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intelligent design

  1. M

    A funny way to look at ID

    Hello all I don't know if this was covered before or not. The idea is mine, but I don't know if someone else thought up before me or not. It matters relatively little, since the whole thing has at least some merit. Here goes. It is an indusputable fact that the principle of intelligent design...
  2. L

    A microbiology question for ID

    Hi all, I've been reading these forums for a while now and decided to make a post to get a question I've been wondering about some time anwsered I couldn't find any real reference to it using the search engine, but if it has been brought up before I'm sure someone will inform me. I'm afraid...
  3. B

    Dawkins, atheism & intelligent design

    Crusader Richard Dawkins Anti-Christ, Anti-God, & Anti Organized Religion Crusader Richard Dawkins is Anti-Christ, Anti-God, & Anti-Organized Religion Richard Dawkins, a professor at Oxford University and perhaps the world’s most famous atheist, is working diligently to spread his message that...
  4. Wowbagger

    Thought Exercise: What Would Happen if Intelligent Design Became a Real Science

    Let us assume, for the time being, that uncontroversial evidence was found, for an Intelligent Designer. Maybe we discovered the original blue-prints of various life forms, and the labs they were created in. Maybe something even more dramatic than that: Actual communications with the Designer...
  5. D

    Alleged "Insufficient Evidence at Hand for Darwinism"

    In another thread Baby Nemesis links to the article “Insufficient Evidence at Hand for Darwinism” by this apparent advocate of ID, Stephen A. Batzer, Ph.D., P.E., who does not seem to know an awful lot about evolution and biology. Since he might be on his way to creationist fame – other websites...
  6. Wowbagger

    Responding to an Intelligent Design FAQ, with Claims of I.D. Predictions

    If anyone has the time or energy, perhaps you can help contribute some responses to this: http://www.uncommondescent.com/faq/ I would, especially, like some information for this one: 4. ID does not make scientifically fruitful predictions. Again, simply false. As just one example of a...
  7. patchbunny

    Expelled gets a special subtitle track

    Stumbled across this thread, and I didn't find a reference to it in these forums. Looks like someone made a subtitle track for Expelled that addressed the misinformation presented in the movie. Now if only there were little robot silhouettes as well...
  8. Oliver

    Teacher broke law by calling creationism "superstitious nonsense"

    LOL? :confused:
  9. Robert Oz

    Something other than a god being the intelligent designer?

    Since the ID crowd try to avoid mentioning God when discussing their "scientific theory", are they open to the possibility that someone or something other than a god is the intelligent designer? Here are a few options I've thought of on the spur of the moment (feel free to add any you can think...
  10. Wowbagger

    Questions I would like Intelligent Design Proponents to Answer

    This is a response, mostly, to this old article: http://www.uncommondescent.com/comment-policy/put-a-sock-in-it/ I would like to stick some I.D. proponents with some good "stumpers" not included in their list (or repeat the ones not adequately answered). Here are just a few I have collected...
  11. Gangularis

    If people want intelligent design taught in schools..

    Why not just have a religious and philosophical studies course? Teaching religion and philosophy, objectively in public schools, seems like the fair thing to do.. They do it at universities.. I think it would be good for the country.. And serve our children to have a more well rounded education...
  12. Temporal Renegade

    Texas Opens Classroom Door for Evolution Doubts

    I've placed this here, because of the content; although, it could probably be crossed-posted. I guess if you can't get ID taught in schools, do the next best thing: attempt to 'question' what's being taught... Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal...
  13. Travis

    Theists, the grapevine or the grape?

    Theists: Which comes first, the grapevine or the grape? Don't dodge this question on your IQ in regard to practical creativity. If you have any practical creativity, how would you answer the question, and why? In not more than fifty filthy theist words. I just want to see if theists have...
  14. Puppycow

    Vatican-sponsored Evolution Conference Snubs ID

    Discovery Institute Miffed by Vatican Snub So, the Vatican is essentially admitting that the Bible isn't really true? :popcorn1
  15. Q

    Liberty University requires "creation study" courses for biology degrees, etc.

    Liberty University requires "creation study" courses for biology degrees, etc. I thought this article is pretty interesting: Lynchburg News and Advance The full article discusses recent lectures with Michael Behe and intelligent design. I would think teaching creationism to be at odds with...
  16. E

    Darwin at 200: A Liberator Like Lincoln

    Darwin at 200: A Liberator Like Lincoln by Edward Hudgins February 12, 2009 -- Of the two famous men born on February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln is the one known as a political liberator. But the other man, Charles Darwin, also deserves recognition on the bicentennial of his birth for his own...
  17. Earthborn

    Dutch Evangelists adapt to the environmental pressures of a scientific world?

    Good news everyone! From Noorderlicht Website (in Dutch):
  18. Hamradioguy

    Score one for UVM-With Dawkins' help

    UVM is the University of Vermont. And I suspect you all know about Ben Stein, the outspoken opponent of evolution. He gave a lecture at UVM last spring on economic matters that was well received. So the University invited him to give the Commencement speech this year, which would have included...
  19. Aquila

    Evolution In My Garden

    Now that it's early Spring in S. California (Winter only lasts about 2 weeks here), weeds are springing up in my garden. Every year I notice that some weeds seem to be very "intelligent", hiding behind the established shrubs and perennials, as though they were trying to gain a foothold in my...
  20. Hamradioguy

    New England Darwin Day event

    "UnIntelligent Design: Why Evolution Explains the Human Body and 'Intelligent Design' Does Not", a presentation by Professor Abby Hafer at Dartmouth College on Thursday February 12th at 7:30P.M. in Moore Hall (Filene Auditorium). Professor Hafer has a D. Phil from Oxford and teaches...
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