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  1. S

    Electromagnetism and Relativity

    A question from another thread: Why would a choice of coordinates produce physical consequences? Assumption: A selection of coordinates (inertial reference system) does not change an objective physical reality. All inertial observers should agree on physics. Question: Does the transformation of...
  2. R

    The Theory of Relativity will begin to fall apart in 2016/2017 - Part IV

    Abysmal "first order in G" in equation 3 ignorance from Michel H This is a continuation thread from here. As usual the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from previous parts of the thread. Repeats 8 June 2021: Michel H persists with "first order in G" ignorance about...
  3. halleyscomet

    The Theory of Relativity will begin to fall apart in 2016/2017 - Part III

    I think it more likely the Mills thread will produce proof of Hydrinos before Bjarn recruits a single follower. This is a continuation thread. It's totally fair to quote from the previous thread to here, it's just that the old thread was getting to large. Enjoy.
  4. M

    Possible error in wikipedia on the Hafele–Keating experiment (Relativity test)

    The article is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafele%E2%80%93Keating_experiment (the original two reports by Hafele and Keating may be found on this webpage: http://www.personal.psu.edu/rq9/HOW/Atomic_Clocks_Predictions.pdf [though the second one is incomplete on this page]). The...
  5. MRC_Hans

    The Theory of Relativity will begin to fall apart in 2016/2017 - Part II

    Actually, if you scaled Earth to the size of a snooker ball, it would be rounder and smother than the ball. Hans This is a continuation thread. It's totally fair to quote from the previous thread to here, it's just that the old thread was getting to large. Enjoy.
  6. Bjarne

    The Theory of Relativity will begin to fall apart in 2016/2017

    The Elastic Universe ABSTRACT For decades, two aspects of nature have been overlooked and poorly / not understood. The one is Anisotropic Dark Flow Acceleration (DFA). The other is Relativistic Resistance against Motion (RR). The consequences for our picture of the Universe are...
  7. Slings and Arrows

    My Malicious, Gormless Critics by Stephen J. Crothers

    See related thread: "The Mathematics of Black Hole Denialism" -- by Dr. William D. Clinger http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=231833
  8. dogjones

    Spinning black hole generates a mass of questions

    So, this black hole is rotating at a shade under the speed of light. Would this mean that its mass is increased via relativistic effects? If so does that affect its gravity? Perhaps its event horizon has a larger radius than it would if it were not spinning so fast? Which leads me to a query...
  9. W.D.Clinger

    mathematics of black hole denialism

    According to the Electric Universe folk at the Thunderbolts web site, black holes do not exist. According to the EU folk, black holes are not even consistent with Einstein's general theory of relativity. As intellectual cover for their position, the EU folk cite a series of papers that have...
  10. MattusMaximus

    Question regarding relativity and "infinite" speed - WTF?!

    Howdy all, I am engaged in a discussion on another message board over at the Christian and Atheist forums (you have to sign up to see the thread, sorry), and I'm wrangling with a chap who seems to be pushing some kind of nonsense to me about relativity. This fellow, Mitch McKain, does seem to...
  11. dasmiller

    Expansion of the Universe ponderables

    Sometimes I ponder things, and some of those ponderations lead me to suspect that I'm misunderstanding some of the fundamentals. For the sake of discussion, let's take it as a given that the universe is expanding, and that the rate of expansion is increasing, and that eventually this will...
  12. E

    What if there was a merry-go-round without inertial forces?

    Imagine if you saw children playing on a merry-go-round, but that they weren't experiencing any centrifugal or Coriolis forces due to the rotation. If they toss a ball back and forth, the ball goes in a straight line path in a coordinate system that is rotating with the merry-go-round. As the...
  13. Pixel42

    Merged Puzzling results from CERN

  14. MaartenVergu

    The expanding universe can also be seen as a relativistic 'spacestretch'

