Although I may be coming from a very different viewpoint to you, and certainly had very different experiences, I am interested in what you think and feel. Maybe my interest is that I used to be a very angry person myself. And maybe also because I still feel some anger towards doctors.
Well, I would use all my healing tools, and attempt to determine the underlying cause of the disease. I would likely only use Revlimid as a last resort. I would bascially just do, whatever I felt to.
I do use homeopathy. Last time I had dental pain, for example, I treated myself using a homeopathic remedy. I guess I am just one of those 20%. Perhaps I am extra suggestible.
I think that's an exaggeration, and you know it.
No, I'm just kind of curious, because my experience is so different to yours.
Please help me here. What does this stand for?
The Body Mirror System of Healing, for example. It helped cure a family member of scoliosis. There are many others. I could offer you a remote healing. As I am so far away, I am fairly sure you won't punch me in the face.
The condition, yes. But I am not sure you are open to being cured that way. You seem to have more faith in the miracles of modern medicine.
In the end, I believe people heal when they take responsibility for their own health.
Yes. It seemed very passionately argued.
In that case let's skip straight to the point.
Name one properly blinded study showing homeopathy does anything at all above placebo.
Or would you like me to skip straight to the lancet article?