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Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition: Remastered


Graduate Poster
Oct 19, 2011
Good afternoon all :cool:

So it recently came to my attention that about 2 months ago Korey Rowe uploaded an HD remake of 'Loose Change 2nd Edition' on YouTube.

A second edition of the second edition...:rolleyes:

This was rather fortunate, as in the last year or so I've noticed that there are no copies of 'Screw Loose Change' online anymore. I have a copy on my computer but the quality is so poor I was considering for a while of remaking it.

But upon viewing this HD Loose Change I noticed that the film was completely redone. There was clearer pictures, footage and animations, and even Dylan was brought back in to narrate it all again.

But what most surprised me is that the content of it was a little different too. Only a couple of very minor 'new' things, most of the changes was the removal of a fair amount of claims.

Still, stunned that someone would remake a 2005 conspiracy film in 2018 and not include any of the massive quantity of previously unreleased 9/11 information now available to the public, I figured this would be a great opportunity for me to not only remake Screw Loose Change with HD footage, but also add to it the plethora of new information which is now available to us compared to when Mark originally produced it in 2006.

So without further ado I present:

Screw Loose Change - Not Freakin' Again Edition: Remastered

Which will most likely get a DMCA copyright strike put on it by those 'Louder Than Words' *nice guys* within a couple of weeks, and so if it does I'll just upload it to LiveLeak and put a link here.

I managed to get most the original pictures and videos which Mark used, and even managed to track down and redo most the tinyurl links which didn't work anymore (but now do) however there were a couple of sources which I just could not find anymore.

I'm pretty confident most the extra stuff I added is accurate though I may have got some minor details wrong. I've been out of the 9/11 game for so long I've started forgetting the detailed specifics and frankly can't be arsed looking it all back up again :D


p.s. there are a couple of minor grammar errors floating around in this, so sorry for that...
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Why do people bother "debunking" the poor thinking of truthers? THEY will not listen nor change their thinking... because their agenda has nothing to do with the so called truth - physics, engineering, chemistry and so on... Their agenda is POLITICAL found in opposing anything the US government puts out, discrediting the so called mainstream media which is incapable of ever getting the facts correct and merely a mouthpiece for the corporate interests or the powerful hidden deep state.
Gonna make some fixes and upload a second copy.

Seems the audio in some parts didn't turn out as well as what was previewed when I was cutting it together...

The Pentagon witnesses are quiet except for that one guy who gives the viewer a surprising amount of 'ear rape' especially if they have just cranked their volume up to be able to hear the rather quiet first 2 witnesses. For some reason some music cut in over the last little bit of Loose Change.. I have no idea where that come from.. and I've noticed a few grammar mistakes and a spelling mistake..

I'll put the link here and see if one of the mods can edit the original post and swap it in.
Thanks for making the video. The extended Pentagon section should have a beneficial effect on the people's understanding, since Loose Change (and Thierry Meyssan, et. al.) have so twisted public opinion about that event.

I'd recommend changing the video description as you did with italics and two stars above, around the words "nice guys." :)

Dylan was working on an HD remake in 2015. We were in correspondence because he wanted links to original quality footage from the NIST FOIA/911datasets.org releases. When he posted a sort of HD trailer on YouTube, "Loose Change 2nd Edition Opening Credits HD" -- at youtube.com/watch?v=eywitKhJd8Y -- I criticized his inclusion of old debunked material. He replied, "the point is to preserve the film, not alter it."

Is the film worth preserving for posterity, so some cultural anthropology student in the future can study conspiracy theories? Truth be told, preserving the film has had the positive effect of initiating another, better debunking of it.

** Just read your last post. Edit to add comments I have been typing as I watch on YouTube:
At 1:00:46 the volume goes down too low, then 20 seconds later too loud. Perhaps add text.
At 1:18:04 "available" is missing an L.
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Thanks for making the video. The extended Pentagon section should have a beneficial effect on the people's understanding, since Loose Change (and Thierry Meyssan, et. al.) have so twisted public opinion about that event.

I'd recommend changing the video description as you did with italics and two stars above, around the words "nice guys." :)

Dylan was working on an HD remake in 2015. We were in correspondence because he wanted links to original quality footage from the NIST FOIA/911datasets.org releases. When he posted a sort of HD trailer on YouTube, "Loose Change 2nd Edition Opening Credits HD" -- at youtube.com/watch?v=eywitKhJd8Y -- I criticized his inclusion of old debunked material. He replied, "the point is to preserve the film, not alter it."

