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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

Now a PM from Randi

I'll preface this by saying none of it has anything to do with my previous employment at the JREF, and that all the information I give is my opinion.

The JREF forum is not a resource. Not really. Consider a comparison between the amount of money Penn Jillette has donated publicly to the JREF (tens of thousands of dollars PER YEAR) to the amount donated by every forum member combined. Unless someone super freaking rich who likes remaining anonymous is hanging around these boards, I doubt these figures even merit comparison. And, even if there is a super freaking rich person hanging around anonymously, I doubt that the reason they give has anything whatever to do with the forum, and more to do with love for the JREF and its goals.

If you've attended TAM, then you may have looked around when they ask the series of questions, "Are you a member of the JREF forums?", "Is this your first TAM?". When I looked around, the handraising seemed to indicate that most attendees were at TAM for the first time. Most were not forum members.

There's no great reason for the JREF staff to communicate often with the forumites because the forumites are the least likely supporters of the JREF to give meaningful support.

So we make brilliant posts that can be Googled, and in return, the JREF lets us hang here under their name. This is fair; this is equal.

I do buck under the sentiment I get from the e-mails and the PM. But the fact of the matter is - even if I WAS donating, it would be so little as to be superfluous.

DJ said, earlier in the thread (unless I am mistaken, I didn't go look at it again), that the executive salaries are paid by a single donor. That is hundreds of thousands of dollars from ONE person. Is it any wonder, really, that we did not get a special PM? Face it - we don't merit one.

The reason the forum table is at TAM isn't because it's so important it needs representation. It is because very few attendees are aware of its existence.

What would ultimately make more sense is to separate the JREF from the forum and have someone else run it. It could still fly under the JREF name, but not be associated to any greater extent. And actually, if you look at it, isn't that pretty much already the way it is?

What I do not appreciate, on the other hand, is DJ's use of the terms 'professional' and 'successful' to describe current employees in such a way as to imply that prior ones were NOT professional or successful.

Even before I started working with the JREF, heading the forum and keeping his hands in its activities was part of Jeff's job description. Since the entirety of Bart's employment that I'm aware of personally falls under a time when I was employed by the JREF, I'll not comment on it.

From my work with other non-profits (I was a security guard, docent, and membership coordinator for an art museum, as well as a couple of other places in lesser roles), I would've expected the call for donations from the JREF to be more clearly itemized. For instance, alright, you have provided materials to schools regarding critical thinking. What schools? How many? What materials? How are they being used? ARE they being used? Did you just mail them over and stand back and hope it would work out, or are you working with districts to ensure these programs are installed, and to measure their success?

Maybe this information is in the newsletter. I wouldn't know. I don't subscribe to it. But therein lies the problem - I shouldn't have to reach out for information on these things. It should be at my fingertips, because THAT is the mark of a 'successful' fundraiser - being able to tell, at a glance, what you have done, what you will do, what you hope to do, and your timeframe for doing it.

The entirety of the future plans for the JREF, in the call for donations (which you can see here: http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/component/content/article/37-static/1471 ) is one sentence, which reads:

This year, we’re asking you to help us raise $220,000 to support the further development of our grassroots and educational programs that will be the backbone of the JREF’s work in 2012.

It is an inherently meaningless statement. And if I had money, I would blink at that, unsubscribe, and move on.

Again, this is my opinion as an interested party, and has nothing whatever to do with my employment at the JREF. I do wish, in fact, that we had used the suggestion made by CaptainObvious when I was still there - because I'd much rather post this without anyone being able to tell who I am. But oh well. There's my two cents. With so many people donating theirs, hell of a fundraiser it is.
I'm sorry I started this thread (although someone else would have) but want to make a couple of comments. Some have suggested that if you don't contribute to the JREF you are a freeloader. Fine, I understand where that comes from, but I am a member of the Australian Skeptics, so I think I've made a contribution to the "cause". And I think others outside the US would feel that contributions to a local skeptical organization would be a better investment.

And, again, I have no problems with the JREF soliciting donations. I just hate nagging.
I'm going to just point out I'm still amused no one has answerd any of my posts.

1. I don't know if Flim Flam is available on Kindle but I can lend you my copy next time in back in Perth.

2. I have no idea what Jeff Wagg's job description was.

3. I can't be bothered to search for any more questions.

I'm sorry I started this thread (although someone else would have) but want to make a couple of comments. Some have suggested that if you don't contribute to the JREF you are a freeloader. Fine, I understand where that comes from, but I am a member of the Australian Skeptics, so I think I've made a contribution to the "cause". And I think others outside the US would feel that contributions to a local skeptical organization would be a better investment.

And, again, I have no problems with the JREF soliciting donations. I just hate nagging.



Seriously the comedy on this site is priceless.

