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Cont: The Marjorie Taylor Greene thread - Part II


Penultimate Amazing
Mar 24, 2016
United States
Thread continued from here. You may quote and respond to posts from the closed thread.
Posted By: Agatha

Marjorie Taylor Greene says that Christian nationalism is nothing to fear because it's the only thing that can stop school shootings, crime, and sexual immorality, declaring that anyone who opposes it is a "domestic terrorist."

Video in link


From your link:

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) just reacted to Trump Advisor Peter Navarro’s indictment: “If you're a Republican, you can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they're coming after you!”

Damn Democrats and their witch hunts for people committing crimes!
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Why do we keep getting told this (and variations on it) as if it's supposed to be comforting or is supported by recent history?

As already noted we got told the exact same thing about Trump and that didn't exactly pan out. I have zero reason to believe that old school Republicans A) can really control their fringes when they reach some arbitrary point of "no longer worth it" or B) want to.

I'm starting to get tired of the only optimism (not exactly the right word but close) being allowed is vague allusions to some undefined random point in the future where the evil and wrong will be forced to stop being evil and wrong by slightly less evil and wrong for no discernable reason by some vague unsupported idea that things just can't keep getting worse forever.

"No things can't get that bad. At some arbitrary point some force will magically start operating in the exact opposite way it always acts and fix it all." is nonsense.

Dangerous, violent, Post-fact conspiracy idiots like MTG are the Republican's future. Nobody knows that better than the Republican Old Guard. This mythology that they are going to pull the Ghost Army from LOTR on the Boeberts and the Greenes (and the much, much, much worse versions of them waiting in the wings) is suicidality naively laughable.

More likely that they feign shock whilst being pleased that the "unsayable" is now being said and the terms of the debate is shifted.
From your link:

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) just reacted to Trump Advisor Peter Navarro’s indictment: “If you're a Republican, you can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they're coming after you!”

Damn Democrats and their witch hunts for people committing crimes!

The ultimate problem with Gohmert's statement is not (just) that it's idiotic, it's horribly nefarious. Him getting away with saying that destroys any impulse toward critical thinking and evaluating what a politician says, rather than just sucking it down because the pol is part of your tribe. It gets the tribe to accept anything. The more idiotic, the better, because then the tribe is even more firmly in your grasp, and you can do what you want and say what you want with no fear of challenge.

It's similar to how Trump's firehose of lies destroyed a common sense of truth.

We need to focus less on the idiocy of these statements, lies, etc., and more on the political rot they create.
The ultimate problem with Gohmert's statement is not (just) that it's idiotic, it's horribly nefarious. Him getting away with saying that destroys any impulse toward critical thinking and evaluating what a politician says, rather than just sucking it down because the pol is part of your tribe. It gets the tribe to accept anything. The more idiotic, the better, because then the tribe is even more firmly in your grasp, and you can do what you want and say what you want with no fear of challenge.

It's similar to how Trump's firehose of lies destroyed a common sense of truth.

We need to focus less on the idiocy of these statements, lies, etc., and more on the political rot they create.

Do you think any of the people who vote for idiots like Gohmert, Boebert, MTG, Cawthorn, etc give a damn about the 'political rot' they create?
When MTG and her ilk say, "Christian Nationalism is nothing to fear", I see the snippet from Mars Attacks where the Martians, as they run amok ray-gunning anything moving, have a truck with loudspeaker blaring, "Don't run! We are your friends!"
In all seriousness, for emptyg to start talking openly about espousing Christian Nationalism is pretty scary stuff. Like a curtain going up, finally revealing just how hideous she is. Christian Nationalism is a far right movement that seeks to have governments impose rigidly conservative Christian values on secular societies.

“If we’re going to label it ‘Christian nationalism,’ this movement will actually be the movement that stops the school shootings,” Greene claimed. “This will be the movement that stops the crime in our streets. This will be the movement that stops the sexual immorality.” Talking Points dot com link

Stops the school shootings, street crime, sexual immorality. And just how would they go about 'stopping it' I wonder? This movement, their aims and beliefs are completely un-democratic and totally un-American. It's time for the people who support her to really wake up.


