It is exactly my point: "Common Core" was nearly universally adopted
before it was written. It was four years from the time states began adopting it and the year the first actual Common Core standardized test was fielded. The period 2010-2014, with I think the vast majority adopting in 2010 and 2011. Three years before "Common Core" has ever had some kind of test associated with what it supposedly means.
In the interim these consulting companies, publishing companies, etc. all profited handsomely writing something people had accepted before they wrote it.
The deceptions on what "common core" means is important. Proponents switch between "standards" vs. the standardized test vs. the curricula.
The pie-in-the-sky "standards"came out in 2010 and. the standardized TEST four years later -the textbooks for the math had not been written yet, and when they finally came out it proved how stupid this base-10 gimmick is.
So states are bailing. And Bill Gates has abandoned ship!
Now that common core is in, Math scores on the NAEP have fallen for the first time. It's a disaster. Common core made scores fall on standardized math tests?
So now what to do. The Gates Foundation says it is willing to listen, lol. It doesn't have the answers.
The Federal government moved on in 2015 to the "Every Student Succeeds Act" (ESSA)
So we went from No Child Left Behind to Race to the Top (Common Core) and now to Every Student Succeeds Act.
The first one required that in the future, students do better NCLB. The second law exempted you from NCLB if you adopted Common Core. You got a waiver from NCLB. Now you get waivers for the waivers.
As the math scores fall, you have these common core math texts developed by consultants attached to Bill Gates. Online materials. Problem sets. Answer keys for math teachers who don't know the Pythagorean theorem, etc.
Bill Gates has bailed on you. A lot of states are in limbo, having adopted a curriculum, teaching method, and testing apparatus that has clearly failed its purpose. There is no national standard. The states connected now by common core have variable standards, variable levels of proficiency, and are exempt from any sanctions as a practical matter. So what is the point?
A state like Massachusetts, national leaders, got rid of common core. Someone on this forum was crowing about how great common core was because Massachusetts adopted it. lol.
Homeschool growth is surging, a lot of it to do with common core.
That's Milgram, who has a lot of speeches out. He was one of the two on the common core math validation committee that voted no.
It isn't just that they are developmentally inappropriate, but in the end a lower standard, like Algebra II for high school, ie a remedial college student in any STEM degree, business, and a lot of other majors. Not college ready.
So what now?