Happy New Year to everyone. Hope you all have a fruitful New Year and that those who wanted the tax deduction got it in on time.

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Seriously the comedy on this site is priceless.

Happy New Year to everyone. Hope you all have a fruitful New Year and that those who wanted the tax deduction got it in on time.


Small things amuse small minds I suppose. I trust you at least contribute to your local skeptical community.


Seriously the comedy on this site is priceless.

Happy New Year to everyone. Hope you all have a fruitful New Year and that those who wanted the tax deduction got it in on time.


Cool story bro!!
Well, I'm gonna' pop in for a few more quick comments:

1) For those arguing that the PM thing doesn't work...while it turns off some people, I doubt that many of those complaining about it (myself included) would have sent money if no PM had been sent, so the JREF didn't exactly lose any money by doing it...and at least a few members have said they donated because of it, so there is a quantifiable benefit from this strategy. I don't think it's the best strategy...but it's better than doing nothing.

2) The JREF has every right to use the forums for such fund raising. Seriously, get over yourselves. Again, I think there would be better ways, but this is far from being some terrible abuse of power.

3) Bart, the only 'shame' that your comments bring on the JREF are the justified shame they should feel over ever having someone like you as an employee in the first place. I'd like to think that an organization like the JREF would be a little more discriminating in who it chooses. Personal attacks, conspiracy theories, casting serious accusations without proof...it is sad. Whatever 'value' may have been contributed by some people in this thread, none of it has come from anything you said.

No organization is ever going to please anyone, and they're fools if they try to. The fact that the JREF is increasing its focus on education and activism is a good thing, in my book. The fact that the JREF has been able to increase the financial support it is receiving is good. I may not personally agree with everything they do, or with all the methods they use to accomplish their goals...but they're still doing more than most of the people who are complaining about them.

Final comment: If the JREF does things that you support, then support the JREF. If you don't think the JREF is worth supporting, find another organization that better fits your goals. Don't expect the JREF to change to make you happy (if they did, they'd just make others unhappy). Where you can make positive suggestions to try to help them (which is what I've been trying to do), please do so...with the understanding that they may not agree, or may have a different perspective.

I personally do not support the JREF financially. That's primarily because my money goes to other efforts that are closer to home for me (including my own NGO). While I support the JREF's work, I think there are other organizations who can better use my money in the specific areas in which I'm most interested. I'd suggest that others here, if they truly feel the JREF's tactics or goals don't fit them, that they focus on finding places to contribute that do suit them better, rather than this endless bitching. A positive focus of "This is where I think my money can best be used" is much better for everyone than "This is why I'm not going to give any money".

Gotta love this! Dude went from posting very well thought out points to (after a few PMs and open forum call outs by the president no less) just another JREF booty smoocher.

It would be funny if it wasn't such a sad thing to watch.
Gotta love this! Dude went from posting very well thought out points to (after a few PMs and open forum call outs by the president no less) just another JREF booty smoocher.

It would be funny if it wasn't such a sad thing to watch.
Sadly, this kind of response is symptomatic of the non-skeptical "you're either with us or against us" kind of mentality. Either I have to completely condemn the JREF, or completely support them.

I stick by the initial posts I made -- posts which clearly stated that the JREF had every right to use this forum in the way they did:
For me, it's not a 'spamming' thing. As Lisa notes, this is the JREF's forum; they have every right to use the forum to make announcements and news related to the JREF, including asking for donations.
I then presented arguments that, although they had every right to do this, I felt there were better ways to accomplish their goal. I explained those methods, and exchanged comments with DJ about it.

Having said everything there was to say on that point, I saw no point in repeating myself; however, there were other members using this as an excuse to launch an all-out attack on the JREF, complete with completely unfounded (and demonstrably false) accusations, such as Bart's claim that Randi knew nothing about this PM.

Funny. I get some people piling on me because I'm "too critical" of the JREF, and I should just shut my mouth. I get others, like you, conversely accusing me of being a "JREF booty smoocher".

Meanwhile, for me, it's not about taking sides, being "for" or "against" the JREF. It is about truth. And the truth lies somewhere in the middle between these two extremes: the JREF makes mistakes, and has some policies with which I disagree; but it also does a lot of work that I think is admirable, and deserving of support.

There is no contradiction or hypocrisy in this position; in fact, it is a far more consistent and intellectually honest appraisal, than those who've taken more extreme positions, either claiming that it is somehow wrong to criticize the JREF at all, or to suggest that there might be better ways of accomplishing their goals...or those who just use this to engage in a little hate-fest, with little or no regard to the factuality or validity of their accusations.
You guys seriously think this thread is conducive to encouraging administration to require workers to come post here?

This place is filled with the kind of crazy people in the world that the homeless know to steer clear of on the subway.

I swear, LMAO. Myself included of course.

