Dear, dear baby. Adorable, precious child. Why do they treat you so?
I have made a shrine, of sorts, to Winona Ryder. I'm not a stalker, I'm just a fan. A big BIG fan. I don't care what she done wrong. I like bad chicks, and anyway I don't believe she stealed nothing from that stupid store. She wouldn't, and if she did then she musta had a good reason, like she was being extorted or she made a bet with someone that she could do it.
Inspired by Yahweh's thread, I was wondering what power people have to refuse unwanted praise and adulation. It upsets me to think that not all of her fans are like me: civil, restrained, and respectful of her right to refuse a wedding ring from me.
A wedding ring from me:

No means no, everybody knows that... But love never dies, like in that Dracula movie. I once saw a poster of that movie above a chick's bed, and it had christmas lights all around it. Man, that was sweet. I ain't talked to that girl in years, and I wouldn't want to anymore now that I found my truest little darling.