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  1. Donal

    What is Your Big Issue

    What is your primary issue for the 2024 election? Like, if you completely got everything you wanted on this one thing and nothing else, you'd call it a win. I'm not looking for how you rank each issue or your take on each one. Just what is the thing that gets you to the polls the most? The poll...
  2. Tricky

    New Policy on Global Warming threads

    Hello Members, It has been noted that there have been a lot of threads created on the topic of global warming. A great number of these topics rapidly descend into bickering and other rule violations. Although one of the biggest threads was put on moderated status, it seems that many of the...
  3. a_unique_person

    A Failure of Policy, Not Intelligence

    http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/04/21/60minutes/main1527749.shtml Pretty much agrees with the experience of Australian intelligence analysts as well. Read "Axis of Deceit" by Andrew Wilkie.
  4. F

    SHAPE SHIFTING: New US Policy on Iran

    Anyone know why the change in policy? Also, is Iran likely to accept it? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13048821/
  5. headscratcher4

    Bush's Potemkin Energy Policy

    http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=1644581 Aleternative energy lab jobs restored just prior to President's speech. Well, at least they got their jobs back for the moment, even if there isn't enough money for them to do their work. While I've been hoping for some broader thinking on...
  6. E

    A Border Killing Inflames Mexican Anger at U.S. Policy

    Very interesting. It seems that Mexico is indignant over the US securing it's borders. All of this begs the question, a couple actually. -Does a nation have the right to use all means necessary to secure it's borders? -Does a nation have a right to wink at it's own laws because of...
  7. Darat

    Conservatives stealing another Labour policy?

  8. E

    Rapture-ready lunacy and government policy

    A good essay on rapture theology and its possible impact on government policy: If we don't act soon, there is no tomorrow
  9. shemp

    The Policy The Pentagon Doesn't Want The Media To Talk About

    the "Stop Loss" policy These people wouldn't have been kept in servitude if George W. F*ckhead hadn't gone off on a toot in Iraq.
  10. S

    General Zinni: "NeoCons hijacked US foreign policy"

    From the excellent news source www.truthout.com: "There has been poor strategic thinking in this...poor operational planning and execution on the ground," says Zinni, who served as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Central Command from 1997 to 2000. Zinni blames the poor planning on the...
  11. a_unique_person

    Scorched Earth Policy

    Sharon is committed to a Gaza withdrawal. However, he doesn't want to be seen as just running from the Palestinians. Do recent events such as a) Destroying the Zoo b) Mass destruction of housing c) Mass infiltration of heavy weapons signal a scorched earth policy. This is to let the...
  12. Dorian Gray

    Bush modifies Roosevelt's foreign policy

    Speak softly, carry a big stick, beat the crap out of a couple of people as examples.
  13. S

    No Good Deed - On US Foreign Policy, Iraq

    From the intelligent and always insightful Lady of Liberty Rachel Mills: http://www.livejournal.com/users/rachelmills/
  14. S

    Antiglobalism’s Jewish Problem (from "Foreign Policy" Magazine)

    From the article: The rest of it is here: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/story.php?storyID=13958
  15. a_unique_person

    A reasoned analysis of Iraq and American Foreign Policy

    Why the Bush Doctrine is dead http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/10/02/1064988339740.html

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