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AE911Truth pressures NIST for decision on WTC 7 report

I can just imagine what the "quiz" is like and what the "corre t answers" would be.
So, in other words, CPD points are completely and utterly meaningless and worthless.

Nice to know

Not exactly.

In the UK you have demonstrate that in addition to merely doing your job you have also 'developed' further as a well-rounded engineer.
We have specific categories such as work-based learning, self-directed study, Courses/events/seminars, Structural Safety and Horizon Broadening Activities.

Some are very formal - you attend a course and get a CPD certificate.
Others are merely logging your activities and sticking those suitable on your CPD submission.
The Institution review your CPD and either accept it or suggest areas for improvement.

The idea, obviously, is that you don't qualify as a Chartered Engineer and lose touch with changes and developments in the industry.

Despite needing to demonstrate so many hours per year, you can't achieve it all with just horizon broadening activities - very little of in in fact.

CPD credits are given for attending a course etc regardless of whether it's applicable to your field.
Not all CPD credits are created equal, therefore some might be no more than horizon broadening.
Who decides which uhhmm "horizon broadening activities" are worth CPD credits and which are not?
If some organization teaches that trains should run on rails made of paper machee because steel is magnetic and confuses migratory birds - where can that organization apply for the right to award CPD points just for watching silly YouTubes and answering a one question quiz with "Because REASONS!"

Somebody in the US engineering establishment must be responsible for allowing this farce. Is there not a way to complain and intervene?

Alas, I'm not familiar with the US system of CPD.

However, AE911Truth's CPD looks like a bargain.
Just answer a short quiz and get a certificate - don't even need to attend the course!
Alas, I'm not familiar with the US system of CPD.

However, AE911Truth's CPD looks like a bargain.
Just answer a short quiz and get a certificate - don't even need to attend the course!
So if I go to choose an engineer for something, CPD points tell me exactly nothing about them because they might have earned those points by agreeing or at least pretending to agree with some conspiracy theorists (because the "right" answers to the quiz will be truther talking points).

It also tells me that the organisation administering these points is the kind of organisation that would allow conspiracy theorist to award these points and to use the program to spread lies and misinformation.
So if I go to choose an engineer for something, CPD points tell me exactly nothing about them because they might have earned those points by agreeing or at least pretending to agree with some conspiracy theorists (because the "right" answers to the quiz will be truther talking points).

It also tells me that the organisation administering these points is the kind of organisation that would allow conspiracy theorist to award these points and to use the program to spread lies and misinformation.

I can only go by the procedures of my own institution. Other countries, and possibly other institutions in the UK may vary.

If you were to 'choose' a Chartered Engineer, in the UK, typically MIStructE then the IStructE would have reviewed that member's CPD and approved it thus allowing continued membership of the institution.
As an 'end user' you wouldn't know what CPD was undertaken, just that the member had satisfied their CPD requirements.

The institution have a CPD department. I would assume that an hours CPD, that was merely filling in a quick 1 minute quiz, might not reach their lofty standards of course.
crazy conspiracy theory group touts CrazyPD Credits - woo

Hello Austin , welcome to the forum.

Maybe some of the forum's other members would enjoy reading further information about the program

CrazyPD Credits? Fantasy engineering based on woo get CrazyPD Credits...

The AE911T failed engineers and assorted nuts sponsor CrazyPD Credits. How does a movement of less than 0.1 percent of world engineers and assorted CTs get this tiny bit of attention based on their delusional 911 CTs.

How do you get the stink of being certified by nuts off your professional resume... fraud/scam/woo
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