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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

pigasus awards

  1. T


    The Pigasus Awards are traditionally presented on April 1st. Sometimes there is a delay of a few days, but never a week. As a supporter of Randi and his foundation, may I ask what's up?
  2. B

    Pigasus Awards & Sheldrake

    While I am in general support of the aims of JREF, I was unimpressed by the Pigasus Award to Rupert Sheldrake for his telephone telepathy research (sorry, I've only just heard about this) and in particular for the justification provided for it. The justification provided is a link to the Sept 8...
  3. rjh01

    The 11th Annual Pigasus Awards

    Link - http://www.randi.org/pigasus/index.html A few people here did not win an award and they should have done. Kelly - For her work in supporting the families of missing people. See her thread here. Psychics and Missing People and her home page http://www.projectjason.org/ RSLancastr for...
  4. Brown

    Pigasus Nominees

    The Pigasus Awards, announced annually on or about April Fools Day, are dedicated to folks who have been fools in the previous twelve months. Note that the awards do not necessarily go to people who have been fooled, as we all get duped from time to time. Rather, the awards go to folks who try...
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