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  1. Orphia Nay

    Favourite book(s) read in 2022?

    Hit me with your favourite reads in 2022.
  2. figarot

    What is your favourite opening line of a novel?

    I was running out of passports, ones I could use. --Mr Nice, Howard Marks
  3. wasapi

    That book that you reread?

    There are not too many books I will reread, but I have some. Of course there are a couple of books of poetry, Mainly Galway Kinnell , Dorthey Parker, some in Portuguese. The books, A Hundred Years of Solitude, some old Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler books, are all I can think of now, but...
  4. 911KookDetector

    Wealth of Nations

    So I just found a copy of Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith in a box in my attic. It must be my dad's or something because I have no idea where it came from. I mean, I understand it's 230 years old and possibly dated but I know it's one of the fundamental works in classical economics. I really...
  5. catsmate

    Favourite mystery/detective novels

    I've been doing a fair amount of travelling recently and reading a lot of ebooks. I've read and re-read a lot of stuff, mysteries, scifi and fantasy along with non-fiction and a lot of althist. So, as there don't seem to be any threads devoted to favourite and recommended mysteries I decided to...
  6. The_Fire

    Good asp.net and app books (4+ and MVC)?

    Sooooo.....It looks like I'm finally getting some of the courses I've been wanting, but been denied for the last two years. Including, hopefully, a .NET webdeveloper microsoft certificate one and an app developer workshop. (as well as a couple of refreshers on Jquery and Javascript in general)...
  7. H

    Book Recommendations for skeptics ?

    So there are alot of junk books out there which have little or no value. Can someone recommend good non-fiction self help, business books based on science ? Textbooks are great too. Other subjects apart from self help are welcome too if they helped you in a certain way. Here are some I...
  8. madurobob

    88 Books That Shaped America

    Apparently the Library of congress recently published a list of "88 Books that Shaped America" See the list in all its glory: 88 Books Um, yeah. Something will certainly be sparked by that list. So, what book would you prefer to see on the list? For me, it would be Ellicott's "Young...
  9. Walter Ego

    Audio books vs. "Real" Books

    Any opinions on audio vs. print as a way to experience literature? I do listen to audio books and have my own take on the subject but would like to hear from some others before I chime in but to get the ball rolling, having someone else, live or on mp3, read a book to you cannot substitute for...
  10. Beanbag

    What book is everyone writing now?

    Books only. No short stories, poems, or screenplays. I've got two in the works: The Faerie Preserve, a story about a man whose cat drags home an injured faerie; and Lazarus Flats, a story about an elderly scientist who develops a technique for transferring consciousness to another body, gets...
  11. TheAnachronism

    Literature's best closing lines

    We had the thread Best Opening Lines for Novels and people participated quite a bit. I thought it might be interesting to try the inverse. I have tried to be more inclusive by calling this "Literature's best closing lines," because I think just limiting it to "novels" would be too restrictive...
  12. LibraryLady

    Reading list from TAM

    I wasn't 100% sure where to put this, so if someone can think of a better place, just let me know. I kept track of the books, web sites, podcasts mentioned, and thought I'd post them for anyone curious. Here are the books: The art of cold reading by Robert A Nelson Publisher: Calgary : M...
  13. bozman

    Are the "Dummies" books going a tad overboard?

    Is it just me or the folks who make these "dummies" books going a bit too far?
  14. bookitty

    Article on the Olympia Press bibliography

    Fine Books & Collections, a magazine for book collectors has a new article up on The Paris Olympia Press: An Annotated Bibliography. http://www.finebooksmagazine.com/issue/201007/olympia_press-1.phtml Books, even saucy banned literature, can be noble. People involved with books - publishers...
  15. J

    Can anyone recommend any good books about the psychology of the fundie?

    For the last few days I have been reading the >10,000 post thread ironically titled "Evidence for why we knew the authors of the NT were telling the truth"*. One of the posters (if you've read it, you know who) has what is commonly refered to as a "god shaped whole in his head" and I have found...
  16. Elizabeth I

    Authors who wrote a few things you like; the others, not so much?

    Since we seem to be on a book roll here, are there any authors who have written a few things you really like, but when you try their other works you don't like them? Some of mine are: Dodie Smith - loved I Capture the Castle, couldn't stand anything else she wrote E.F. Benson - love the Lucia...
  17. Temporal Renegade

    DoYou Read The Books That Are Made Into Films?

    Since it seems that a lot of books are being used as source material for films, I'm just wondering if anyone makes it a point to read a book, before they see the film it's made into? How about after you've seen the movie? Mainly I'm asking, because I've known people who've read Lord of the...
  18. jayman

    Critical Thinking Book Recommendations?

    I'm looking for recommendations for books that teach critical thinking skills. Can anyone recommend any textbooks that teach critical thinking, as well? Thank you! Josh :)
  19. Ness36

    Recommend your favorite science books here!

    My two favorite science books are Genesis:The Scientific Quest for Life's Origins by Robert Hazen This does an amazing job explaining various experiments scientists have done to try to figure out the origin of life. It explains how the knowledge is gained, not just the theories. It is...
  20. K

    Cold Reading Books

    Hi guys--looking for a couple of books teaching cold reading. Any suggestions?

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