates from your study. OOPS now we have not only certainty that at least under certain conditions it can be done, we also can show it on 3 continents and 3 sets of different conditions...
At this point it becomes clear the vast majority of the actual evidence from people in the field is falsifying a clearly biased set of assumptions and estimates. No matter how "generous" they claim the estimates to be, they are less than 1/2 the LOW end of the actual measured sequestration rates found in the field....
Now since you have been confused by this before ...... a really simple analogy would be that proving a model T ford can only average 15 miles an hour and breaks down at least 1 time a month on average is absolutely useless information in trying to make estimated assumptions on how fast and reliable a 2020 ford mustang might be. You just can't really get good data from the model T and use estimates and assumptions to find out either. Instead you need to measure the Mustang! Collect data from there.... In a similar way both Jones and Teague collected data from real crop farmers and ranchers in the field.... with controls..... and their case studies
FALSIFY your junk science of inaccurate assumptions and estimates.
You are just as bad as any denier found here are ISF, although you pretend to be concerned about AGW and pretend to agree it is real, you are in just as bad a state of denial as anyone spouting Christy nonsense. You have used fake experts, logical fallacies, impossible expectations, and cherry picking in an attempt to deny delay hoping for some unclear reason to halt any action being taken. That is just as bad as denying any action needs to be taken, since the end result is exactly the same.
I have posted those three above, the proof of concept and the two other sources of case studies confirming Savory's claims so many times, I simply and not willing any more to play your silly games. You know them, go get them your damn self.
However, people who are actually using the methods are repeating the results in many cases......
Mitigating livestock greenhouse gas balance
through carbon sequestration in grasslands
This time between 7.3 and 7.9 tonnes CO2e/ha/yr again well within the 5-20 tonnes CO2e Jones
and more:
Can Soil Microbes Slow Climate Change?
" Johnson reported a net annual increase of almost 11 metric tons of soil carbon per hectare on his cropland."
Converted to CO2e that is ~ 40 tonnes CO2e/ha/yr. About double the average reported by Jones and 4x what was reported by Teague, but nearly the same as the high outliers. Jones also took the raw results and measured that only 78% was stable humic polymers and I don't see where or if Johnson did that.
However, It shows the biophysical capacity of microorganisms in the soil to sequester high rates of carbon. Even higher than Savory claims and completely destroying the
junk science assumptions and estimates baloney you continue to rest your hat on.
Then we have yet another:
Impacts of soil carbon sequestration on life cycle greenhouse gas emissions in Midwestern USA beef finishing systems
The paper studies a few systems, but the one most closely resembling what Savory is discussing actually sequesters 13.1753 tonnes CO2e/ha/yr, so once again it is confirmed right in that 5-20 tonnes CO2e /ha/yr Jones found decades ago.
There is approximately 3.5 billion ha of grazing land already. approximately 80% of it is currently over grazed or under grazed.
10 tonnes CO2e/ha/yr x 3.5 billion = 35 billion tonnes CO2e/yr
Global emissions are in that range as in 2018, global fossil CO2 emissions totaled 36.6 billion tons.
That is not counting restoring desertified land as Savory advises, nor does it count restoring farmland currently being used unwisely for commodity crops to fill a highly wasteful and unsustainable industrialized commodity system.
It’s Time to Rethink America’s Corn System
So again, stop trying to use falsified
ESTIMATES and ASSUMPTIONS to claim Savory's work is debunked.
We all know Nordborg doesn't agree with Savory, but you got the wrong side being debunked man. Follow the actual evidence, not some silly highly biased assumptions.
As for your OWN strawman. It is easily shown to be a false construction on YOUR part by simply actually reading Savory's plan instead of quoting him out of context and even putting extra words in his mouth to pretend he thinks it is only farms. shesh...that's so ridiculous it makes me mad. Here is the actual plan
A Two-Path Strategy is Essential for Combating Combat Climate Change
1) High Technology Path. This path, based on mainstream reductionist science, is urgent and vital to the development of alternative energy sources to reduce or halt future emissions.
2) Low Technology Path. This path based on the emerging relationship science or holistic world view is vital for resolving the problem of grassland biomass burning, desertification and the safe storage of CO2, (legacy load) of heat trapping gases that already exist in the atmosphere.
Full plan here:
A Global Strategy for Addressing Global Climate Change
by Allan Savory
So I am going to say it yet again, put up or shut up, your denialist attempts to prevent any action being taken to fix global warming is both noted and rejected out of hand.