Do you want to gamble your life on the placebo effect? It is not 100%. It's more like 20% (or somewhere around there. med folks, help me out with that #?) There is no PLACEBO that cures CANCER.
I do use homeopathy. Last time I had dental pain, for example, I treated myself using a homeopathic remedy. I guess I am just one of those 20%. Perhaps I am extra suggestible.
Hey, Fowlsound. I've only just seen this thread. Sorry to hear the bad news.
Just a couple of things to say to our esteemed interlocutor from the Planet Woo.
But, first a clarification that others have also made. I think your guess of 20% is way off for a 'real' placebo effect, i.e. an effect created by the patient's mind on their disease state, as distinct from coincidental recovery or the effects of co-factors like lifestyle canges.
A figure of 20% might apply to diseases that are largely psychosomatic in origin. It might also apply in a different way to diseases where there is no good objective way of measuring the response so when a patient tunes their repsonses to make the therapist happy there is no way of contradicting that report.
For proper physical diseases I expect that a real response to placebo is close to zero.
If you look at discussions of sCAMers' claims, a 'real' placebo effect is sometimes invoked by the sceptical side almost as a means of not giving unnecessary offence to the woo side. But, the diseases under discussion will almost always be exactly those that allow patients to misrepresent their own condition or ones where the patient's attitude to the disease will have a very obvious link to the disease itself, such as...
"Last time I had dental pain"
I can't quite believe I'm having to say this, 'love' , but you have just likened your trivial dental pain to bone cancer and have insisted that just because your toothache got better at some point after you took a sugar pill then Fowlsound's cancer will go away if he also takes such a pill. If you cannot see the gross asymmetry in these circumstances then you have no right to say anything at all.
In the end, I believe people heal when they take responsibility for their own health.
This quote bears repeating for the health-Nazi crap that it is. It is the ultimate get-out clause for every despicable fraudulent woo. If the disease doesn't get better it is the patient's fault. It absolves you of the need to ever reconsider your crackpot belief system. Beyond anything else this is what makes enthusiastic support for so loathesome. Sadly, you may have become so brainwashed that when some horrible disease befalls you, you might still believe this lie.
Let's try a question for you, 'love. What will you do when the time comes or are you making plans for immortality? Frustratingly, when a sCAMmer is finally dying they will surely disappear from public awareness and probably have more on their minds than making a humiliating public recantation.
sCAM = the crazed well preying on the ignorant sick.