Dave Rogers
Bandaged ice that stampedes inexpensively through
True, but still about 1/10th the size/weight of a Boeing 767.
And a lot slower - kinetic energy goes as the square of the velocity, so that's pretty important.
True, but still about 1/10th the size/weight of a Boeing 767.
AE911Truth have a court case against them. NIST have said that AE911Truth don't have standing and as I understand it, they are currently waiting for the court to rule on this.AND - the strict topic of the thread is:
" AE911Truth pressures NIST for decision on WTC 7 report"
.. which is an interesting process to observe esp how NIST responds. And my opinions about the strategic role of that part of the game is a topic for another more appropriate place.
And a lot slower - kinetic energy goes as the square of the velocity, so that's pretty important.
AE911Truth have a court case against them. NIST have said that AE911Truth don't have standing and as I understand it, they are currently waiting for the court to rule on this.
The AE911Truth filing is filled with lies and misinformation. And they want the court to compel NIST, among other things to amend their report to say there were explosions high up on the eastern end of the building, under the east penthouse.
This link leads to a PDF that delineates the amended suit filed against the NIST...
AE911Truth filing https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/AE_FAC_Court_file_date_stamped_and_redacted.pdf
The complaint , filed 31 January 2022 list 370 items, Numbered 1-thru 370, for you to peruse in order for you
to substantiate the claims highlighted in your post above.
Please cite the complaint item number of every lie and/or misinformation you identify for cross reference.
Lie #1
Lie #2
Lie #3
AE911 Truth filing
Misrepresentations #1
Misrepresentations #2
Misrepresentations #3
This link leads to a PDF that delineates the amended suit filed against the NIST...
AE911Truth filing https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/AE_FAC_Court_file_date_stamped_and_redacted.pdf
The complaint , filed 31 January 2022 list 370 items, Numbered 1-thru 370, for you to peruse in order for you
to substantiate the claims highlighted in your post above.
Please cite the complaint item number of every lie and/or misinformation you identify for cross reference.
Lie #1
Lie #2
Lie #3
AE911 Truth filing
Misrepresentations #1
Misrepresentations #2
Misrepresentations #3
This link leads to a PDF that delineates the amended suit filed against the NIST...
AE911Truth filing https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/AE_FAC_Court_file_date_stamped_and_redacted.pdf
The complaint , filed 31 January 2022 list 370 items, Numbered 1-thru 370, for you to peruse in order for you
to substantiate the claims highlighted in your post above.
Please cite the complaint item number of every lie and/or misinformation you identify for cross reference.
Lie #1
Lie #2
Lie #3
AE911 Truth filing
Misrepresentations #1
Misrepresentations #2
Misrepresentations #3
AE has submitted a petition to the U.S. Congress, signed by more than 3,500
verified architects and engineers,
Then there's this:
I can't find any reference to this petition having been submitted to Congress: is this actually true?
In any case, the signatories, as Oystein has painstakingly shown, are not all verified architects or engineers.
TTFL? No further than Point 11, it seems.
Two things.
First, there is no formal process established either by the Constitution or by Congress' own rules of business (neither Senate nor House) to "submit a petition to Congress", so no one ever has submitted to Congress any petition. It is however easily possible to "submit" a petition, or a letter, or a box of candies, to any member of Congress - by mail, email, drop-off at their Washington office or home district office, etc, and throughout the years, many fans of AE have thus "submitted the petition" to their Rep or Sen. In 99.9% of cases, the "petition" has then speedily been filed in the round bin, we may safely estimate.
This talk of "submitting to Congress" is mere rethoric and semantics, with no practical consequences.
Secondly, I have documented over the years I have documented that a solid majority of the signatories ARE architects or engineers at least by university degree. The list of 3,500 is NOT bogus - it is what AE claims it is. A small percentage of exceptions is not enough to withhold a good grade for the validity of the Signatures.
What I do criticize are facts such as: 3,500 is, after 15 years of campaigning, a tiny number; so many signatures are so old that a significant number of signatories has already died, and many surely no longer support even the very limited scope of the petition's language; many adchitects and engineers are not qualified to assess the engineering facts of 9/11 (land surveyors, electrical engineers, ...), and most obviously are not well informed about the facts of 9/11 (they only heard the AE "Truth" ********).
Not understanding steel corroded in fire means science/engineering/fire science is not a part of ae911This link leads to a PDF that delineates the amended suit filed against the NIST...