Is the film worth preserving for posterity, so some cultural anthropology student in the future can study conspiracy theories? Truth be told, preserving the film has had the positive effect of initiating another, better debunking of it.

** Just read your last post. Edit to add comments I have been typing as I watch on YouTube:
At 1:00:46 the volume goes down too low, then 20 seconds later too loud. Perhaps add text.
At 1:18:04 "available" is missing an L.

Thanks Matt, yeah the new upload will have a slightly different description :).

Interesting that he was working on it in 2015 but the full version only just got uploaded. Turns out they removed a lot of stuff and altered a couple of things so I don't know how much they 'preserved' the original..

Thanks for the notes on the errors, unfortunately I missed the misspelling of 'available' during my edit but I can live with that :D

edit: my face dude, I looked at that 'availabe' last night and thought 'wait that doesn't look right, what have I done there', so I opened MS Word, typed the word 'available' and it didn't come up as a misspelling and I looked back and forth at them thinking 'something is not right, have I got the 'a' and the 'i' around the wrong way or something' but just couldn't put my finger on it so I left it lol my god I'm an idiot...
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Ok I've unlisted the first upload, the second one is now live.

If a mod can edit my original post and put this link in, that would be great :)

Damn just spotted another error.. I said there were 3 sky lobbies when there were 2.

Oh well I can live with that..
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I don't know whether to smile or frown because I'm named on the Loose Change website first under https://www.loosechange911.com/research/

I sympathize with the creators of the film, since they will be remembered only for this masterpiece of disinfo. Sadly they recognize this fact/truth and still attempt to take the falsity to the bank. I'm assuming the new 2nd Loose Change is monetized (no way to tell, as far as I know). I've never monetized anything on YouTube.

The video is here, by the way:
"Loose Change 2nd Edition (HD) FULL MOVIE"
You can usually tell if a video is monetized by the amount of ads in it (assuming you don't use adblocker). If there are several ads at specific intervals in the video then it's a sign that it is monetized.

That's basically half the reason I've never monetized my own videos, because I don't want ads interrupting people watching it, nor do I think it morally right to make money off videos which as based on the deaths of 3000 people...

I noticed Jason Bermas wasn't mentioned in the credits on this new one, do you know where he's gone to these days? Far as I could always tell he was in far more deep than either Korey or Dylan.

In fact Dylan never really seemed that deep into it. I think he figured out fairly early on that most of what he was spouting just wasn't true.
Again, cj... really Who the F cares? People who want to know the truth about the events of 9/11 can find it on the www on this site, Metabunk, 911 Form, and so on. People who want to reinforce their paranoid conspiracy beliefs will not want them revealed to be hikus pokus. Debunking has long been done.

At this point these nuts need to be ignored. You are wasting your time. Who do you think will watch your presentations?
Again, cj... really Who the F cares? People who want to know the truth about the events of 9/11 can find it on the www on this site, Metabunk, 911 Form, and so on. People who want to reinforce their paranoid conspiracy beliefs will not want them revealed to be hikus pokus. Debunking has long been done.

At this point these nuts need to be ignored. You are wasting your time. Who do you think will watch your presentations?

As with all CT's, it is my belief that the truth needs to be presented so that the novices/questioners will at least see/hear the real truth. I see a commented (sorted newest to oldest) that "the Government lies to us daily" and "If you still believe that after 17 years that Muslims flew passenger jets into the trade centers you've been brainwashed by the controlled mainstream media". When in fact groups of Muslims hijacked four airplanes to be used as weapons.

I do agree with you that this will not convert those that believe the hoax and are neck deep in lie/deceit and don't have the sense to get out of the hole.
Again, cj... really Who the F cares? People who want to know the truth about the events of 9/11 can find it on the www on this site, Metabunk, 911 Form, and so on. People who want to reinforce their paranoid conspiracy beliefs will not want them revealed to be hikus pokus. Debunking has long been done.

At this point these nuts need to be ignored. You are wasting your time. Who do you think will watch your presentations?

Seems to me this new video response had to be made by somebody. There is nobody better, in my opinion, who could make the film with such attention to detail in the Pentagon section.

Korey may have been counting on this attitude, hoping the debunkers were gone. Yet this new release does beg for a new Screw Loose Change to be made... especially after 485,000 views in 2 months for the HD remake. With that kind of attention on the subject we should see CJ is not wasting his time. I wonder how long it will take Screw Loose Change to reach that many views. Because it will, or my faith in humanity is lost.
Thanks Matt.

