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Are the Democrats out of touch with the average American?

I think those of us outside the USA really don't always get that what to us seem like cringeworthy patriotic displays and hilariously inaccurate portrayals of the USA's place in the world are being expressed completely sincerely, even by Trump, god help us.
We absolutely and certainly do get it. Those on the outside of a burning house generally have a better view of the conflagration than those on the inside.
Biden forgot to tell them they were better off. Trump told them different. Eggs. Gas. Eating cats and dogs.

Household Net Worth​

If you have to tell them they're better off, you've already lost, it's all about feeling.

That said, wealth inequality is so bad that even if household net worth has increased significantly, a large minority, possibly even a majority, of people haven't shared in that increase.

50% of people were worse or no better off.

25% of people were better off but didn't feel it.

The rest gave themselves all the credit.
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Are eggs ten times the price they were two years ago ?
Around here, they are. My neighborhood bar and grill is struggling, because traffic hasn't yet returned to pre-Covid levels, but prices of all his ingredients has gone up and stayed up while wages haven't kept up.

And it seems like the Democrat version of being "in touch" would have been to call him up and tell him that he's better off.
Around here, they are. My neighborhood bar and grill is struggling, because traffic hasn't yet returned to pre-Covid levels, but prices of all his ingredients has gone up and stayed up while wages haven't kept up.

And it seems like the Democrat version of being "in touch" would have been to call him up and tell him that he's better off.
That's interesting because, according to official figures eggs are significantly more expensive than they were two years ago, the price has been very volatile over that period but they're about the same as they were two years ago, but three times what they were at their cheapest five years ago.

Those are retail prices however but the retail price is around four dollars a dozen. Was he really paying 40 cents a dozen two years ago ?
If you have to tell them they're better off, you've already lost, it's all about feeling.

That said, wealth inequality is so bad that even if household net worth has increased significantly, a large minority, possibly even a majority, of people haven't shared in that increase.

50% of people were worse or no better off.

25% of people were better off but didn't feel it.

The rest gave themselves all the credit.

to be fair to myself, if i was better off i’d notice it
You want democrats to raise minimum wage? Lower rents? What? The fixes they could do only last 4 years. Then the GOP comes and repeals ACA so Musk can be more wealthy. It just goes back and forth.

well they didn’t do much of anything unfortunately
did you read the closing section of that article? i’ll quote it for you

“The complaint about Democrats not doing anything for the working class may be true, but on the other hand voters have given them very slim majorities. Social Security reform (actually simple: tax higher income) cannot be done. Compare that to a Republican win. Social issues and scare tactics got Trump elected. The result is giving more power to corporations and the rich. This happens over and over, every GOP president and under Clinton. It is just inching year after year to extreme capitalism. Denial of their own healthcare by profit making insurance companies is one more thing that the MAGA voters voted for.

The other thing that rules politics is money. Many Democrats are forced to be rather centrist. Not their personal view, but they may be in a district that would go to the GOP if they did not have big money to spend in campaigns. To get the votes and the money (big corporations, lobbies) they are closer to the center. They can hold leftist views on social programs but taxing the rich is another matter.”

so me, craig t, and the author

simple fact is it’s difficult to live right now. and to be clear, just because he was an order of magnitude better than trump and the gop doesn’t mean i was happy with the biden presidency. he failed his most basic charge, protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. in exchange we got an infrastructure bill. which was needed, but that’s not enough imo
to be fair to myself, if i was better off i’d notice it
Other people wouldn't. They'd see the headlines that that the price of certain goods had increased significantly - for example eggs - and assume that everything had gone up by a similar amount. They also wouldn't recognise that their income had increased because the increase was comparatively small. As a result they'd come away with the impression that everything was three times the price and their income was the same when in fact their outgoings had increased by, say, 9% and their income was, say, 11% higher.
well it's not just eggs, which btw unless i'm going crazy have gotten smaller over time. fresh chicken and beef particularly are much more expensive, and the quality of the frozen stuff that kind of pushes that average price down is getting disgusting. like honestly, when i get to the checkout with a week's worth of food, it's substantially more to purchase that food than it used to be. it's not just eggs. on top of that, property taxes, homeowner's insurance, that is when you're not getting dropped, utilities. the essential stuff. and if you're in the market for something to finance, the interest rates are much worse. you're paying sit down restaurant prices for fast food, which is nuts. i think it's cheaper for me to eat at chili's than it is mcdonald's at this point. you don't get a cheap, quick option when you're out and about anymore.

anyway, then they usually stuff in a bunch of non-essential nonsense in there, like your netflix subscription and the price of a flat screen tv, and say well overall inflation isn't that bad and look how much your income is up.

anyway, the original point is it is about how it feels. it feels hard to live. and you can say, well actually i'm wrong, it's 1% easier to live. even if that's true, which you can fudge the numbers that tiny amount to be true if you want, maybe that isn't enough to base their campaign on.
and btw, as much as i hate the gop which i do pretty substantially, the dems are big business stooges too. they build an economy that works for shareholders more than people like me just the same. it's unsustainable.
well it's possible. i've been getting farm eggs more often which are much bigger and the shells are a lot thicker, and might be the store eggs just are tiny and thin shelled in comparison and it's thrown my perception.
I wonder how much misogony played in, too. Remember, the Democrats have won every primary and midterm election since 2012 --except the two where they fielded a female candidate. Even when the alternative was overt and shameless fascism.

Dude…I can pick that apart!