AE911Truth filing https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/AE_FAC_Court_file_date_stamped_and_redacted.pdf
""The documented phenomenon of sulfidation and erosion of WTC steel cannot be accounted for by a jet fuel fire in, or by a gravity-driven collapse of, WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC ""
This link leads to a PDF that delineates the amended suit filed against the NIST...
AE911Truth filing https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/AE_FAC_Court_file_date_stamped_and_redacted.pdf
The complaint , filed 31 January 2022 list 370 items, Numbered 1-thru 370, for you to peruse in order for you
to substantiate the claims highlighted in your post above.
Please cite the complaint item number of every lie and/or misinformation you identify for cross reference.
Misleading: The 9/11 Commission Report and the year of its publication are of zero relevance to the case, NIST's work, any alleged "technical evidence".12. AE has made hundreds of public presentations over the years after the 9/11 Commission Report was issued in 2004 regarding various aspects of the technical evidence that supports the conclusion that pre-placed explosives and/or incendiaries, including nano-thermite or nano-thermate, were used to destroy WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 on 9/11.
Obvious nonsense: No one ever forced AE's hand. AE has at all times since its existence been able to provide to the public anything they wanted to, limited only by their own resources. In particular, there was no need whatsoever to rebut and refute the NIST report on WTC7 before coming up with an own theory. Science does not advance by refuting extant hypotheses, it advances by proposing new, better hypotheses which end up replacing the old one, provided they are found to explain reality better.23. Had NIST issued no WTC 7 report, AE could have provided the public transparent engineering, architectural, and scientific analyses explaining the technical causes of the WTC 7 building collapse on 9/11 that could have simply been objectively and independently evaluated by the public and other engineers, architects, and scientists. Instead, AE has, in addition, had to expend considerable time and resources to rebut the erroneous and misleading NIST WTC 7 Report, which many in the public assume to be credible because it was issued by a government agency.
Irrelevant. The public law is what it is, regardless of what it may or may not be "commonly known as".70. Section 515 of Public Law 106-554 is commonly known as the Data Quality Act or Information Quality Act (herein referred to as the "IQA)"
Misleading: There is no such thing in US law as a "Petition to Congress". What AE has submitted is individual stacks of paper or perhaps electronic mailings to members of Congress. There are to date, after more than 14 years of such "petitioning", exactly ZERO Members of Congress who have indicated they would support the kind of legislation that AE, presumably, seeks.120. Plaintiff Matt Campbell, Plaintiff Robert McILvaine, and Plaintiff Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth each have one or more petitions pending under either the Constitution of the United States, 18 U.S.C. § 3332(a), British law regarding opening an inquest, and/or the US State Department's Rewards for Justice Program, including a Petition to Congress and a petition to a U.S. Attorney and a federal grand jury, the outcome of which could be materially affected by whether NIST corrects its WTC 7 Report and acknowledges that the cause of the collapse of WTC 7 was the use of explosives and incendiaries. Plaintiffs have invested considerable time and significant amounts of money into preparing and prosecuting these petitions, as well as the RFC and administrative Appeal.
I do not know or understand enough about the issue being talked about here to have a solidly informed judgement on whether the underlying claim, that NIST left out some structural element (a stiffener) - could be there really was no stiffener. I'll assume, in the spirit of generosity, I'll accept that NIST did leave out a stiffener.148. Apart from and in addition to NIST's above referenced decisions and actions regarding the WTC 7 Report being arbitrary and capricious in omitting the stiffeners WTC 7 Report is also contrary to the NIST IQS standards for Quality of influential information, which standards include Transparency and Reproducibility, due to the intentional omission of a known structural feature, the stiffeners, that materially affects the result of the analysis. If independent investigators, scientists, researchers, or another government agency attempted to reproduce NIST's WTC 7 study results with the information provided in the NIST WTC 7 Report, they would not know that NIST had omitted the stiffeners and their independent modelling would result in significantly different conclusions (because the presence of the stiffeners in the independent modelling would effectively prevent the WTC 7 collapse sequence, and collapse, that NIST asserts in its WTC 7 Report).
This is true.160. In its erratum, NIST claimed that the errors were merely typographical and that
and lateral displacements used in the analyses were correct. (See Errata for
Projection: The "irrational" claims are AE's, not NIST's197. NIST claims irrationally in its Initial Decision that it does not need to test the steel at WPI and perform other experiments to determine the cause of sulfidation and erosion of certain WTC steel because it has not been shown with absolute certainty that this steel came from WTC 7.