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In all seriousness, for emptyg to start talking openly about espousing Christian Nationalism is pretty scary stuff. Like a curtain going up, finally revealing just how hideous she is. Christian Nationalism is a far right movement that seeks to have governments impose rigidly conservative Christian values on secular societies.

Stops the school shootings, street crime, sexual immorality. And just how would they go about 'stopping it' I wonder? This movement, their aims and beliefs are completely un-democratic and totally un-American. It's time for the people who support her to really wake up.

It's just the Christian right-wing version of Sharia law. They have fits about 'Sharia law coming to the US' (it wasn't) but don't see the irony in that at all.
In all seriousness, for emptyg to start talking openly about espousing Christian Nationalism is pretty scary stuff. Like a curtain going up, finally revealing just how hideous she is. Christian Nationalism is a far right movement that seeks to have governments impose rigidly conservative Christian values on secular societies.

Stops the school shootings, street crime, sexual immorality. And just how would they go about 'stopping it' I wonder? This movement, their aims and beliefs are completely un-democratic and totally un-American. It's time for the people who support her to really wake up.

By killing non-Christians of course.
Remember, all these mass shootings only started happening after we took prayer out of schools.

(Do I really need a sarcasm emoji here?)

Marjorie Taylor Greene hires Milo Yiannopoulos — a 37-year-old 'ex-gay' former Breitbart editor once disinvited from CPAC for 'condoning pedophilia' — as an intern

"So I have an intern that was raped by a priest as a young teen, was gay, has offended everyone at some point, turned his life back to Jesus and Church, and changed his life," she said. "Great story!"

Some tasty tidbits on that page.
Marjorie Taylor Greene hires Milo Yiannopoulos...

I was just coming to see if that news had hot here yet.

Two of the world's most-disgusting and furthest-right people coming together. A match surely made in heaven.
In all seriousness, for emptyg to start talking openly about espousing Christian Nationalism is pretty scary stuff. Like a curtain going up, finally revealing just how hideous she is. Christian Nationalism is a far right movement that seeks to have governments impose rigidly conservative Christian values on secular societies.

Stops the school shootings, street crime, sexual immorality. And just how would they go about 'stopping it' I wonder? This movement, their aims and beliefs are completely un-democratic and totally un-American. It's time for the people who support her to really wake up.

Re the MTG quote "This will be the movement that stops the sexual immorality." am I misremembering but didn't she have an affair with her fitness instructor?
Re the MTG quote "This will be the movement that stops the sexual immorality." am I misremembering but didn't she have an affair with her fitness instructor?

She means OTHER people's sexual immorality. You know, THOSE people.
By killing non-Christians of course.

Not just non-Christians, but also Christians who don’t follow rules of the Christians in charge.
Although, technically, those folks would be re-classified as heretical non-Christian.

The laws in the book of Leviticus will be enacted.
For instance, the Bible says if a married man has sex with his wife during her period then they both must be executed.
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Just checking in to see whether MTG is still the biggest blight on U.S. public service since at least Joe McCarthy.


OK then, please carry on.
And come one cheating on your spouse is sanctioned by their Lord and Savior, as long as it is all heterosexual its all good.

Not according to Leviticus 20.

The Bible say execution is the punishment for having sex with:
Your neighbor’s wife
Another man’s wife
Your father’s wife
Your daughter-in-law
Animals (animal must be executed also)
Siblings (and half siblings)
Aunts and Uncles
People of the same sex
Do you think any of the people who vote for idiots like Gohmert, Boebert, MTG, Cawthorn, etc give a damn about the 'political rot' they create?

The people you describe do care about political rot - the catch is that they believe political rot comes from the Democrats (launching 2 impeachments, continuing the investigations, stealing an election, not worshiping Trump). In their minds, those sins are incredibly destructive to the American political system. Self-righteous, sanctimonious people always think they are saving the world.
Not just non-Christians, but also Christians who don’t follow rules of the Christians in charge.
Although, technically, those folks would be re-classified as heretical non-Christian.

