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  • Thinking of you, spagz; hope you're doing okay (or a whole lot better than that even, if that's possible). :hug6
    :cztrance: (not to worry: some dilation of the pupils to be expected initially transitioning from fan to observer status; if it is permanent, not a bad look, really; all the better to observe sock color and/or football games with, or this; or to feed on plankton...)
    -- just a quick heads-up: i am no longer a football "fan" (per se); having filled out all the relevant paperwork, i am now an "observer" of the game; thus it interests me as an observer to note that after today's collapse against the lions the saints are 2 & 4, while not troubling me any more than, say, the color of my socks, which is... hmm... i'm not wearing any socks; but if i were, their color - be it brown, blue, black, beige, texas (sort of a diet fudge), vegas (dull silver), bronze, teal, forest, maroon, cardinal, columbia (like ink eraser blue), kelly, navy, white, off-white, grey - would be of no more concern for me than the saints' complete 4th quarter collapse today, which, because i am now an observer of football and no longer a fan, was not, in the slightest, concerning (in retrospect); thank you for your time and attention; yours always and observantly, blobby :cztrance:
    :) Much love to you blobby! Looks like they have carefully preserved our silliness! YAY JREF, er, um, Yay... International blah blady Skeptics something or other.
    Hope this doesn't wipe out our visitor messages; all those rickrolls belong in the smithsonian; or an icloud at least, alongside nude randi selfies. If it does --- it's been fun, our silly-sally back & forth, amiga mia, and geaux saints (but not so far you get concussions, please; i'd like y'all - (well, most of y'all; sharper, jeezus) - to remember winning that super bowl when you're 52, or at least where and who you are)!!! :czhmm:
    I think the forum's going to be okay, just with new sponsors (Randi's :randi: apparently decided that having a site where people like, well, you and me for example, :rr: can post in his name may not be such a great idea; in retaliation, last week i banned him from my forum - oh, you never heard such whining and crying then, :rs: but too late, had to be done; suggest you do the same :re: (if you haven't already) :rm: ); as I understand it, goal is to make the move as seamless as possible: new name, banner, address (with forwards from here); internally, pretty much the same, threads carried over; but you never know -- thanks for the email ("caccc", that's a funny name - klingon?) just in case. :hug6
    :USA: Happy 238th to my favorite yank (which is saying something, cause nobody likes a yank as much as I (a good yank that is, kind of goes without saying; and you, my dear friend, ms spagett, are a very good yank, by the dawn's early light, often enough (springtime especially))); enjoy yourself some Sousa, chili dogs and fireworks!
    Hey, check out this guy: over 60000 posts[!] and no friends, none. I don't know about you, spagett, with your 19 friends, but me, with my 36 friends, that makes me... kinda sad. Poor friendless bastard. I feel like I want to reach out to him somehow, some small gesture of sympathy, understanding. Sure I know in the end we're all masters of our own destiny and it's up to him to find his way in the world; still, you come across someone like this, you can't help thinking, "there but for the grace of monstrous flying spaghetti...". Sorry, didn't mean to bring you down or anything, spags; it's just, i know you run a charity or 4-H club or biker bar or some damn thing - thought you might wanna keep him in your thoughts this holiday season (only 236 shopping days til christmas), s'all. :eggdull:
    Work?! What are you trying to be -- successful!? :Banane20:
    When I think of all the time you could've wasted here with the rest of us losers... breaks my heart. :Banane41:
    But, do what ya gotta do. Just don't forget where your friends are (friend is, always). :Banane48::Banane35::Banane59:
    Hi Blobby! Long time, etc. Hope you've been well.

    No operas, just work work and more work.... ..... .......

    Oof... at's enuf futebol 4 blobby. :cztired2:
    Really is kind of a stupid game, isn't it: run the ball, pass the ball, kick the ball, fall on the ball, run into each other, fall down; get a concussion; get another concussion; forget how many concussions you got; forget which down comes after 2nd . . . maybe blobby needs a new hobby.

