Well, if you go around making blatantly incorrect statements, I can but presume you don't know, so I thought I'd set it out in simple terms.
Incorrect again. Are you sure you know as much as you claim you do?
Hint: when blustering, it's best not to do it to someone who is quite capable of extracting the data in exactly the fashion I'm discussing.
Sorry, but that's still wrong.
The information is recorded. Remember how those linky things work? The reporting system may not be set up to provide that information, but it could easily be retrieved. It' just sitting there in the memory of the server, waiting for someone to ask it.
It's all so simple I truly am surprised an expert like yourself doesn't get it.
You're not right about being no need to record the details either - unless you want to claim JREF is an organisation with very sloppy accounting practice. It's contigent upon business owners to know which channels* provide which income.
*Note the different use of "channel". It still isn't a physical channel, but refers to the different forms of income stream - sales of merchandise, TAM receipts, membership fees, wtc. Sorry if this is confusing you.
Interesting how you've gone from your initial "this is not possible" to the above, so you are learning.
Just as well you quit as mod, that's not really very mod-like language for the public sections.
Darat, you're about 5 km behind the thread at this stage, do try to keep up.
The only
choice involved is whether JREF wishes to release the information. Re-stating the fallacy that "there's no way to tell" is just a bit silly, in my opinion. I couldn't have made the previous description any clearer, so if you aren't able to get it, I suggest you talk to Cleon - he's apparently teh ineterwebz guroo.
(Actually, looking at his difficulty understanding, maybe jmercer would be a better bet.)