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  • Thanks Paul! I definitely understand the decision to try to remain both charitable and dispassionate in the discussion, it's one of the things that I most admire about you as a poster on here. I wish more people shared those virtues, this would be a better place.
    But you are right that d4m10n's behavior needed to be acknowledged by someone, he was so clearly avoiding the point that you were making while pretending to argue in good faith about a point that you weren't even discussing. It's something that I notice a lot: if you criticize a narrow issue with something someone says they argue about the larger general issue under discussion instead, as though if they are right about the general point it means that they must also be right about the narrow point.
    Anyway, I'm rambling and I really just wanted to say thanks for your message. :)
    Hi, unfortunately I'm banned from the forum management threads. If those 6 posts are in AAH, I can't view them. Jimbob has given me another strike and told me I have been warned not to discuss philosophy, so that looks like that is some kind of unofficial forum wide ban on me having a meaningful conversation. Probably I can a bit, but there'd be every chance of me taking a month long holiday. If you've got a question, I'll gladly reply here... otherwise, it is what it is. Thanks for reaching out.
    More effective blocking what you breath out because the force of the moving air is directed into the mask. Breathing in, the air follows the path of least resistance around the mask.

    But surgical/procedure masks with additional eye protection do block some of the droplets coughed/sprayed in your face directly. So they do prevent droplet spread pathogens.

    The trouble now is, there is sufficient evidence of some aerosolized COVID virus Fauci and others in the public health are downplaying; I guess to make people OK with not getting N95 masks and fit testing. ******** are lying to health care workers to excuse the lack of proper PPE. And more and more healthcare workers are getting infected.

    I hope they string these people up when this is over.
    I teach music at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, California. I have not seen this type of thing before, it's contrary to what a university should be.

    I sure hope it is the professor's intention for you to think critically about those assumptions, we can only hope.

    I will treat all our private conversations here as scrupulously as I would a student of mine at my university (which is to say, completely confidential).

    Are you sure that this class is required, or is it merely one of several or more classes you might take to fulfill some requirement?
    Hi, Paul.

    I don't mind sharing so long as you keep this confidential (I trust that you will). As I am still a fledgling graduate student and not yet an established professional, I'm sure you understand my concerns about getting too specific on the public forum.

    This is a psychology class titled "Social Oppression" (PS 791) and is mandatory for students in the clinical psychology Ph.D. program at Boston University.

    Frankly, I find it surprising that these sorts of "assumptions" would appear on a syllabus in an APA-accredited program (and in a strongly empiricist cognitive behavioral oriented program at that), unless, of course, the professor's intention is for us to think critically about these assumptions.

    Out of curiosity, where do you teach? Have you seen this sort of thing before at your university?
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