    Seen any good operas lately? :czsorry: (thinkin' of ya, ms s: hope you're doin' well) :czP:
    :wackyfrown: Oops - 10 & 5: that's what I get for gloating I guess. What we get for gloating, we're a team right? Actually, this is your message board - what you get for gloating. Good lord, would you puh-leez quit gloating, Spagett; no wonder we can't win on the road!
    Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 9 & 2 Saints!!! :wackyjiggy: (and yourself) :wackywubclub::wackywubclub::wackywubclub: and condolences:
    chief operating officer, dirty birds fan club
    F_in' Spaghetti Monster (so happy to see you I even spelled 2/3 of your name right)!! :j2: Was starting to think maybe the Evil Eye or that chainsaw guy or a maybe a herd of giant armadillo had carried you off -- but I guess not (or if they did, congrats on your escape). For old times' sake... :bricks::):hug5
    Why would the Saints winning their last game be like Spagett's birthday party? [IMG]

    [IMG] Because... [IMG]

    there we 8 & 8.


    [IMG] (stupid panthers, almost ruining a perfectly good joke; ah well, happy birthday, gorgeous, and new year too!) [IMG][IMG]
    Yup, that QB's eyeball would've come clean out of the socket and after a victory lap been spiked in the endzone and danced on... in the old days.

    {Ahh... the good old days... unsanctioned player bonuses for scooped-out quarterback's eyeballs... good times...}
    Bounty! Bounty! Kurt Warner's eyeball was worth at least 10k in the old days... ;)
    But he's such a cute nazi! :czwubpink: (If he wasn't a nazi, he'd've been selling spaghettiOs.)
    Do not despair, meine Schwester in der Poesie (my sister in poetry). If not, maybe, this time; what with Kamerad Helen and you talking of Michelangelo (as a bourgeois distraction while recruiting and training the crack forces of the anti anti-poetry resistance), there's always... TOMORROW! :chores040:
    :melting San Fran dat, 'parently (or as they say in the song... :brokenheart: )

    Oh well, fun season; nice to see Drew get the record; and, unless the Mayan nutballs are right, there's always next year! right? (sigh) :deadp
    Is it trendy to be late :eusa_think: (or maybe I'm just not too sharp)? :con2:

    Belated :hbd2: (and New Year, too)!

    Pastafanaticallyforever yours, blobby :cubist:
    EMS had to go old school to revive blobby after today's heartstopper...* :stone007:

    *(shout out to Dr F and Ygor [sp?] for the loan of the castle & equipment)
    And here's blobby after watching the Saints' latest nail&knuckle-biter...* :wackyswoon:

    *(shout out to the Michigan State Troopers and Livingston County EMS paramedics for their quick response)
    gulp... :ghost: now that really was halloween... one week, we great; next week, we ain't(s)?... :nope: any more room in that hole in the ground for another saints fan? :dig:
    well, ya see, spagett, what it was was, drew thought it was hallowe'en, and the bucs were trick-or-treaters, and the football was candy, and... aw, fiddlesticks... (boo us!)... that was more painful to watch than coach payton's leg. :ghost:
    Would be nice of they would win like they mean it. :( have a couple stiff ones for me, Bobby.
    who dat say dey gonna say "who dat gonna say" instead "who dat say"? (*sigh* better skip the drinking, go straight to sleeping it off) :wackyembarrassed:
    4 straight since "Ggggggaaaaahhhh. Agony." (and i could use 4 straight up after today's tilt chez les panthers... who dat gonna say dey gonna have a mild cardiac event? [blobby waves weakly from stretcher] :wackyswoon:
    1... yard... 1. Is that so hard? ONE YARD!!! :wackyarghh:

    :wackycry: Got the "Stop... sorry, "Stock Yard Blues".

    (Oh well, only the first game; still like, to get it together, forever.) :wackyspinny: :wackyradar: :wackyv_SPIN:
    :wackytongue: There. FINALLY finagled you into commenting on Elevator-gate. Summer hasn't been a total waste after all. Blobby rest now (he's earned it). :wackydaydreaming:
    :wackyjiggy: Hey: Mr WackyJiggy says you're missing all the fun of Elevator-gate! Boggles my mind; but I bet you'd have something sensible to say.* Feminism is fun. (Hey, baby. [Can't we all just get along?]) Whee-eeee!!! :wackywub:

    *{then again, you bet on the Saints against the Seahawks.} :wackymad: thanks so much for reminding me, Mr WackyMad...:wackycry: [bastard. i'll get you. you just wait. one day it'll just be you and me, on an elevator, and i'll offer you some coffee...]
    I'll see your "xxxooooxxxxXXXXOOOOxxxx" and raise you a "OoOxxxxxxxXXxxOOooooOXOXOXxxxxiiyyiiiyiiiyiiiyiiiiiii"! ('tis spring, fair pasta, and this blob's thoughts have turned to spagetti-os) :halo::eusa_angel::halo::eusa_angel::halo:
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