The laws in the book of Leviticus will be enacted.
For instance, the Bible says if a married man has sex with his wife during her period then they both must be executed.

Absolutely! That's why it's called the "monthly week long vacation".
The people you describe do care about political rot - the catch is that they believe political rot comes from the Democrats (launching 2 impeachments, continuing the investigations, stealing an election, not worshiping Trump). In their minds, those sins are incredibly destructive to the American political system. Self-righteous, sanctimonious people always think they are saving the world.

That's why I can't stand any of those 'Superhero' movies. :p
The people you describe do care about political rot - the catch is that they believe political rot comes from the Democrats (launching 2 impeachments, continuing the investigations, stealing an election, not worshiping Trump). In their minds, those sins are incredibly destructive to the American political system. Self-righteous, sanctimonious people always think they are saving the world.

I'm not sure I'd even give them that much credit. They think what whatever they are told to. "What? Trump was impeached twice?"

They don't know ****.
Marjorie does it again...

Why are the rights of the Jan 6ers being "so fragrantly violated?"

Maybe she meant, it stinks? :confused:


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ANybody think, publicity whore that she is, MTG will be able to resist making a fuss about Juneteenth being a offical US Holiday.
ANybody think, publicity whore that she is, MTG will be able to resist making a fuss about Juneteenth being a offical US Holiday.

I can hear it now:

"This so-called holiday, this June's teeth, is just a way to normalize CRT!"
@dudalb: How could she not? (laughs at Stacy's post above haha)

I've seen 2 women recently that looked like MTG.

Same hair anyways, maybe a red sweater. One was a bitch that works for the city in Rio Vista, CA. Damn can't remember her name. Just extremely rude and unpleasant, especially for such a tiny town.

I had reason to be there (paying them a large fee in cash) but the office is closed on certain days or somethin'. After knocking on the door she came out.

No matter what I said she'd reply with, "Our office is closed to the public today and we can't let any one in"

Yes, I understand but I am supposed to be here today right now, I'm...."

"Our office is closed to the public today and we can't let any one in"

Yaaaa okay you said that 4 times yet we're still talking here. She goes inside and I call my boss.

Meanwhile other actual humans come out, "Oh hey sorry about that come on in! MTG clone got to watch me be let in and treated super politely, then she disappeared.

I've seen the MTG look a few other times but it could have just been coincidence. I want to believe that anyways. Maybe it's big in Georgia.
She's just a black hole of stupidity and irony!


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Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Tampon Shortage Fueled by Transgender People

You can't make this **** up.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed on Monday that a nationwide tampon shortage is being fueled by tampons placed in men's bathrooms for transgender people.

Supply chain issues and inflation remain a problem millions of Americans are facing, and tampons have been affected due to the rising cost of materials used to produce menstrual products.

However, the Georgia Republican claimed the shortage is being caused by tampons in men's bathrooms during an appearance on the conservative Right Side Broadcasting Network in her latest remarks against the transgender community.

"Now there's a shortage of tampons, and that's probably because men are buying tampons," Greene said during a discussion on the transgender community, denouncing what she called the "war on women."

While some businesses, schools and other public venues have begun putting tampons in men's bathrooms, experts have pointed to inflation and rising production costs as instead causing the current tampon shortage.

:crazy: :dl:
That caps it -- the whole MTG thing is a "Springtime for Hitler" situation, where liberals created the most obvious, stupid, odious caricature of a far-right candidate that no remotely sane person would ever even consider voting for, to ensure a Democratic victory in a congressional race, only she somehow got elected. And now she's running amok, completely unhinged with no filter or limits.
That caps it -- the whole MTG thing is a "Springtime for Hitler" situation, where liberals created the most obvious, stupid, odious caricature of a far-right candidate that no remotely sane person would ever even consider voting for, to ensure a Democratic victory in a congressional race, only she somehow got elected. And now she's running amok, completely unhinged with no filter or limits.

"Those who get you to believe absurdities can get you commit atrocities." - François-Marie Arouet

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