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  1. steenkh

    Evolution and abiogenesis

    I often see people here and elsewhere who argue that the creationists are not entirely wrong when they think that abiogenesis is a part of evolution. One poster said that it felt like a "cop out" when we distinguish between the two. I wonder why? I cannot see any reason why abiogenesis can be...
  2. G

    PBS Nova: Life's Rocky Start

    The hypothesis that rocks, water and carbon dioxide formed life has gone mainstream enough to make it to the PBS series Nova: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/life-rocky-start.html Right at this moment, it may still be possible to watch a repeat broadcast on your cable system or even your...
  3. G

    Life force - Why energy shapes evolution

    Anybody who hasn't had or wanted to spare the time to get Nick Lanes' "The Vital Question" from the library and read it can now read a much shorter article discussing the same issues. It's the "Life force - Why energy shapes evolution" article of the VOLUME 37 NO 5 October 2015 issue of the...
  4. G

    Merged The Vital Question: Why Is Life the Way It Is? / The first branching event of life

    That is the title of Nick Lane's new book, that comes out in July in the U.S. and Canada but has been out since late April in the U.K. I have a copy of that version if anybody wants to bring up issues. I tried to give my best shot at summarizing the key issues in the best science and medicine...
  5. G

    How one defines life influences origin view?

    It occurred to me in my post to the "Why do you believe naturalism to be the best explanation for our existence" thread, that how one defines life might influence what mechanism one sees as being most important in its origin. I think it has influenced biologist and geneticist Jack Szostak, but...
  6. G

    New support for Metabolism First Origin of Life

    Late in December 2012 there were two independent papers published that make a metabolism first abiogenesis ever more plausible over genes first scenarios. This first one, "The Origin of Membrane Bioenergetics", is a paper by Nick Lane, 2010 Royal Society winner for "Life Ascending: The Ten...
  7. LarianLeQuella

    Abiogenesis News: Early-Earth Cells Modeled to Show How First Life Forms Might Have P

    Continuation of title: Early-Earth Cells Modeled to Show How First Life Forms Might Have Packaged RNA Just found this interesting. Anyone get Nature Chemistry able to give us a more in-depth run down of the significance of this? The gaps keep closing, which I personally find satisfying...
  8. Zeuzzz

    Creating life from matter

    Not entirely sure how this is done but I seem to remember some sort of experiment where someone created very basic forms of life in a test tube from just a mixture of matter. How true is this statement I found?
  9. Perpetual Student

    Abiogenesis -- Another Theory

    Another interesting theory for abiogenesis: ICE
  10. J

    Is the Concept of "Replicator" a Necessary Aspect of Evolutionary Theory?

    The concept of "replicator" is found and used in almost all presentations that discuss mechanisms of evolution. However, in the opinion of the writer, this concept of replicator is actually unnecessary and is, in many ways, very misleading; I would even say that it is ultimately undefined. I...
  11. G

    Best theory of abiogenesis and complex cell origin I've seen

    I haven't reached 15 posts yet, hence no direct links. I've left the http off. The August volume of the online Journal of Cosmology is on Abiogenesis: journalofcosmology.com/Contents10.html The most readable to me is "Chance or Necessity? Bioenergetics and the Probability of Life" at this...
  12. Skeptic Ginger

    Abiogenesis Update

    I had a reason to review the current state of the science of abiogenesis recently and it seemed worth sharing. 2009:The Origin of Life A case is made for the descent of electrons The science of our origins is moving right along. The Talk Origins page on abiogenesis was apparently last...
  13. J

    Bioepistemic Evolution and the Origin of Life

    As some readers may recall, I am interested in developing a general form of evolutionary theory that is data-centred rather than gene-centred. I have christened this form of evolutionary theory "Bioepistemic Evolution." Initially I used this new form of evolutionary theory to give an account of...
  14. Kritikos

    (How) can a non-expert defend science against creationists?

    I had a pretty good high-school education in the natural sciences, and in recent years have been learning more about them; but I am just not any sort of expert in them and do not expect ever to be one. This presents a problem when some religious type starts putting forward creationist canards in...
  15. dogjones

    Evidence for panspermia "overwhelming"?

    Well, according to this article there is overwhelming evidence that Earth was seeded by a comet. Here is the paper the article is talking about: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=7174908 I can only access the abstract, but the whole thing appears to be...
  16. Anacoluthon64

    Artificial Life — A Step Forward

    Scientist Craig Venter Has Created Artificial Life. 'Luthon64
  17. Wowbagger

    A Handy-Dandy Formula for Summarizing Abiogenesis?

    Thanks to an infusion of knowledge on the subject, (including books recommended here: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102459 ), I believe I have a relatively good, amateur's grasp of abiogenesis. I couldn't help but notice a common pattern in all of the sources...
  18. paximperium

    Abiogenesis takes a step forward via RNA

    Abiogenesis takes another step forward with a plausible pathway for self-assembly of RNA from "non-living" material. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/14/science/14rna.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&ref=science Not the complete picture but another brick to add to a growing wall of evidence for abiogenesis.
  19. A

    Merged God moved into a smaller house as chemicals compete

    http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/01/replicatingrna.html Life - a series of complicated, competing chemical reactions. Ain't it grand? Athon
  20. arthwollipot

    JEROME - Life and Linear Time

    In another thread, I asked JEROME DA GNOME to clarify what he believed about the origins of life and the universe. His response was: I replied: He replied: At that point I decided to start a new thread, rather than derail the existing one. I would appreciate it if a moderator could step in if...
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