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Cont: Today's Mass Shooting (part 3)

The post-Floyd mass shooting surge is finally starting to subside. A year-to-year comparison since 2014, when GVA started keeping records.

2014 – 271
2015 – 332
2016 – 383
2017 – 346
2018 – 335
2019 – 414
2020 – 611
2021 – 689
2022 – 644
2023 – 659
2024 – 503

Another update on the 18 mass shootings that occurred in the four days after the Maine mass shooting. I challenged fellow forum members to use those random 18 mass shootings to highlight the examples of white mass shooters that they claim I ignore. No one has bothered.

2 men have been arrested in the Clinton, North Carolina mass shooting – both of them are black males.

I will update the list below, feel free to contribute and show everyone all of these white mass shooters I keep ignoring.

18 mass shootings.
2 Latino males.
14 black males.

October 26 – Clinton, North Carolina – 5 killed – Drug-related

October 27 – Mansfield, Ohio – 2 killed, 4 wounded – House party
Black male – Cyrus J Ellerbe (Check back for more)

October 27 – Little Rock, Arkansas – 1 killed, 4 wounded – Gas station parking lot
Black male – Kamarion Stokes

October 28 – Chicago, Illinois – 4 wounded – Drive-by

October 28 – Texarkana, Texas – 3 killed, 3 wounded
2 black males – Breoskii Warren & Devon Hayden

October 28 – Chula Vista, California – 4 wounded
Black male –

October 28 – Decatur, Georgia – 4 wounded – Drive-by

October 28 – Cumberland, Maryland – 1 killed, 3 wounded – Outside of club
Black male – Devonte Warfield

October 28 – Las Cruces, New Mexico – 7 wounded – Drive-by

October 28 – Lake Charles, Louisiana – 6 wounded
Black male – Artavien Green

October 29 – Azusa, California – 4 wounded – House party

October 29 – Chicago, Illinois – 15 wounded
Black male – William A Groves

October 29 – Wiggins, Mississippi – 1 killed, 3 wounded
Black male – Montrell Malik Quinn II

October 29 – Tampa, Florida – 2 killed, 15 wounded
Black male/mixed-race – Tyrell Stephen Phillips
Black male – Kaydn Abney
Black male – Dwyane Eugene Tillman Jr

October 29 – Atlanta, Georgia – 4 wounded – Gas station parking lot

October 29 – Indianapolis, Indiana – 1 killed, 9 wounded – House party

October 29 – Dodge City, Kansas – 2 killed, 2 wounded
Latino male – Ricardo J. Cadena-Garcia

October 29 – Wilson, North Carolina – 4 wounded
Latino male –Braulio Fuentes-Martinez
I don't think it has been established that these black mass shooters are not in fact white supremacists. I mean they are killing an awful lot of black people.
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I don't think it has been established that these black mass shooters are not in fact white supremacists. I mean they are killing an awful lot of black people.

White supremacists of color.

I learned that here at ISF.
White supremacists of color.

I learned that here at ISF.

Oddly enough, that just happened in the aforementioned shooting. Glad ISF could teach you something rather than just give you an outlet for your perpetual racism:
In one of his first sentences, Henderson wrote he "was ashamed to be Black." He was anti-Semitic in his writings and posted a flyer from the Goyim Defense League, which is a neo-Nazi white supremacy group that visited Nashville this summer.

Henderson said he was inspired by Candance Owens, a conservative Black pundit who previously called Nashville home.

"Candance Owens influenced me above all each time she spoke," Henderson wrote.

His writings showed that he had been thinking about violence for a few months. He wrote his final remarks on Nov. 18.

"I was so miserable. I wanted to kill myself. I just couldn't take anymore. I am a worthless subhuman, a living breathing disgrace. All my (in real life) friends outgrew me act like they didn't f—ing know me. Being me was so f—ing humiliating. That's why I spend all day dissociating."

You're gonna take a kid dying as an opportunity to take a swipe at Trump.

Stay classy

Now that being said in this thread is ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ hilarious. I don't think you realize how funny that actually is....
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If the Yanks don't care about that enough to eradicate it then why should I?
Now that being said in this thread is ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ hilarious. I don't think you realize how funny that actually is....
That, right there, is the problem. Me? I'm seeing nothing funny/hilarious in this thread...... at all. You do you.
That, right there, is the problem. Me? I'm seeing nothing funny/hilarious in this thread...... at all. You do you.

You're literally talking ◊◊◊◊ about this thread being used to swipe at Trump when the thread was actually made to document things like school shootings but was hijacked by *someone* to swipe at black on black crime.

So I don't give a ◊◊◊◊ if you think it's not hilarious. I'm laughing at the hypocrisy, not the events. Save your moral grandstanding, I couldn't give a ◊◊◊◊.
Oddly enough, that just happened in the aforementioned shooting. Glad ISF could teach you something rather than just give you an outlet for your perpetual racism:

You just posted another example of a black person committing a mass shooting. You sir are a racist. (I also learned that here at ISF)
You just posted another example of a black person committing a mass shooting. You sir are a racist. (I also learned that here at ISF)

Way to avoid admitting another of your failures. I'm not even sure what this stupid strawman is supposed to point out considering no one has ever said black people don't commit mass shootings or implied it's racist if that's pointed out. Some of us just don't build our persona around it.

You're not going to address the substance of the post though? Just a fallacy and then off to the next one?
Truth hurts, eh.

It doesn't hurt me at all. It also doesn't change my overall point that was made. I'm not surprised you aren't addressing it though, racism doesn't have a lot of directions you can go in.
I'm not "swiping" at black on black crime,

I'm posting the facts in order to dispel retarded left-wing mythology.

If we weren't subjected to "retarded" right-wing mythology then your "facts" would be greatly affected because of the limited access to gun control and the expanded access to social safety programs to increase quality of life. Thank you for pointing out that your sides "retarded mythology" is the problem. It's a rare admission by you but splendid nonetheless.
You're literally talking ◊◊◊◊ about this thread being used to swipe at Trump when the thread was actually made to document things like school shootings but was hijacked by *someone* to swipe at black on black crime.

So I don't give a ◊◊◊◊ if you think it's not hilarious. I'm laughing at the hypocrisy, not the events. Save your moral grandstanding, I couldn't give a ◊◊◊◊.
Get over yourself for goodness sake.
23 mass shootings in January.

There was only one with double digit casualty numbers.

No suspect description. 10 wounded. Memorial. Queens, New York.

This shooting occurred outside of a memorial service for 16-year-old Taearion Mungo who was a gang member killed earlier in the year.
All 10 victims were teenagers. CCTV footage shows that 4 masked gun persons opened fire on a crowd gathered outside. The masks they were wearing were not of the white pointy hooded type, but they were the type more commonly worn by those "greatly affected because of the limited access to gun control and [not] the expanded access to social safety programs to increase quality of life."
I guess this doesn't count.
That depends.

Was the shooter one of those greatly affected because of the limited access to gun control?

Did they have expanded access to social safety programs to increase quality of life?
Initial findings appear to suggest that the shooter was motivated by racist and anti-immigrant sentiments.

So yeah, this definitely counts.

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