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Penultimate Amazing
Aug 12, 2006


Offcamera debate:

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Great Job, Gravy and Ron! :D

I had at least tried to knock their heads together.
Dylan looks like a zombie the most time and they both
look like they feel very uncomfortable. :rolleyes:
Wow, maybe Dylan really is humble! Starting at about 6:45:

We made that film essentially as a bunch of kids. That's the reality of the situation; we were a bunch of kids tackling a subject far beyond the scope of any one documentary. I would be the first to admit that our film definitely contained errors, it still does contain some dubious claims, and it does come to some conclusions that are not 100% backed up by the facts.... Loose Change is not really a very fair representation of the 9-11 Truth Movement. I'd recommend 9-11 Press for Truth, 9-11 Mysteries--really 9-11 Press for Truth is the one you can show to anybody.

Watching now.

LMAO...they haven't been on five minutes and these two clowns are walking their crapload of lies and fallacies back so fast it makes your head spin.
oh my does Jason ever shut uP

gravy debunks him on flight 93
gravy debunks him on the wtc 93 attack?
didn't interview any of the people there?
JASON bermas disagrees about what they found at flight 93's crash site? WTF?

Dylan has to reign in Jason berma,s because eveyr statement out of his mouth is nothing more than is ignorance.
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I've only reached the 11:00 - 12:00 section - Mark speaking about Shanksville body remains - and notice they visibly pale at actually having to face the human aspect. Real people horrifically killed. Real people having to investigate and clear up and analyse.

This is excellent (so far). Quite well ordered, reasonably respectful, little irritating squabbling cross-talk.

I can't see how that could have gone much better than it did. Conceivably, Mark could have interrupted and savaged them at many points, but I'd guess that could have been self-defeating.

A civilised,reasonable, well-informed bloke talking rationally - with evidence - against a couple of wannabee celebrity geeks. Excellent.
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You want to know how much is left of an aircraft that impacts the ground from altitude, at these types of speeds?


Reconstruct that, you twit.

TWA 800 was reconstructed because no one knew why it crashed. There was an engineering and public safety concern. Plus, they didn't reconstruct the entire plane -- only those parts related to or near the center fuel tank and the surrounding fuselage were reconstructed, to understand better what happened. It is not a given that the NTSB reconstructs every single plane that crashes.

WE KNOW WHY 93 crashed. Some f[rule8]ing jihadists flew it into the GROUND YOU DUMBA[rule8]S.

You want to know how much is left of an aircraft that impacts the ground from altitude, at these types of speeds?


Reconstruct that, you twit.

TWA 800 was reconstructed because no one knew why it crashed. There was an engineering and public safety concern. Plus, they didn't reconstruct the entire plane -- only those parts related to or near the center fuel tank and the surrounding fuselage were reconstructed, to understand better what happened. It is not a given that the NTSB reconstructs every single plane that crashes.

WE KNOW WHY 93 crashed. Some f[rule8]ing jihadists flew it into the GROUND YOU DUMBA[rule8]S.

That´s the same thought i had during watching the show:
Why should they reconstruct a plane if they knew why it
crashed - this is a procedure i know from crashes that
are unclear concerning the cause/s.

ETA: And the loose change guys still didn´t release any
information about their own uploads about the show... :rolleyes:

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Great job M. Roberts and Wieck! The LTW guys are getting crushed!

Can't wait for part 2!

(BTW, who is that silent little mouse with glasses in the middle?)

Great Job, Gravy and Ron! :D

I had at least tried to knock their heads together.
Dylan looks like a zombie the most time and they both
look like they feel very uncomfortable. :rolleyes:
Sehr Richtig!

How Gravy and Ron can remain serious and calm while listening to that b***t is really amazing.
Killtown whinges:

I'm not knocking my friends Dylan and Jason, but I'd recommend not giving skeptics like Gravy the time of day. Gravy insults, mocks, curses, and ridicules us. He defines unprofessionalism. He is undeserving for us to give him any kind of limelight.

Just image how college debate judges would judge the skeptics like Gravy on their behavior. They'd be disqualified each and every time.

This is NOT a copout to avoid their arguments, it's simply about a standard of decency to be able to debate without having to take cheap shots from the opposing side.

From now one, I'd recommend truthers (or "twoofers" as Gravy and his ilk like to mock us) only engage with skeptics who display courteous and professional behavior towards us.


whaaaaaa whaaaaaaa my mates fink a plane crashed in pa....whaaaaaa mommy!
Jason has some strange not fact stuff coming from his head. Dylan, he knows he has lies, he is just there to make sure the lid gets back on Jason's head.

Jason looked like he was going to explode when his lies are exposed.

Thanks to Gravy for taking the time to expose these idiots.

I was an Air Force Safety Officer. When they talk about flight 93 it really gets me upset. When planes hit that hard the disappear into the ground. Everything is in the ground. The plane was going over 750 feet a second and it ends up in the ground. The Air Force has a lot of accidents where the plane is in the ground. So Jason is using faulty analogies when he said look at other accidents of aircraft in open fields. He forget those guys were trying to slow down in most accidents and not die.

