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intelligent design

  1. FSM

    Evolution Teaching Provision Fails First Test in Texas! Yeehaw.

    http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/education/Evolution_teaching_provision_fails_first_test.html But there are more votes to come... gah.
  2. Wowbagger

    The Future for Intelligent Design

    I once asked a few questions, in another thread, that were never answered. I have now become so curious as to what those answers might be, that I decided to start a whole new thread, just to draw attention to them. Here is part of the post that prompted my questions: For this thread, I am...
  3. MattusMaximus

    We should thank True Skeptic

    Howdy all, In a strange way, I suppose we should all thank True Skeptic. Without realizing it, he/she is showing us all the next front in the creationist war against science, complete with the newest wave of rhetorical arguments and relabeling ("scientific creationism" --> "intelligent design"...
  4. Q

    William Dembski gets material in two peer-reviewed publications

    William Dembski mentions on his blog that he and engineer Robert J. Marks have "Two forthcoming peer-reviewed pro-ID articles in the math/eng literature." Is is really impressive to talk about "intelligent design" in engineering journals? I hope engineers design with intelligence. He then...
  5. MattusMaximus

    Materialism of the Gaps?

    One of my favorite science bloggers, Dr. Steven Novella, is going toe-to-toe with one of the Disco Institute's Fellows, Dr. Michael Egnor, concerning neuroscience. In this latest blog entry, Egnor puts on display one of the new rhetorical tactics being used by creationists - calling evolution...
  6. Diagoras

    New Texas science standards creationism-free!

    Good news, everybody! http://www.star-telegram.com/state_news/story/1118331.html
  7. L

    Expelled: No Intelligent Answers

    I apologize if this post is lengthy, and especially if it doesn't make sense (typing between tasks at work so it may not be clear in some areas). First off, I thought I was prepared for how bad this movie would be, but I was very wrong. I expected it to be a one-sided propaganda piece but...
  8. N

    Too stupid to educate and conscious liars to boot

    In a post on my blog, "Why they want to silence us": http://normdoering.blogspot.com/2008/12/why-they-want-to-silence-us.html I suggested that the people controlling the comments on certain websites were consciously lying through their deletions of posts and the banning of people. I mean this...
  9. Wowbagger

    Is the "Deduction of an Intelligent Designer" a Case of Paredolia?

    This is sort-of a sequel to my thread that hypothesized how I.D. proponents tend to take analogies too far. ( http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125866 ) In this thread, I ask: Can the "deduction of an Intelligent Designer" effectively be described as a case of...
  10. Wowbagger

    Building a Better DNA Analogy (for the purpose of explaining its origins)

    I have a hypothesis. I hypothesize that a substantial portion of Intelligent Design ideas are actually dependent upon a history of taking analogies too far. For example, the whole idea that DNA contains "specified information" is really a consequence of taking the analogy of "DNA is like a...
  11. Wowbagger

    DI: Intelligent Design Now Has Scientific Merit!!

    Read all about it! http://www.discovery.org/a/7051 From the article: The scientific method is commonly described as a four-step process involving observations, hypothesis, experiments, and conclusion.19 As noted, ID begins with the observation that intelligent agents produce complex and...
  12. Aquila

    Did Carl Sagan believe in Intelligent Design?

    I just watched this video of Carl Sagan explaining the "Drake Equation" about possible life on other planets in the universe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB_v99FSTYc&NR=1 But much of what he says seem to rely on the presumption that life would evolve like it has on earth. Isn't this subtly...
  13. ksbluesfan

    Kansas school board - intelligent design questions

    In the Kansas City Star Letter's section, there was a letter supporting Intelligent Design being taught in Kansas classrooms. There were seven questions asked that I feel are answered by science, but I would like a little support in answering these questions. Here are his questions...
  14. MattusMaximus

    "Expelled" to be Re-Released?

    I recently received the following unsolicited email; I have no idea how I got on this "list". I have passed it on to both the NCSE and Pandas Thumb. Did anyone else here get this email? What are your thoughts about it?
  15. MattusMaximus

    The Discovery Institute using Louisiana Law as a Money-Making Scam

    As we all probably know, Louisiana recently passed an "academic freedom" law which would allow science teachers to "supplement" their curriculum with materials providing alternative views on biology (i.e. creationism). Of course, who was one of the major backers of said legislation? Our fine...
  16. MattusMaximus

    Chris Comer sues Texas Education Agency

    Howdy all, There is a very interesting new development in the fiasco of the firing of Chris Comer, the former Director of Science at the Texas Education Agency for her lack of "neutrality" over ID-creationism. The other shoe has dropped, and she has sued the TEA. Read more about it here...
  17. V

    Get out of Louisiana - Science Education Act

    First, not exactly sure if this should be in Education or here in Current Events as it fits in both, but feel free to move if necessary. I was reading Wikinews this morning as I find it an easy way to get a quick summary of the goings on. I found this article...
  18. Gord_in_Toronto

    Expelled Arrives in Canada -- Critics Not Impressed

    "Expelled" arrived here (aka Canada) this week and the reviews have been pretty critical. Some reviewers are more clued in than others but the wholehearted consensus seems to be "it's a bad, bad movie". In scanning the reviews on Google.ca News I found this one had a pretty revealing piece...
  19. A

    Flunk This Movie!

    Another exposé of Ben Stein's movie. http://www.reason.com/news/show/126800.html My favorite bit: :D
  20. W

    Fake science: Creationist's "Answers Research Journal"

    Source: http://www.answersingenesis.org/arj Wrapped in cool sounding sciency terms, a "pro" looking web design this fake journal offers peer-reviewed research papers. Well, peer-reviewed by fellow creationists, that is. Just randomly click through their online articles. Don't worry, you...
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