The way I see it JSander, although the 'truth movement' is pretty much gone, there are still many out there who were fed its misinformation and continue to believe to this day that Loose Change was a fact filled documentary. Every time anything to do with 9/11, or conspiracy theories, or even a controlled demolition video pops up on social media it gets flooded with posts of every day people commenting some conspiracy nonsense.

That's not because they're hard core conspiracy theorists that can never have their mind changed, it because 10 years ago they saw a film like Loose Change and figured it made sense. Those sort of people are not going to spend days on the internet digging through debunking forums to learn the truth, they can barely spend more than a couple of hours watching a video.

Without videos like Screw Loose Change available to these sorts of people, they'll just keep carrying on in ignorance.

It is also my belief that conspiracy theories go through 'swings' of popularity as the next younger generation moves on through. I've seen it with JFK conspiracy theories and with the Moon Landing theories. Years from now 9/11 conspiracy theories will make another resurgence and my video will be there waiting for them.
Thanks Matt.

The way I see it JSander, although the 'truth movement' is pretty much gone, there are still many out there who were fed its misinformation and continue to believe to this day that Loose Change was a fact filled documentary. Every time anything to do with 9/11, or conspiracy theories, or even a controlled demolition video pops up on social media it gets flooded with posts of every day people commenting some conspiracy nonsense.

That's not because they're hard core conspiracy theorists that can never have their mind changed, it because 10 years ago they saw a film like Loose Change and figured it made sense. Those sort of people are not going to spend days on the internet digging through debunking forums to learn the truth, they can barely spend more than a couple of hours watching a video.

Without videos like Screw Loose Change available to these sorts of people, they'll just keep carrying on in ignorance.

It is also my belief that conspiracy theories go through 'swings' of popularity as the next younger generation moves on through. I've seen it with JFK conspiracy theories and with the Moon Landing theories. Years from now 9/11 conspiracy theories will make another resurgence and my video will be there waiting for them.

Well this cuts both ways... responding their garbage actually to THEM and others provides some legitimacy. This the same when they induce an engineering school to debate them.

Anyone who wants to know what happened can find it out from many web resources. I believe that the LC followers have so much confirmation bias that they are not interested in the truth or anything that rattles their beliefs. I doubt a SLC changes any minds.. which I assume is what your goal is... changing the minds of idiots who are not interested in facts or science.
I doubt a SLC changes any minds.. which I assume is what your goal is... changing the minds of idiots who are not interested in facts or science.

Not really, I'm not so much about changing minds because, as you pointed out, those minds will rarely be changed. It is about having a direct refutation of one of the most popular conspiracy videos in history, so that when someone new stumbles upon LC, there is answers available to them should they wish to look.

I'll give you an example. When I was 14 my teacher showed us a documentary proving that the moon landings were fake. It was convincing enough (and I was young and gullible enough) that for a while I believed it. Until I happened upon a website (YouTube wasn't really a thing at this stage) which was an exact refutation to the documentary I had watch. This site went point by point through the documentary and debunked every single claim of it.

Had this site not been a direct debunking of that documentary, I probably would not have been so easily convinced and probably would have ended up believing in conspiracy theories rather than debunking them.

So for this reason, I think a direct debunking of LC is beneficial to some.
Hugely appreciated. I suppose the Streissand Effect will help preserve it this time, I know I will be downloading it for, well, safe-keeping.
Cj... sure there are some who get sucked in by LC and think... what a minute... is this made up or what? and look for answers. Very few I would think. If SLC changed any minds you should know because I am sure they contracted you with a big atta boy thanks!

How do you expect them to even randomly find your work Google has a link on the 3rd or 4th page of a search for LC. You might consider even changing the title to Screw Loose Change.

I probably watched their first version when it came out and this wetted my own appetite for technical explanations which the truthers were not interested in or able to supply. I realized their output was smoke and mirrors and snake oil and I could see their MO was like scientology in that gullible people with a predisposition to question any and all things "official" and make it sound like rigorous research. Just using a YT form at was a bit of a tell.. intellectually lazy people like to be spoon fed thinking in slick videos with high production values... seems like a serious effort.

Perhaps the OCT did some vids or TV shows etc. The problem was if I recall their conception was full of holes.. like whole floors dropping like pancakes.

Good luck with your effort. I think there are legitimate areas of investigation about the building collapses which don't wander into conspiracy theory. It may be that the details will never be understood with precision... like a recipe... something that may people expect.
@cjnewson88 - Completely agree with everything you've said here. I see JSanderO's point (as you do), but you are completely correct that whenever there is a single, popular video like Loose Change it is incredibly useful to have a specified, point by point debunking of that documentary because, and this is crucial, the people who will be convinced by such a documentary necessarily will (ultimately) only have a passing interest in the subject and will not go to the trouble of researching anything themselves.

