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global warming

  1. Red Baron Farms

    Kiss the Ground

    An interesting film short. n2W8dKdgGhc The full length film is out soon. Here is the trailer for the full film: K3-V1j-zMZw Much of what has been seen above has been discussed here before on multiple threads. But until now I hadn't seen it put together by anyone but me. So I would like to...
  2. Orphia Nay

    IEA: A global green economy would cost 0.7% GDP ($1 Trillion) over 3 yrs

    Fact-check, please. Sounds good though. This is by the World Economic Forum reporting the International Energy Agency's Sustainable Recovery Plan. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/sustainable-green-recovery-economy-boost-coronavirus/ Targeted policies and investment in renewables and...
  3. PhantomWolf

    In search of 20,000,000 trees.

    Those that are on YouTube might have seen this already, but if you haven't, let me tell you about #TeamTrees. So MrBeast, a YouTube creator hit 20 million subs a short while back, and as a way to celebrate he and Mark Rober have partnered with a huge number of other creators to form TeamTrees...
  4. S

    Iceland commemorates first glacier lost to climate change

    Iceland on Sunday honoured the passing of Okjokull, its first glacier lost to climate change, as scientists warn that some 400 others on the subarctic island risk the same fate. As the world recently marked the warmest July ever on record, a bronze plaque was mounted on a bare rock in a ceremony...
  5. S

    Where did the 97% of scientists figure come from re: climate change?

    I don't know enough about climate change to take a personal position on whether we have global warming or not. People keep telling me "97% of scientists say there is global warming that's caused by humans." Where did this 97% figure come from? I was recently told that the past two years have...
  6. Brainster

    The Green New Deal

    AOC rolled out her Green New Deal today: Sounds wonderful, but the devil is in the details. For starters, the GND hand-waves away any questions about funding: And in case that isn't specific enough: The document is not all smoke and mirrors; only 90%. Getting down to specifics, they...
  7. Red Baron Farms

    Solution to Anthropogenic Climate Change?

    Is there a technically viable and economically advantageous solution to Climate Change and what is preventing its implementation?
  8. The Great Zaganza

    Geoengineering Y/N

    With the (mostly) undisputed threat of Global Warming causing temperatures to rise by at least 2° and the unwillingness of countries to make strong decisions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ... ... would you support technological methods to reduce Global Warming without solving the CO2...
  9. lobosrul5

    [Continuation] Global warming discussion V

    Its cold in much of the USA, therefore global warming is fake. Haven't you heard? Just in case: yes that was sarcasm, but I've heard it said in earnest a few times this year already. This is a continuation of the Global warming discussion IV thread.
  10. thaiboxerken

    GOP House says climate change is real....

    "The $696 billion bill, which sets up the military’s 2018 fiscal year budget, passed by a vote of 344-81." "The surprising section calls global warming “a direct threat to the national security” and instructs the Pentagon to create a report on how climate change could affect the military. It...
  11. Eddie Dane

    Environmental Mega-disaster within 100 years

    Very disturbing article here that argues that measures against climate change are too little too late and the repercussions of climate change have been severely understated. It's a long article that goes into -Die-off -Food security -War -Air quality -Water security Etc If this is only half...
  12. Jerrymander

    Noam Chomsky Says GOP is the ‘Most Dangerous Organization in World History’

    http://www.politicususa.com/2016/11/15/noam-chomsky-gop-most-dangerous-organization-world-history.html I can't see how he's entirely wrong. Not even ISIS has the power to make the entire globe less inhabitable.
  13. Red Baron Farms

    Conservation is Conservatism

    Here is a reprint of a post I made on the website Conservation is Conservatism. On Freeman Dyson's thoughts about global warming. Hope you all enjoy it. As a general rule of thumb I largely agree with your debunking of Dyson. AGW most certainly is a serious threat. However, maybe even...
  14. portlandatheist

    Are low fossil fuel prices a win for the environment?

    The largest coal company in the states has filed for bankruptcy. Coal prices, along with oil, have plummeted. From a power station perspective and from the consumer perspective, it seems like this would increase demand and be a net bad thing from an environmental perspective but paradoxically...
  15. Mycroft

    Syrian war, terrorism and climate change

    http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/11/23/prince-charles-syria-climate-change/76248500/ Earlier this week Bernie Sanders said there is a direct link between terrorism and climate change. This article has Prince Charles claiming a direct link between climate change and the war in...
  16. foophil

    Mike Huckabee is full of something

    Since good old Huckabee didn't have his own thread in the new sub-forum, and the other threads on him in general USA politics weren't on this topic, I figured I'd start one for him here. Granted, I don't expect him to stay long in the primaries. He is just too far down the list in the clown car...
  17. Elind

    So the Pope says AGW must be dealt with, while ignoring the fundamental reason

    It's commendable that the Pope enters the AGW debate, but sad that he also seems to ignore the most fundamental reason of all, for which the Catholic church has major responsibility. Namely that fossil fuels are not the primary problem, but population growth is. There are not enough resources...
  18. foophil

    Global warming discussion IV

    This thread is continued from here. A few years ago I stumbled across this forum (technically JREF's back then) in my search for knowledge and to satisfy my curiosity. I was one of those 'fence sitters' where I wasn't sure what to believe. Since then, I have moved closer to town to shorten...
  19. Crow T R0bot

    Global Warming going faster than ever?

    http://earthsky.org/earth/scientists-discover-vast-methane-plumes-escaping-from-arctic-seafloor Posted (mostly) without comment, but if I understand the concept of Feedback Loops right, I take it we're past the point of no return?:(
  20. Frozenwolf150

    What can individual people do about global warming?

    I've followed the primary global warming threads on and off for a while, and must say that while it's a very interesting debate going on, it doesn't offer many opportunities to touch on the issue that concerns me the most. I want to start a discussion on what the average person can do about...
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