"It's about the TRUTH man, it's about the TRUTH!"
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You guys seriously think this thread is conducive to encouraging administration to require workers to come post here?
Actually, it accomplished having a real dialogue with DJ (both in public, and in private), and expressing my views (I don't know about others); he may not agree with me, but at least we were able to have a rational discussion about it. As opposed (just for example) to condescending mockery, while contributing nothing of any real value to the discussion, in order to assume a feigned superiority over others...

...not to mention that nowhere did I tell them they should "require workers to post here"...actually, my comments were almost entirely about have DJ or Randi take at least a slightly more active role, or else encouraging other staff to get more involved with the forum when they have time. Not to mention several other suggestions that had nothing to do with this claim at all.

But don't let a few straw men stop you...it never has before ;)

I'd like to contribute, but am financially unable to do so now.

I think JREF's tendency to ask for "membership equivalent" donations alienates those with just a few dollars/ pounds whatever to spare.

The home page DONATE button does offer an "other amount" option , with the option to make a regular monthly donation. There may be a minimum amount worth making (to avoid admin costs swallowing most or all of it).

It still needs a credit card though. A PayPal option would surely help.

I wonder if there's a safe way to "pool" small donations?
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You know maybe the forum itself could try to do fundraising for the JREF once a year for people who like you say don't have a lot to donate.

At the same time I think someone else posted that the forum donates a very small percentage of their overall funding. The database is simply used because it would be foolish not to use it. Yes it was a few extra emails delete delete delete. Pms delete delete.

I only really got annoyed when people started making demands about how the JREF needs to ask their staff to come to post here.

And lionking, again you don't see the hypocrisy in your statement. Is it you or me that needs to get the last word in? If you don't like what I post, put me on ignore. Thanks.
What I said about Randi, specifically was "I don't believe for a minute that Randi knew about the PM".

Why do I need to 'prove' something I said was a statement of belief and was clearly my opinion?

You should apologize for being at least as big of a douchebag as I am.

People... keep your eye on the ball. Be skeptical. Don't believe me, for the love of god don't believe people who are master manipulators. Look for the facts and figure it out for yourselves. If you think the JREF is a fantastic organization run with an ethical board and a super duper great guy at the helm, then give them all your money. More power to you.

What do I have to gain by saying this about the JREF?

I have one thing that some others do not have. A CONSCIENCE. Again, do your own research, I'm outta here.

Actually, one more thing.

There's no doubt a great deal of JREF damage control going on behind the scenes to disparage me, which I expect.

What I want to point out is that I am not the 'disgruntled employee'. I am, in fact, a serious skeptic who is disillusioned which having looked behind the curtain. I worked for the JREF for about 4.5 years. 3.5 of those years I worked entirely as an unpaid volunteer where i worked to improve TAM, worked at TAM, and spent thousands of dollars to fly back and forth to Fort Lauderdale to scan over 12,000 pages of documents in Randi's files into a digital form so that the records of all of the past challenges could be accessible to many rather than sitting in a rusting file drawer.

I worked for the JREF because to me, despite the fact that non-profit work pays very little, it was a dream job where I thought I could really help further skepticism.

So, if you can parse the fact that I spent years giving to the JREF and helping out for free, never imposing on Randi or trying to snuggle up to celebrities with the 'disgruntled employee' mantra, then fine, but I thought it important that I at least educate those who may not know who I am.

I LOVE Randi, and I loved the JREF. I have been a paid member of the JREF since 1998!!! I was one of the people who put up $1,000 for the challenge when Randi brought it up to $250,000.00. I am not a short time employee who is hard done by, I am a life-long skeptic who has given a lot.

If you view me as a douchebag who is trying to subvert the JREF, fine. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you are interested in my opinion where to put your skeptical money. Give it to local skeptical groups that are doing good work you can see and tangibly quantify.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this (long thread), but is it possible that this is all a hoax or a joke? I got the PM too, and the first thing that crossed my mind is that this is very much the opposite of what I expect from a skeptic forum.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this (long thread), but is it possible that this is all a hoax or a joke? I got the PM too, and the first thing that crossed my mind is that this is very much the opposite of what I expect from a skeptic forum.

The PM came from Randi. This means it came from someone who can control his userid. This means someone from JREF. If someone wanted to send out a PM from Randi and was not connected to JREF they would need to get access to his password. This ignores the content being the same as what is on the site and the fact that no-one from JREF has stated it was a fake.
I only really got annoyed when people started making demands about how the JREF needs to ask their staff to come to post here.

This is understandable, though folks make bone-headed posts throughout the forum (both in public, and in private) on a regular basis. The dust settles, folks cool off and give things a second thought, and some even realize that they said things they wish they hadn't. Par.