Wishful Thinking. I see neither a technical not legal argument being served here.288. This Court's injuction should also require NIST to make its computer modelling code and inputs available to the public and independent researchers.
Plain Idiocy: After more than 13 years, the "engineers" at AE have STILL not understood NIST's modelling approach and their consecutive modelling steps: The preliminary model is ... *drumroll* ... a ... (are you getting what I am getting at yet) ... preliminary model, not meant to capture everything that goes on around column 79 - it could not possibly have, for it was far too limited in scope. The purpose of this preliminary LS-DYNA model was "to confirm which failure modes needed to be accounted for in the 16-story ANSYS model" (NIST NCSTAR 1-9 Chapter 8.8, p. 349). In that model of just a corner of a single floor, columns were absolutely fixed, girders and beams heated uniformly to a single temperature, concrete slabs were not heated at all. This is a model far simpler than the 16-story ANSYS model, which in addition to capturing differential heating and structural response between floors also ran through complex heating (and cooling) histories of the structural frame.332. NIST failed to explain to any acceptable degree of scientific precision why Girder A2001 became trapped behind the Column 79 side plate in NIST's preliminary LS-DYNA analysis but not in NIST's 16-story ANSYS model.
Four items and one and a half pages later, they are still belaboring the stupendous ignorance and incompetence shown in item 332.336. NIST was not transparent in showing the public and independent investigators the different modelling inputs and assumptions used in the second modelling to get this materially different result, which remained in the secret "black box"
I might add that 288 could be handled in a freedom of information act submission. If they have done that and not received a response then our system of government reports is broken. If they got a report then they don't understand it.
Congratulations despite your decision to "go easy".Yeah. Like I said, I felt generous and decided to go easy on AE and Fonebone.
I can't seem to access the document, or indeed the AE911Truth site, so I can't do my own Time To First Lie analysis, but the first misrepresentation in the document is surely the title 'AE911Truth'.
2. This Complaint concerns actions contrary to law, and arbitrary and capricious actions, taken by the federal agency National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) during the conduct of and reporting of results from a study of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) on the day of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City.
What is symmetry of a collapse?
Do you mean the entire building collapsing at once... straight down?
Part of the problem here is that Petra has consistently refused to define symmetry with any degree of precision or measurability.
If one picture is worth a thousand words,
one demonstration is worth a thousand pictures.
The fact of the vertical antenna falling straight down
proves the entire south and east vertical columns failed at the exact moment as well.
If one picture is worth a thousand words,
one demonstration is worth a thousand pictures.
This animation of the WCT1 North tower collapse initiation demonstrates
a symmetrical collapse of the Hat-truss antenna structure and the supporting
vertical columns all collapsing in unison around the north and east perimeter
vertical wall columns . The fact of the vertical antenna falling straight down
proves the entire south and east vertical columns failed at the exact moment as well.
An absolutely near perfect definition of a symmetrical building collapse.
In order to create a symmetrical tower collapse the entire interior steel structure also
was neutralized at the exact same instant allowing the entire roof structure and floor slabs
to travel straight down towards the center of gravity as one unit
with out resistance.
The WTC 7 structure collapse was near identical symmetry after the penthouse
preamble failure. The north and west roofline falls with any hint of tipping supplying evidence that,
like the WTC1 tower, every vertical interior and external WTC7 columns were likewise neutralized
at the exact same instant to allow this symmetry.
The graphic in this post below shows what every interior and exterior columns
would have to act for this collapse symmetry.
-- link -- http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?postid=12819617#post12819617
My sense was the entire top block translated laterally and then with out load paths aligning it dropped (and was tilted too). The floor plates and hat truss likely held it rather rigid perhaps...
the interior collapsed leaving a hollow shell which translated and then disintegrated as it dropped.
Truther engineers always model WTC 1 as though the top descended completely level, with each of the columns in the top.part landing exactly on the corresponding column below.
They partly get away with it as some non-truther engineers did more or less the same thing. The difference is, if course, that there is some validity in using this "simple model". If a building falls according to the simple model then that is a good indication that it will fall. If a building stands according to the simple model then that is not a good indication that it will stand.
But as it is there is already enough topple in the top parts of both the towers in the initial stages that the columns of the top parts are going to hit things like floor sections and horizontal beams and so the vertical strength of the columns is more or less irrelevant to the question of how quickly and in what manner the top part will descend.