Continued from here. As is usual the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from previous threads.
Posted By: Agatha
To repeat:
Agreed. They needlessly complicate things.
Suppose Pence went along with the cockamamie scheme to refuse to certify electors, nobody gets 270 votes in the EC, the election gets thrown into the House, and Trump wins ("wins"). Would you regard that as a coup?
Depends on the specifics, but probably yes, with the lion's share of the blame on Pence for actually taking the unconstitutional steps to make it happen. Still can't see any plausible way for him to refuse the certification that the action wouldn't be challenged, and Pence likely going to the hoosegow.
And that's how I see the whole crew; lots of yapping about what they're gonna do, but too timid to actually do it.
So it's probably an attempted coup.
Pence would not get the lion's share of blame: It starts with the president. Pence would have been following orders ........

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