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What is Your Big Issue

What is your main issue

  • Abortion

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Immigration

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Inflation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wages and Wealth

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Corporate taxes and regulation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Healthcare

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • Crime and the Justice system

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Environmental issues

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Guns

    Votes: 1 2.5%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Education

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LGBTQA+ rights

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Religious rights

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Israel

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Ukraine

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • China

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infrastructure

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other specific Foreign policy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other specific domestic policy

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Planet X: we just choose a policies out of a hat and everyone goes with it

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sep 8, 2006
What is your primary issue for the 2024 election? Like, if you completely got everything you wanted on this one thing and nothing else, you'd call it a win. I'm not looking for how you rank each issue or your take on each one. Just what is the thing that gets you to the polls the most? The poll isn't even about where you fall on the issue. Just what is your priority?

Feel free to clarify in the comments. Where do you fall on the issue? Why is it your primary concern? What do you consider the endgame? Which candidate or party do you think better aligns with your goals?

I just ask 2 things (which I can in no way make anyone comply with):

1) Keep your response to your one issue without diving into the others. Ya, I know there is overlap in a lot of cases, but just try

2) You don't make judgments on anyone else's reasoning.

Most of these should be self-explanatory. I was going to clarify what I meant, but I would rather see where people go on their own.

Sorry if I didn't name your specific issue. Polls have a limit of 20 and any valid poll requires a Planet X option

If its ok with the mods, I'd like to do this again when after a few months. Assuming this one produces any results.
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I went environmental issues. Global Warming is a major political and economic problem, but more than that, it is a physics problem. And physics doesn't care.

Physics doesn't care about the economy, or how many votes you have in the Senate. You can't negotiate with physics, bribe physics, or assassinate its leaders. Telling physics to come back next election cycle because it is really inconvenient right now doesn't work.

We either takes steps to fix the problem or we don't. Physics doesn't care which we choose.
I was trying to avoid loaded language. I probably could have consolidated a few.
Russia. Whatever happens in the US domestically can be fixed later by future administrations. It's a lot harder to fix what's happening outside, so action has to be taken now to prevent further worsening. As much as I'd love healthcare improvement and civil rights improvements and all that stuff, it can wait because if we wind up in Cold War 2 or World War 3 or Nuclear War I alllllll the nice stuff will be off the table anyway.
Unfortunately this list is missing the most important issues. It is sad that these are even an issue we need to consider. But without addressing them, we as a nation will have failed and left us forever vulnerable.

Protect democracy.
Insure equal protection of the law.
I was trying to avoid loaded language. I probably could have consolidated a few.

Loaded or not, it's literally my tippy top issue, in this round. The other poll selections are important, of course, but come on. This one's a doozy.

Eta: fascist might be too loaded. "Leaning uncomfortably towards citizens wearing armbands" might be closer.
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Unfortunately this list is missing the most important issues. It is sad that these are even an issue we need to consider. But without addressing them, we as a nation will have failed and left us forever vulnerable.

Protect democracy.
Insure equal protection of the law.
There are core issues missing for Trump supporters as well:

* seek vengeance against political opponents
* implement theocracy
Russia. Whatever happens in the US domestically can be fixed later by future administrations. It's a lot harder to fix what's happening outside, so action has to be taken now to prevent further worsening. As much as I'd love healthcare improvement and civil rights improvements and all that stuff, it can wait because if we wind up in Cold War 2 or World War 3 or Nuclear War I alllllll the nice stuff will be off the table anyway.

Trump. My number one issue is simply Trump.

I picked Ukraine, because they HAVE to win.
And Russia HAS to be beaten down to the point they just plain give up.
And Trump MUST be stopped at all costs, he can never again be allowed near the levers of power.
Keeping Trump out of office.

After that the debt and deficit. Our debt payments are expected to be the largest line item in the budget with 10 years.
As others have mentioned, my primary issue is not allowing a completely evil, mentally disturbed, idiot to continue his attempts at becoming dictator. That's pretty much it.
It was Environmental issues, with Ukraine second, because Domestic violence by Trump's Terrorists wasn't an Option.
Basically not having a complete ******* in the White House. Three-quarters ******* Biden I can handle, but not Trump.

There's lots of issues, but they're really not that complicated. They boil down to one person trying to make things better for everyone, and another person trying to make things better for themselves by making it worse for everyone else. To paraphrase Mister Rogers: look for the helpers. If you ever find yourself in over your head and you don't know what's the right thing to do, look for the helpers. No matter how scary or chaotic a situation may be, there will be people there who are working to make it better. To make the world a little gentler, a little kinder. If you look, you will find them.

That's all it takes.

The helpers are not charging teenage girls with murder for having a miscarriage in the wrong state. They aren't putting barbed wire on border crossings while denying medical care to injured people. They aren't carrying tiki torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us." They aren't murdering children in Gaza because they think they have it coming. They aren't saying people in bad financial straits deserve to be there because they didn't earn their keep. They aren't preaching social revanchism and stigginit on a diet of bile and vitriol. It's not hard to tell. Any argument to the contrary is trying to excuse not caring to look for fear you might find the helpers arrayed against you.
"Not turning fascist" didn't make the cut? Really?