    Hello, I'm Maarten from Belgium (so excuse me for my English) and I have a theory on relativity. Do not understand me wrong: I accept the SRT and the GRT. This theory is about gravity. I do not change a thing on the idea of the geometry of spacetime (GRT). But I want to explain something about...
  15. L

    fastest and slowest you can travel through time

    I have not completely finished reading up on relativity but one thing I did discover is that 2 people can pass through time at different rates. My question is what is the biggest difference 2 objects can travel through time? Or in other words what is the slowest and fastest objects can travel...
  16. LightningTeg

    Space, speed of light, and time

    So I've been reading about relativity and the whole time slows down, space contracts thing blows my mind. If space contracts for an object traveling at close to or at the speed of light, doesn't that mean that light travel is instantaneous? How can that be so if we know it takes 8 minutes for...
  17. A

    Time Travel Delusions and Other Junk Science

    In an effort to eliminate some of the insanity among otherwise intelligent skeptics, I am attempting to inspire more skepticism among my fellow-skeptics regarding outlandish claims made by "theoretical physicists" (a.k.a. fantasy-makers) regarding time travel. I am disturbed to see so many wooed...
  18. C

    Einstein Manipulated Equations for an Atheist Agenda?

    In a recent lecture, one of my professors (this is at a top 50 US university) taught that Albert Einstein was an atheist who manipulated his equations to deny that the universe had a beginning. Is anyone familiar with this claim and its validity (or lack thereof)? I also recall de Sitter being...
  19. ynot

    Light Puzzle

    A laser in space fires one second long beams of light at one second intervals. You are 10 light seconds away from the laser and you receive the beams of light 10 seconds after they were emitted and measure them to be one second long with one second intervals. You then travel toward the laser at...
  20. F

    Merged Relativity+ / Farsight

    I'm John Duffield, and a few weeks back I was talking to a guy who's a member of the ISST. I was looking something up and bumped into a discussion here about causality, FTL, and time travel, so I explained why time travel is science fiction. I then got sucked into backup details that rather...
  21. Third Eye Open

    New Quantum Theory Topples Einstein's Spacetime

    Article: What do you guys think, all hype? Or could there be something to this?
  22. U

    Can One Grasp Relativity Without Doing the Math?

    The question is in the subject: Do you think relativity can be grasped without doing the math? I ask because it seems like the discussions here so often revolve around semantics and thought experiments on the part of those who, IMHO, don't grasp the concepts. It seems rare to find someone...
  23. aggle-rithm

    Relativity Conundrum

    I've been thinking about a variation on the twins paradox and gotten myself all confused. What if, I thought to myself, there was a spaceship capable of making it to Alpha Centauri in 18 years, Earth time. An astronaut on the spaceship would experience the time as being two years. An observer...
  24. ynot

    Is light time dilated?

    If not - Why not? If so - How can it travel at all relative to an observer, let alone travel at c?
  25. D

    Big Bang Now

    When an observer moves, that observer's present is tilted with respect to another observer. In all normal situations the effect is negligible, and the observers will agree in which order things happen. The most obvious exception is when an observer is travelling close to the speed of light...
  26. CaveDave

    Weird physics claims in solar system -- any truth?

    There have been many strange physics claims made by "single topic", obsessive, fight-picking, drive-by posters in the time I have been observing here, and most seem to be quickly dispatched by the many knowledgeable members here. Recently, there were two that I am not sure were directly...
  27. M

    Pragmatic Failure of Special Relativity

  28. T

    Theory of Special Relativity is wrong

    This thread has been created to allow the poster GMB to debate his claims with willing forum members, without disturbing other threads. The title has been taken straight from one of GMB's posts: I will not quote the messages that GMB posted prior to his suspension, but to get the discussion...
  29. Ixion

    Relativity question

    Ok, I have a question about electromagnetic radiation traveling across space. I am not a physicist and my knowledge of mathematics is limited to basic calculus. I am also not a cosmologist, so this may be a fairly common question, and if so, I am just ignorant of the answer. Here is the...
  30. ozziemate

    Evidence required for key element - SRT

    One of the key aspects of SRT appears to be the issue of relative time. yet no evidence that materially supports such a notion appears to exist. It is true we have time dilation [definitely]/length contraction [possibly] as this has been evidenced by experiments many times however evidence for...

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