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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.


  1. Wowbagger

    I am founding my very own University!!

    Greetings, fellow science enthusiasts, autodidactics, and other assorted folks who love to learn! Today, as we start the second quarter of 2023, I am proud to introduce the introduction of my very own on-line University! I call it: MitchellClass! Because my real name is Mitchell, and not...
  2. D

    What do you think of this video about Texas A&M University?

  3. C

    Race sampling for neuropsycological study?

    I am a westerner and member of the Hong Kong Chefs association. We were contacted by a local university Neuropsychology department doing a study on human brain and behaviour regulation. They were especially looking for volunteers with high olfactory sensitivity, they assumed chefs would be one...
  4. Pixel42

    FREE courses from the Open University

    Over the years I've done quite a few Open University courses as an associate student, i.e. alongside undergraduates but without actually working towards a qualification. I've done modules from their Science and Mathematics syllabuses for my own personal interest, and from their MBA syllabus for...
  5. TuftedPuffin

    Is this serious?

    Hey, so now I reveal my real reason for joining this forum. I need you guys' help: http://cosmicenergy.tufts.edu/ This thing has been built in my school, and I'd like to know whether the school is blatantly endorsing woo-woo, or whether this is some sort of parody or "art piece" without...
  6. TheDoLittle

    I'm Getting $13,000+ in Scholarshops and Finacial Aid!!

    I'm posting this in the Education section because I have a few links that might help other students, but I also have a few opinions I'll be posting. I'm working on finishing my Associates in Applied Science in Digital Communications. I hope to continue my education by earning a Bachelors in...
  7. The_Fire

    Question about academic "degree"

    Recently I discovered that one of my diplomas said something about "undergraduate courses". I was wondering if one of the Americans on this board would mind explaining about this as I have some doubts about the "University level" my English-Danish dictionary claims........ Exactly WHERE on the...
  8. M

    "Ghost hunting" club

    So...apparently some students here at the University are convinced that the building is haunted. (It's one building, though dorms are being built and scheduled to be completed in August.) I just checked the student forum...apparently they're going to have "a real psychic" at the first meeting...
  9. chris epic

    Dependent on University

    Coping With the Academic Advent of Godlessness and Soullessness from Logic Unification is a word that represents my understanding of myself when I conclude the implausibility of dualism. I am one machine. My mind is in fact my brain and my brain is in fact apart of my body. Like my computer...
  10. H3LL

    Power Therapy from UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE

    Power Therapy from UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE. I took the liberty of telephoning and enquiring if they do or have in the past offered such a degree. They have promised to e-mail me back soon. I'll let you know.
  11. J

    Ottawa University

    My wife is a student of Ott. U in an AZ branch. Currently she is in a Relaxation Therapy class. The teacher is also capable of teaching psychology classes but chooses not to because she doesn't like to give tests and feels they are not a good indicator of learning. :rolleyes: Tonight's class...
  12. shemp

    New Gallaudet University President Not Deaf Enough to Please Students and Faculty

    Coming soon on an episode of "College Minorities Gone Wild": Gallaudet Univ. President-Elect Draws Fire OK, so they're not a minority at the school. But I think this is akin to black students protesting a choice of a white university president. I agree with the following quote:
  13. Q

    Claremont Graduate University

    I was reading a biography of Michael Shermer and noticed he earned his PhD (in the history of science) from Claremont Graduate University. I hadn't heard of this school before and tried finding it ranked with other graduate schools, and I couldn't find anything. Does anyone have any information...
  14. Azrael 5

    University gets a familiar feeling!

    Leeds University in North of England to examine deja Vu, Here:http://reporter.leeds.ac.uk/513/s5.htm :D Will the results keep recurring!!;)
  15. A

    Value of Open University qualifications?

    Hi. This is probably a little off topic/ UK specific, but it's a topic I'm sceptical about and can't find any solid data on, so here goes. Due to illness, I am studying some courses with the British Open University. Before my illness I studied at a real, physical university. My problem is...
  16. J

    Harvard University president: Women can't do math or science

    Women Lack 'Natural Ability' In Some Fields, Harvard President Says CAMBRIDGE, Mass -- The president of Harvard University prompted criticism for suggesting that innate differences between the sexes could help explain why fewer women succeed in science and math careers. Lawrence H. Summers...
  17. F

    Florida State University to open chiro school

    My alma mater, Florida State University, needs only Governor Jeb Bush's signature on a bill to receive authorization to open a college of chiropractic. I hang my head in shame. On another message board, a fellow Seminole did some research on the academic requirements to become a "doctor" of chiro:
  18. S

    Judge subpoenas University for records on anti-war protestors

    http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/nation/7902617.htm They testify on Tuesday. This should be one to keep an eye on.

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