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Pigasus Nominees


Penultimate Amazing
Aug 3, 2001
The Pigasus Awards, announced annually on or about April Fools Day, are dedicated to folks who have been fools in the previous twelve months. Note that the awards do not necessarily go to people who have been fooled, as we all get duped from time to time. Rather, the awards go to folks who try to fool others, and often are laughably bad at it; and the awards also go to suckers who got duped again and again, and who should have known better, and who are too stubborn to admit that that the stuff they tout is a load of bullplop.

Category #3 is awarded to the media outlet that reported as factual the most outrageous supernatural, paranormal or occult claims. Allow me to nominate CBS News, for this little turd:
On the CBS primetime drama "Ghost Whisperer," communicating with dead people happens all the time. But if you thought that talking to spirits only happened in Hollywood, think again. One of show's executive producers, James van Praagh, is a real-life ghost whisperer. He's a spiritual medium, and he dropped by The Saturday Early Show.
It's important to note that this story, headlined "A 'Ghost Whisperer' Expert--James van Praagh Helps A TV Show With Authenticity" (emphasis mine) appeared on the CBS News web site. Not on the CBS primetime web site (which has a load of mental manure of its own).

CBS News, instead of recognizing the show as fanciful entertainment, touts it as a fictional representation of something that genuinely occurs.

Shame on you guys. What would Walter Cronkite think?

Pigasus Category #4 goes to the "psychic" performer who fooled the greatest number of people with the least talent. James van Praagh seems to have fooled a lot of folks at CBS, and through them, a lot of other folks who park their butts in front of the idiot box to watch this badly acted nonsense. And as for lacking any discernible talent, van Praagh certainly qualifies. Not only does he lack talent, he also lacks any senses of empathy and ethics.
Isn't this 6 months off? April 1st, that is?
Yup. It's a good idea, I think, to take note of potential nominees whenever we see them. Otherwise, we might get around to mid-March and not remember who did what, and consequently we might miss some potential nominees.
I'd never seen JVP before, but I have read a lot about him. Then I caught him on the Early Show. He did the usual psychic/medium schtick with two different women. Never anything specific/precise. One woman's father had a problem in the "chest area". (Could refer to anything - heart, lungs, liver, etc. And even if the thing that killed him were NOT organ-specific, aren't many people that are afflicted with one thing said to die of "heart failure"? I know that as the case with my Mom - she had lung cancer, but died of heart failure.)

Anyway... After making a lot of vague statements, the hosts basically said, "Wow. Amazing." Grrrr. Idiots.

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