So what's there to debunk. He was there on 9/11 and now he's ill and suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. He says that he's "buddies" got him drunk an made him watch loose change and now he thinks he heard explosives go off and that 9/11 was an inside job.
I agree. What new evidence is brought to the table? This interview is about a man who is suffering. It's a sad story, really.
Some quotes from the interview:
"I was really close to building seven when it fell down, and uh, runnin' away from that sucked. That's one of the things I live with all the time. And uh, I don't know but that didn't sound like just a building falling down to me while I was running away from it. Uhm, there's a lot of eyewitness testimony down there hearing explosions. I didn't see any reason for that building to fall down the way it did. And a lot of guys should be saying the same thing. Um... I don't know what the fear is in coming out and talking about it. I.. I.. I don't know but that's the truth."
He then goes on to say that he believes the 9/11 Comission Report is a farce. He mentions that Bldg 7 isn't mentioned. He mentions that the steel was shipped off.
No real evidence of anything so far - just one man's opinions.
He goes on more about bldg 7
"...and as I approached, came down, saw the big hub-bub going on around building 7. Walked around it. Saw a hole. I didn't see a hole big enough to knock a building down though."
How big was the hole? How big would it have had to be to knock the building down? What expertise does this man have to make this statement?
"I saw, you know, there was definately fire in the building, you know, but ... um, I didn't hear any, and you know maybe this is movie crap, i didn't hear any creaking or i didn't hear any indication that it was going to come down, and all of a sudden the radios exploded and everybody started screaming, "Get away. Get away. Get away from it." and I was like a dear in the headlights. And I look up. "
He goes on a bit about possibly getting the recordings from the radios (sorry, I don't feel like transcribing the whole thing). He then continues:
"It was that moment, you know, "Get away", and I looked up... and... it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. And all the things started peeling in on itself and... I mean, there was an umbrella of crap seven feet over my head that I just stared at. Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running and the [explitive]'s hitting the ground behind me and the whole time your hearing "thoom. thoom. thoom. thoom. thoom." So. I think I know an explosion when I hear it."
So, in his own words, the "explosions" were audible
after the building began to collapse. How is this indicative of a controlled demolition?
He goes on to repeat that there was damage but not enough to account for a collapse. Again, what leads him to believe this?
He continues the interview about the air condition, the illnesses, etc.
After an edit the conversation again turns to the 'inside job'. He simply regurgitates all of the 'evidence' from Loose Change. He mentions the "super-human aeronautic stunts" (with just a bit of hyperbole). He mentions the Pentagon cameras. He talks about the put options. He talks about the mayor of San Francisco being warned. No new information here.
The end of the interview is simply the interviewer (is that Dylan) leading him with open ended questions.
Bartmer claims that 70% of first responders are ill now, due to the dust/chemicals at Ground Zero. If this is true, then I agree that it should be investigated as to why the air quality was said to be safe. These men and women deserve to know if they were knowingly put in harms way.
However, it is pathetic that the 9/11 deniers are using the bitterness and anger of men like this to forward their cause. This is a man who wants answers about why he's sick. He is looking for anyone who will listen to him and possibly get his message out. Deniers sympathize with him and give him face time, and at the same time they prey on his new mistrust of the government to get him to make the leap from "the government may have lied to us" to "the government may have caused 9/11". It's shameful.