That's the Planet X option. Except we're living that dystopia, where such things are even possible --- not that such lowlifes should try such stunts, happens all the time, but that so many half-wits should continue to be fooled and corrupted by said lowlife.
For me the three main issues would be:

1. Trump, and everything that that represents.

2. Ukraine.

3. Israel. (It's at #3, well below #1 and #2, because life will continue regardless. But it will be a diminished life, and a diminished us, given our support for this evil.)
I was trying to avoid loaded language. I probably could have consolidated a few.

Not using loaded language =/= Completely ignoring the enormities that language might be used to describe.

Never interacted with you, that I recall, had no idea so far about your politics. But I'm thinking I can guess. I mean, "loaded language"?! It's a completely doable exercise for a 10 year old to use inoffensive language, as far as the language itself, to talk about how, in this case, a theocratic fascist evil dystopia is, impossibly unless you'd seen it already happen, so close to reality.
Preserving democracy is my top issue. So I answered Other - Domestic
I'm not American so I can't vote, but if I was and I could, then the USA not turning fascist would be my Number 1.

I would vote for a potted plant, a used garbage bag, or a pile of fresh dog **** before I would ever vote for The Fat Orange Turd or, in its current form, anyone on the GOP ticket.
To actually transition to a climate change coping society it will take a lot of political, economical and societal change, which is why I picked it.
Also, we need Goals that go beyond the next election or news cycle
Indeed, that's the big thing. We can regret the degree to which the pendulum swings, but it's another thing altogether when someone reaches out to stop it.

This. These aren't normal circumstances any more. January 6th happened, with all the scanalous accessory events before and after. This **** done got real.

And for our non-American contingent who finds our concerns uniquely a silly American problem, try to picture a little Hitler sitting at the helm of the world's largest and most powerful military, and the economic influence to change the course of history on a narcissistic whim. Y'all are in this boat too.
This. These aren't normal circumstances any more. January 6th happened, with all the scanalous accessory events before and after. This **** done got real.

And for our non-American contingent who finds our concerns uniquely a silly American problem, try to picture a little Hitler sitting at the helm of the world's largest and most powerful military, and the economic influence to change the course of history on a narcissistic whim. Y'all are in this boat too.

When I have had posters challenge my right to have opinions about what happens in America (because I am not American and therefore it isn't my business - Warp12 and Bubba come to mind) I have always replied by stating that the USA is the single largest economy and the single biggest military in the world, and everything, both politically and economically, that happens there affects all of us.... from mass shootings (the American disease), through energy and fuel prices to insane conspiracy theories like the Covid vaccine conspiracy theories promoted by morons like MTG and RFK Jr. These have impact worldwide. The Christchurch Mosque shooter was inspired in part by the American far right & white supremacist I]"Replacement Theory"[/I] and their belief that a civil war is needed to separate the races. The "Freedumb Convoy" of plague rats who occupied Parliament Grounds in Wellington was directly inspired the anti-vaxxer mandate protests in the US, and encouraged by what the plague rats saw on January 6 in DC.

A fascist like The Fat Orange Turd in charge of the US with people like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannan, Kevin Roberts & Marjorie Taylor Greene on his staff, would be a nightmare scenario for the whole world. I'm pretty sure most thinking people in "not-America" understand this only too well!
And for our non-American contingent who finds our concerns uniquely a silly American problem, try to picture a little Hitler sitting at the helm of the world's largest and most powerful military, and the economic influence to change the course of history on a narcissistic whim. Y'all are in this boat too.

You mean your uniquely silly American problems are OUR problems too? Yeah, we know that. Thanks for that. Do we get a vote as a result? No, thought not. I guess we are relying on you guys then, which is why we’re always nagging you. Hope that’s clear now, because I am pretty sure not many non-Americans are unaware of what you’re Yanksplainin. :p
You mean your uniquely silly American problems are OUR problems too? Yeah, we know that. Thanks for that. Do we get a vote as a result? No, thought not. I guess we are relying on you guys then, which is why we’re always nagging you. Hope that’s clear now, because I am pretty sure not many non-Americans are unaware of what you’re Yanksplainin. :p

A Swedish poster upthread had dismissed the list as "silly US affairs", which gets under my skin a bit. We may not be the ideal superpower, but we're not exactly isolationist and uninfluential.

Apologies for the Yanksplaining. Now get back in your place before we give you a heaping helping of Freedom. :cool:
Environmental issues for me.

I first learned about global warming in the late 1970s (it was called 'the Greenhouse Effect' back then.)

Since then, my choices about what I do, and how I live, have been strongly influenced by reducing my environmental impact.
Unfortunately this list is missing the most important issues. It is sad that these are even an issue we need to consider. But without addressing them, we as a nation will have failed and left us forever vulnerable.

Protect democracy.
Insure equal protection of the law.


I selected Environmental Issues.
My big issue is that Trump is a ******* Nazi and his supporters are filthy Brown Shirts. You can't fix anything with a Nazi in charge.
When did the GD Republicans become so comfortable with Russia invading and (trying) to steal a country?

When a Democrat said it was a bad thing.

I really wish Biden would do an announcement that nobody should ingest large quantities of arsenic. Half of the most problematic portion of the population would take itself out immediately.

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