At the present time there are THREE main theories that claim to explain the collapse of WTC 1 & 2:
1. The “official theory”: The collapse events were natural, gravitationally driven, processes that were brought on by localized damage caused by the aircraft impacts and subsequent fires.
2. Dr. Steven Jones’ theory: The collapse events were man-made processes caused by the timed ignition of pre-planted explosives or incendiary devices.
3. Dr. Judy Wood’s theory: The collapse events were man-made processes induced by an external source of directed energy.
Needless to say, each of these theories has its supporters and its detractors. Indeed, so much has been written on the pros and cons of each of these theories that there is little to be gained in going over all the arguments one more time. However, if any WTC collapse theory is to gain full acceptance it must, at the very minimum, be able to explain certain well-documented phenomena such as:
· Sudden on-set of the collapse of each tower
· Near free fall descent of the block of floors above each impact zone
· Pulverization and ejection of concrete during the collapse
· The completeness of the destruction of each tower
· Sustained high temperatures in the rubble pile long after 9/11
Most, if not all, of these phenomena have been quoted as being problematic in some way to the currently proposed collapse theories. I therefore believe the time is right to propose a new theory that addresses the shortcomings of the existing theories. With this in mind I have developed such a theory and have been testing it out on selected audiences. Because I naively believed that the CTists would be the most receptive of a new WTC collapse theory I sent an e-mail detailing my theory to the following list of prominent 9/11 researchers:
David Ray Griffin, Jim Fetzer, Steven Jones, Judy Wood, Phil Jayhan, Eric Hufschmid, Jim Hoffman, Jimmy Walter, Gordon Ross, Ace Baker and Kevin Barrett.
Here’s what each had to say:
1. DRG: No reply
2. JF: No reply
3. SJ: No reply
4. JW: No reply
5. PJ: Liked it a lot – said it was better than anything Jones or Wood had to offer!
6. EH: Said it doesn’t matter HOW it was done, only WHO did it.
7. JH: No reply
8. JW: Thought it was “interesting” but not the main modus operandi.
9. GR: No reply
10. AB: No reply
11. KB: Said I was “stretching the facts to fit a theory.”
First, I should note that I have been in e-mail contact with all of these people, off-and-on, for up to two years. This, however, is the first time that an e-mail I have sent to some or all of these researchers has gone unanswered by so many of them. Interestingly, most of those who failed to respond are individuals who have strongly aligned themselves with a particular WTC collapse theory. Perhaps a new theory is simply too much of a paradigm shift for them! Yet the non-responding individuals all claim to be honest, objective, investigators who apply scientific deductive reasoning to reveal the TRUTH about 9/11. Therefore you would think that these truth seekers would have SOMETHING to say about a new theory, one, I might add that presents a considerable body of physical evidence to support its claims. However, all I hear from the Truthers is the SOUND OF SILENCE!
Thus I would say that the GREAT 9/11 DEBATE, if there ever was one, was over before it began.
“A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.”
Paul Simon, The Boxer.
1. The “official theory”: The collapse events were natural, gravitationally driven, processes that were brought on by localized damage caused by the aircraft impacts and subsequent fires.
2. Dr. Steven Jones’ theory: The collapse events were man-made processes caused by the timed ignition of pre-planted explosives or incendiary devices.
3. Dr. Judy Wood’s theory: The collapse events were man-made processes induced by an external source of directed energy.
Needless to say, each of these theories has its supporters and its detractors. Indeed, so much has been written on the pros and cons of each of these theories that there is little to be gained in going over all the arguments one more time. However, if any WTC collapse theory is to gain full acceptance it must, at the very minimum, be able to explain certain well-documented phenomena such as:
· Sudden on-set of the collapse of each tower
· Near free fall descent of the block of floors above each impact zone
· Pulverization and ejection of concrete during the collapse
· The completeness of the destruction of each tower
· Sustained high temperatures in the rubble pile long after 9/11
Most, if not all, of these phenomena have been quoted as being problematic in some way to the currently proposed collapse theories. I therefore believe the time is right to propose a new theory that addresses the shortcomings of the existing theories. With this in mind I have developed such a theory and have been testing it out on selected audiences. Because I naively believed that the CTists would be the most receptive of a new WTC collapse theory I sent an e-mail detailing my theory to the following list of prominent 9/11 researchers:
David Ray Griffin, Jim Fetzer, Steven Jones, Judy Wood, Phil Jayhan, Eric Hufschmid, Jim Hoffman, Jimmy Walter, Gordon Ross, Ace Baker and Kevin Barrett.
Here’s what each had to say:
1. DRG: No reply
2. JF: No reply
3. SJ: No reply
4. JW: No reply
5. PJ: Liked it a lot – said it was better than anything Jones or Wood had to offer!
6. EH: Said it doesn’t matter HOW it was done, only WHO did it.
7. JH: No reply
8. JW: Thought it was “interesting” but not the main modus operandi.
9. GR: No reply
10. AB: No reply
11. KB: Said I was “stretching the facts to fit a theory.”
First, I should note that I have been in e-mail contact with all of these people, off-and-on, for up to two years. This, however, is the first time that an e-mail I have sent to some or all of these researchers has gone unanswered by so many of them. Interestingly, most of those who failed to respond are individuals who have strongly aligned themselves with a particular WTC collapse theory. Perhaps a new theory is simply too much of a paradigm shift for them! Yet the non-responding individuals all claim to be honest, objective, investigators who apply scientific deductive reasoning to reveal the TRUTH about 9/11. Therefore you would think that these truth seekers would have SOMETHING to say about a new theory, one, I might add that presents a considerable body of physical evidence to support its claims. However, all I hear from the Truthers is the SOUND OF SILENCE!
Thus I would say that the GREAT 9/11 DEBATE, if there ever was one, was over before it began.
“A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.”
Paul Simon, The Boxer.