How would we know whose reports to trust here? After all, are we not discussing a case in which, fearing the wrath of a State with the power to imprison doctors and end their livelihood using its own criteria rather than their own judgment, they appear to have considered "medical necessity" too ambiguously defined to risk saving a woman who was dying under their eyes? And at least according to Thaiboxerkitten, this case, which one would think clearly was one of medical necessity, was not properly reported either. Whether that's because the State prefers such cases not to exist, or because the doctors prefer not to be called on their mistakes, or both, one might suspect any statistics to be unreliable. The State authorities are eminently unqualified to make medical decisions, but rely on doctors' fear of their unwarranted power to make the stupid decisions for them. As long as that unwarranted power exists, the price for letting a woman die is almost certainly less than the price for being judged an accessory to illegal abortion, and if there were a hell, the legislators responsible for it should burn there.
And of course, as always, the very question presumes an anti-abortion position, since in any place where abortion is elective, such statistics need not be gathered in the first place. The only places where such statistics might be needed are those where the authorities are most likely to lie and to cover up the consequences of their bad judgment.
Whether or not you think the result is worth the cost, the fact remains that as things currently exist in places like Texas, doctors must guess whether their judgment or that of politicians, some of them egregious science-hating crackpots, will rule their actions, at the cost of their livelihood and freedom. It's an insane system, and even if you believe that the resulting drop in abortions is a goal worth that price, there will be small but conspicuous collateral damage, and it will involve real people who are born and live upon the earth, who at least so far are still free to tell us just how bloody and heartbreaking and stupid it is.