For one thing, Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. She just lost the electoral college. America wanted a female President. It was the system and the structure that was to blame, not the individual voter!

For another thing…both Clinton and Harris had loads of skeletons in their closets. Clinton had voted for the war in Iraq and took loads of money from Wall Street. She was corrupt. She was responsible for mass incarceration.

Harris was the type of black politician/prosecutor that puts her own people in jail! For minor offenses, like letting their kids skip school. She is also anti-immigration, despite being the child of 2 immigrants. She also lets corporate crooks off the hook for financial crimes, even when her own office says “Go after this guy.”

People were very turned off by this….and not necessarily cause they are sexist rednecks!

Well…some are ….after all, I live in Pennsylvania and this is MAGA nation…they would call Kamala “Comrade Kamala” and call her a socialist and stuff….
Dude…I can pick that apart!

For one thing, Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote. She just lost the electoral college. America wanted a female President. It was the system and the structure that was to blame, not the individual voter!

For another thing…both Clinton and Harris had loads of skeletons in their closets. Clinton had voted for the war in Iraq and took loads of money from Wall Street. She was corrupt. She was responsible for mass incarceration.

Harris was the type of black politician/prosecutor that puts her own people in jail! For minor offenses, like letting their kids skip school. She is also anti-immigration, despite being the child of 2 immigrants. She also lets corporate crooks off the hook for financial crimes, even when her own office says “Go after this guy.”

People were very turned off by this….and not necessarily cause they are sexist rednecks!

Well…some are ….after all, I live in Pennsylvania and this is MAGA nation…they would call Kamala “Comrade Kamala” and call her a socialist and stuff….
Please provide details to support your assertions.
Please provide details to support your assertions.

Sure thing!

Just for starters, there is this video of Kamala making a fool of herself.

Admittedly, Jimmy Dore is a Z-list celebrity who runs an unfunny “comedy” show out of his basement with his wife. He even seems to defend Trump sometimes.

However, just cause Jimmy Dore tells you that Kamala Harris is corrupt doesn’t mean that he’s wrong.
Yeah, that's a bit thin. I can probably put together an 11 minutes long video where I talk over gaffes and mistakes from any politician. Especially Dump.
Yeah, that's a bit thin. I can probably put together an 11 minutes long video where I talk over gaffes and mistakes from any politician. Especially Dump.

Dore has a ton of videos about this. All you have to do is Google them. They are available for free on YouTube. He really hates Harris and Biden.

Here is just one.
Also, I like it when people disagree with me (seriously, I come here partly to have my views challenged) but I kinda dislike it when people argue by just posting YouTube videos.
Here is a video about her record of putting poor black people in jail cause their kids skipped school.

Dore actually did several on that topic. For some reason, I can only find 1.

Here is another one. Believe me, Harris flip-flopped on immigration. Before she had power, she was actually for it. Now, she’s just as anti-Latino as Trump is. She tells them “Do not come.”

Arguments ad YouTubem. I'll allow you may be new here. But perhaps you need to go away and see why that's not the least bit convincing.

But did you actually watch Dore’s material?

You can clearly see Kamala Harris coldly snap “Don’t come!” at Guatemalan immigrants.

Just like a Republican would. This is her, showing her true colors. On tape, in her own words, she damns herself. It wasn’t taken out of context, either!
But did you actually watch Dore’s material?

You can clearly see Kamala Harris coldly snap “Don’t come!” at Guatemalan immigrants.

Just like a Republican would. This is her, showing her true colors. On tape, in her own words, she damns herself. It wasn’t taken out of context, either!
Seriously, context. Learn it. And youtube is not evidence.
Jimmy Dore's yet another failed "entertainer" who figured out the far right is easy to grift, especially as a "converted leftist". He has no actual credibility.

Why don't you post in your own words what he is saying and cite some supporting sources?
But did you actually watch Dore’s material?

You can clearly see Kamala Harris coldly snap “Don’t come!” at Guatemalan immigrants.

Just like a Republican would. This is her, showing her true colors. On tape, in her own words, she damns herself. It wasn’t taken out of context, either!
This discussion forum leans pretty hard on the discussion angle. Arguments by posting a video for others to stop and watch are frowned upon.

eta: seriously, this is a place for you to express and argue your own point of view, not someone else's who isn't here to be questioned or defend their POV. Use others to reference or reinforce, sure, but the meat and potatoes are your responsibility.
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This discussion forum leans pretty hard on the discussion angle. Arguments by posting a video for others to stop and watch are frowned upon.

eta: seriously, this is a place for you to express and argue your own point of view, not someone else's who isn't here to be questioned or defend their POV. Use others to reference or reinforce, sure, but the meat and potatoes are your responsibility.
If the claim is that Kamala Harris often sounds like a bumbling idiot when speaking in public, then pretty much the only way to support that claim is to provide footage of Harris for people to watch and judge for themselves.
If the claim is that Kamala Harris often sounds like a bumbling idiot when speaking in public, then pretty much the only way to support that claim is to provide footage of Harris for people to watch and judge for themselves.
Posts 178 &179, which were not vaguely related to such a claim, started the avalanche of youtubes, apparently unrelated to the question at hand.
It is indisputable that Kamala Harris put people in jail for letting their children skip school. She also hit them with fines. She admitted this herself, at a speech at the Commonwealth Club (whatever that is.) She was even laughing about it.

Say what you will about Jimmy Dore…but he literally just found her own videos and played them (with his commentary)! He damned her with her own appearances.

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