That's pretty much why documentaries exist; they are short summaries of a subject for those who don't have the time or inclination to research the subject in any real detail. Therefore arguing that 'anyone who was convinced by such a documentary can just look up the refutations themselves' is fundamentally wrongheaded; yes, they can - but they won't. They might, however, watch one more video that says it can show why the original video is wrong.
@cjnewson88 - Completely agree with everything you've said here. I see JSanderO's point (as you do), but you are completely correct that whenever there is a single, popular video like Loose Change it is incredibly useful to have a specified, point by point debunking of that documentary because, and this is crucial, the people who will be convinced by such a documentary necessarily will (ultimately) only have a passing interest in the subject and will not go to the trouble of researching anything themselves.

That's pretty much why documentaries exist; they are short summaries of a subject for those who don't have the time or inclination to research the subject in any real detail. Therefore arguing that 'anyone who was convinced by such a documentary can just look up the refutations themselves' is fundamentally wrongheaded; yes, they can - but they won't. They might, however, watch one more video that says it can show why the original video is wrong.

Georgio, I get the concept. a sort of one stop presentation which refutes the BS and at the same time supports the real truth. I have long said that most free lance 911 researchers tend to focus on details and none of them produces a sort of LC presentation... of say... the collapse of and all the damage to the 4 buildings which were involved in the 911 attacks. This would have to address all the issues from the hijacking, the flying of the planes. the initial damage, the damage progress to collapse for twins and the start of fires to collapse of 7wtc and the damage to the pentagon.

A video about col 79 floor 13 will interest very few people... or the inward bowing of a facade.
Ok I've unlisted the first upload, the second one is now live.

Other than making a snarky comment about a month ago after I discovered Korey had re-posted LC (and not realizing it is a heavy overhaul not just a HD repost) I have not had the time to watch this latest LC or your rebuttal.

I am curious, do you have an itemized list of claims they have dropped from this edition that were in the previous? Which of the old chestnuts they have let go of could be very telling.
Good afternoon all :cool:

So it recently came to my attention that about 2 months ago Korey Rowe uploaded an HD remake of 'Loose Change 2nd Edition' on YouTube.

A second edition of the second edition...:rolleyes:

This was rather fortunate, as in the last year or so I've noticed that there are no copies of 'Screw Loose Change' online anymore. I have a copy on my computer but the quality is so poor I was considering for a while of remaking it.

But upon viewing this HD Loose Change I noticed that the film was completely redone. There was clearer pictures, footage and animations, and even Dylan was brought back in to narrate it all again.

So one could say that the new edition is only a loose change of the original?
Again, cj... really Who the F cares? People who want to know the truth about the events of 9/11 can find it on the www on this site, Metabunk, 911 Form, and so on. People who want to reinforce their paranoid conspiracy beliefs will not want them revealed to be hikus pokus. Debunking has long been done.

At this point these nuts need to be ignored. You are wasting your time. Who do you think will watch your presentations?

Clearly the solution to bad speech is not more speech, but silence. I'm sure that'll stop the CTers dead in their tracks.
It is also my belief that conspiracy theories go through 'swings' of popularity as the next younger generation moves on through. I've seen it with JFK conspiracy theories and with the Moon Landing theories. Years from now 9/11 conspiracy theories will make another resurgence and my video will be there waiting for them.

I'm with you. It is hard enough to make decisions about the future with good information about the past. If the past is completely misunderstood, the odds of making a sound decision decrease dramatically. The "troof" movement may be relatively moribund now, but I do note that the new version of LC already has almost half a million views in less than 2 months.
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I'm with you. It is hard enough to make decisions about the future with good information about the past. If the past is completely misunderstood, the odds of making a sound decision decrease dramatically. The "troof" movement may be relatively moribund now, but I do note that the new version of LC already has almost half a million views in less than 2 months.

I have a theory that the active shelf life of most conspiracy theories is 10 years. After that they either disappear into obscurity or for the bigger ones (JFK, 9/11) you get the handful of noisy diehards but little real activity.
I am curious, do you have an itemized list of claims they have dropped from this edition that were in the previous? Which of the old chestnuts they have let go of could be very telling.

