Sorry, but that's exactly what you claimed. I stated that you had no authority and you said that my statement was false - that means that you do have authority, although I'm pleased to see you've given that lie up at the moment.
Sorry, but no. You didn't say "authority to speak on behalf of JREF." You said "authority." And I do have authority.
My authority is my professional expertise in web site development. Authority you completely lack, but tried to bullster your way over that inconvenient point.
(Oh, is that not what you meant by "authority?" Should've been more specific.)
I can tell you
beyond any doubt whatsoever that the web site does not collect the information you seek. Is it
possible to collect that information? Yes. Is the site doing it now? No. No, it is not.
That is not "speculation." That is cold, hard, fact.
No, I don't need access to JREF's accounting system to know that; I know you refuse to accept that, but it remains true regardless. I can tell you that simply from looking at the information that's sent to PayPal when you click the "donate" button--information that does
not include anything about whether the user came from the forum or not. If PayPal doesn't know the user came from the forum, then when it sends the "transaction completed" information back to the JREF site,
there is no way for the JREF site to know it came from the forum.
That's reality. Those are the facts. You can accept them or not. If you do, bully for you for (finally) admitting you don't know what you're talking about. If you don't, good luck with your new religion.
The really pathetic thing is, if you knew
half as much about this as you like to think you do,
you would already know this.
Good plan, quit while you're behind.
Trying to manufacture reality yet again, I see.