93 was not an accident, the NTSB does not do the accident investigation it is a crime. The NTSB is invited for their expertise. Jason I would call you dumb but it comes up short as a proper description.

whaaaaaa whaaaaaaa my mates fink a plane crashed in pa....whaaaaaa mommy!

Im sorry, but did killclown see the same interview that we just did? Gravy (Mark) was more than professional and more than courteious throughout that interview. He didn't have as much vocal time as did Bermas (who continued to show his ignorance) but Gravy handled every misinformation from Bermas, that is backed by facts.

HOw is that unprofessional and withoout respect?

Killclown is delusional.
Funny that someone who distrusts professionals so much claims someone isn't professional...

Well done, indeed, Mark and Ron!


Bermas consistently comes across as a self-centered and whiny moron. Dylan looks corpse-like and did not add much at all. At least he admitted that his video is crap, though, and it was good to see him debunking his buddy, Bermas.
Excellent, better than I expected. Mark - on Flight 93, we're talking about a slam dunk from you. Very well done. Ron did a terrific job of keeping the entire show one of discussion and debate, and not a screaming free-for-all. Deftly handled, and that is also based on Ron's manner and professionalism and sense of fairness.

Very impressive, looking forward to the 2nd show.
Looking at other items posted by the person that put the vid up, it may be the "editted" version. I don't see the official release out on hardfire.net yet.
I can remember on the debate thread here someone comparing how it felt right after they took exams and feeling they did badly but turned out they aced it. Compared to other students who though they aced it and did badly. yes you defiantly ACED it mark! your the man!!
Excellent, better than I expected. Mark - on Flight 93, we're talking about a slam dunk from you. Very well done. Ron did a terrific job of keeping the entire show one of discussion and debate, and not a screaming free-for-all. Deftly handled, and that is also based on Ron's manner and professionalism and sense of fairness.

Very impressive, looking forward to the 2nd show.

Agreed. I loved the way Mark came back to the point that the loosers had not talked to a single person among the hundreds who were actually at Shanksville, and how Mark was easily able to roll out the names of people who were there, and how he consistently made the loosers face the reality of the site and the evidence that was, in fact, meticulously recovered.

Excellent job!
M. Wieck was also an excellent host. This show should have been an hour long!

I particularly like the way he started the show, making them admit Muslim extremists do exist and want us harm.
haha, right when Dylan finally has something to say the show ended. I can't wait for the second part so I can see what it was.
Great job guys. Are you sure you aren't CIA shills? :D It cracks me up that Avery corrects Bermas more than he does Roberts.
Killtown @ Loose Change said:
Just image how college debate judges would judge the skeptics like Gravy on their behavior. They'd disqualify them on their immature behavior each and every time.

Classic "ad hominem" cop-out -- and I might remind you, this is a complaint coming from this guy. Absolutely boggles the mind.

Excellent job getting this admission on tape, too:

Dylan Avery said:
That's the reality of the situation; we were a bunch of kids tackling a subject far beyond the scope of any one documentary. I would be the first to admit that our film definitely contained errors, it still does contain some dubious claims, and it does come to some conclusions that are not 100% backed up by the facts.... Loose Change is not really a very fair representation of the 9-11 Truth Movement.
That should forever drive a stake through the heart of any derivative movie ("Loose Change VI: Tinhatters On Patrol") ever making the big time. Say bye-bye to your dreams of being a big Hollywood director, liar.

Nicely done!
Mark, you surely look good on camera ^_~
Dylan looks anemic
And Bermas.....never mind..
Wow, your confirmation bias is really funny, folks. No wonder Bermas gets the most insults thrown at him - he dominated the show. This guy is a natural.

The others:

The host was excellent. Calm and fair.
Gravy did well.
Dylan needs a break. He looks ill.
I see we're making progress; Bermas is now admitting that there were Arabs on the planes. But not "ruthless" Arabs.:rolleyes:
In the off camera movie:

"I am a ugly dude"
-Jason Bermas-

Finally, a moment of truth from him!

OK, sorry, I know that was mean of me, but he walked into it.
Wow, your confirmation bias is really funny, folks. No wonder Bermas gets the most insults thrown at him - he dominated the show. This guy is a natural.

A natural at looking ignorant?
Gravy debunked him on his facts about flight 93
Showed that niether one of them inteviewed of the 1000 people who worked there, and proved that NTSB didn't have to investgiate 93 because 93 wasn't an ACCIDENT (which is what the NTSB only investigates)
debunked the wtc 93 bombings and debunked Bermas' claim that the hijackers were not "patsies" in the slightes

The host was excellent. Calm and fair.
Gravy did well.
Dylan needs a break. He looks ill.
The only thing that is true about the video.
Dylan needs to get out into the sun more. Some Vitamin E and K are missing from his diet (stop cooping up editing a film that has been debunked before its released)

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