I wish I had noted which ones. I'll have a look sometime in the next few days and let you know. Off the top of my head:

They removed the FAA audio 'voice over' when AAL11 hits the north tower, the original they played a bit of audio taken from much later in the day where the FAA was discussing whether to scramble jets or not after UAL93.
They removed the part about AAL77 pilot Charles Burlingame.
They removed the part where they contacted a plant in Indianapolis regarding the engine compressor rotor found and tried to say it wasn't from any Rolls Royce engine.
They removed any trace of Barry Jennings.
They removed the entire section on Osama bin Laden re. 'fake' videos. In fact the only mention of OBL was just his "I didn't do it' quote and the usual stuff at the start about him getting kidney treatment...

Couple of other minor things they removed, not so much 'claims' but just the fat which backed up their claims.

They added a couple of small things as well. Like for example now there was apparently $167 Billion gold under the WTC, and only $240m was recovered...:jaw-dropp

I point out near the end of my video that $167 Billion gold in 2001 equated to just under 18,000 tonnes of gold... about 1.2 million bars, which would take around 1,200 10-wheeler truck loads to remove....:rolleyes:
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I'm with you. It is hard enough to make decisions about the future with good information about the past. If the past is completely misunderstood, the odds of making a sound decision decrease dramatically. The "troof" movement may be relatively moribund now, but I do note that the new version of LC already has almost half a million views in less than 2 months.

That's really pathetic for YouTube in the current year. This isn't the YouTube of 2007 when Evolution of Dance was the most viewed video with 100,000,000 views. I can make a half-assed video of a review of the lastest Spiderman movie and get more views.
That's really pathetic for YouTube in the current year. This isn't the YouTube of 2007 when Evolution of Dance was the most viewed video with 100,000,000 views. I can make a half-assed video of a review of the lastest Spiderman movie and get more views.

The video below has 7,186,081 views. It is called
Two Vortex Rings Colliding in SLOW MOTION - Smarter Every Day 195.
It was published in June 2018.


Published on Dec 28, 2018
How does a whip break the sound barrier? (Slow Motion Shockwave formation) - Smarter Every Day 207

I am sure if I looked at certain other topics I could find far more views. But not unusual for a great video from a good channel to get more than a million views in a few weeks.

Edit. How about 78 Million views in a week (7 Feb?)

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I point out near the end of my video that $167 Billion gold in 2001 equated to just under 18,000 tonnes of gold... about 1.2 million bars, which would take around 1,200 10-wheeler truck loads to remove....:rolleyes:

They used the trucks to bring the thermite in and the gold out,....

So no one would notice :boxedin:
Of course these trucks were invisible. And the drivers killed off so none would talk.

They were disguised as panel trucks with a mural of the Twin Towers being hit by airplanes to remain inconspicuous.

The drivers signed NDA's so no chance any of them would ever talk.
I'm sure it's great debunking. Frankly, I don't think I can invest the 3 hours time to watch it. :(

I have a theory that the active shelf life of most conspiracy theories is 10 years. After that they either disappear into obscurity or for the bigger ones (JFK, 9/11) you get the handful of noisy diehards but little real activity.

Most Big Conspiracy Theories come out of traumatic political events. We have had not really one for a while. When we do, there will be a whole new big time conspiracy theory about it, guaranteed.
The only film that might have had more editions then Loose Change is Oliver Stone's "Alexander".
I have a theory that the active shelf life of most conspiracy theories is 10 years. After that they either disappear into obscurity or for the bigger ones (JFK, 9/11) you get the handful of noisy diehards but little real activity.

You left out Apollo Hoax, as there are a few noisy diehards there, but they are just repeating the oft times debunked BS. ;)
I'm with you. It is hard enough to make decisions about the future with good information about the past. If the past is completely misunderstood, the odds of making a sound decision decrease dramatically. The "troof" movement may be relatively moribund now, but I do note that the new version of LC already has almost half a million views in less than 2 months.
What I see in this is Korry Rowe has garnered less than 5,000 subscribers. A few watched but very few want to see more...........This one trick pony is trying to milk a dead cow...........
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Georgio, I get the concept. a sort of one stop presentation which refutes the BS and at the same time supports the real truth. I have long said that most free lance 911 researchers tend to focus on details and none of them produces a sort of LC presentation... of say... the collapse of and all the damage to the 4 buildings which were involved in the 911 attacks. This would have to address all the issues from the hijacking, the flying of the planes. the initial damage, the damage progress to collapse for twins and the start of fires to collapse of 7wtc and the damage to the pentagon.

A video about col 79 floor 13 will interest very few people... or the inward bowing of a facade.

Honestly, why are you wasting your time responding to people wasting their time telling people that they're wasting their time? Your argument is self-refuting. Why bother doing anything, by that logic?
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