But, corporate smarm conceived of and endorsed by corporate smarmites, foisted upon unsuspecting skeptics in the name of the skeptical movement, here in the hallowed halls of skeptificity?

Well, that just gets my goat, dagnabbit!
It's funny because if people had had a sense of humor about it, I think it would have come across very differently.

Happy New Year to your goat btw. ;)

changed my avatar for a bit until the "she's a chick" sinks in.
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The PM came from Randi. This means it came from someone who can control his userid. This means someone from JREF. If someone wanted to send out a PM from Randi and was not connected to JREF they would need to get access to his password. This ignores the content being the same as what is on the site and the fact that no-one from JREF has stated it was a fake.

A joke from JREF is what I meant.
It's funny because if people had had a sense of humor about it, I think it would have come across very differently.

Happy New Year to your goat btw. ;)

When I wasn't shaking my fist at the sky and raging against the machine, I was cracking myself up!

changed my avatar for a bit until the "she's a chick" sinks in.

And a lovely avatar it is. Stunning, in fact! :)
Please go back and read the thread. If you want me to concede that perhaps "demand" was a poor choice of word I shall. But it doesn't change the fact that in my opinion it was extraordinarily weird to "complain" that the workers at the foundation should be told to post here. Obviously you know what I meant and are playing semantic games. You win. Hope that made you happy for whatever bizarre reason. I still stand to the point that it is in my opinion an annoying request.
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truethat, since words are all we have here, you gotta start using them more precisely. First you concede on the demand claim but then end with, "I still stand ..." Either you do or you don't stand by your words.

And again with the sloppiness. What you "stand by" is an "annoying request" which is still a long, long way from a demand.

No, I am not playing semantic games. If you want to use sloppy language, go for it. But don't bitch when you get called on it.
I don't mind 50 a year, but they seem to want that much every month.

Of course they do. Every day. Every hour.

But so far, they haven't demanded it as a condition of posting here.

Occasionally, I forget how easily offended people here are. Then I venture away from the Sports section.
Of course they do. Every day. Every hour.

But so far, they haven't demanded it as a condition of posting here.

Occasionally, I forget how easily offended people here are. Then I venture away from the Sports section.

Wait....you mean getting a couple of PM's and email from the JREF asking for a donation didn't ruin your life? Really? You expect us to believe that? :nope:
Wait....you mean getting a couple of PM's and email from the JREF asking for a donation didn't ruin your life? Really? You expect us to believe that? :nope:

I just got the one PM. Had I gotten a second, it would have been different. I hope DJ has raised enough money to pay the lawyers from the class-action suits they're going to get for undue hardship.
OK, firstly, I pretty much agree with everything Wolfman has said. No, there's nothing wrong with the JREF asking for money, and a couple of PMs and emails around their country's traditional begging time are certainly not the end of the world. However, I also agree that it could probably be done better, and the apparent total lack of interest or participation by the JREF in the forum can make requests for money seem rather unpalatable, no matter how understandable they may be.

And despite DJGrothe's claims, I really don't think anyone can seriously argue that the forum and the JREF are not almost totally disconnected, in large part because the JREF appears to have gone to quite some effort to ensure that is the case. For example:

I agree that JREF's involvement with the forum is a good thing

What involvement? Other than actually hosting it, what involvement does the JREF actually have with the forum?

and reiterate that JREF staffers regularly post on the forum, providing updates about JREF activities

Who? And when? You mention Brian Thompson. 49 posts in total, nothing since November, and nothing vaguely relevant to the JREF since September. That hardly sounds like regular updates. Then there's you, with 40 posts in over 2 years. Other than that, I'm not aware of any JREF staff actually using the forum since Jeff and Alison left.

And I reiterate that such updates are posted regularly on the site hosting the forum (randi.org).

Why "on the site hosting the forum"? Why is the forum not considered part of that site? Why is there virtually no connection between the "main" site and the forum? To see an example of good integration, take a look at this site. It's a video game news and review site that also has a forum attached. Except that it doesn't just have a forum attached on the side and never mentioned, the forum is an integral part of the site. Not only are there the usual sections for posting threads on whatever topic, all the actual news articles start their own thread in a dedicated section, and comments made on them are simply part of that forum thread. In addition, the professional journalists, reviewers, and so on who are all certainly busy doing their actual jobs also participate fairly extensively in those threads.

Compare that to here, where you have to make a separate account to comment on blog posts, and there's no indication to such commenters that the forum exists at all, despite it having been a much more appropriate place for such discussion for the last decade. Interestingly enough, I suggested a scheme almost exactly like the one used by The Escapist when the JREF was looking at changing to a blog, before I'd even heard of that site. That was completely ignored in favour of having the forum even more segregated than before.

Then we have this:
The JREF forum is not a resource.

You may not be with the JREF any more, but this seems to be the general thinking. The forum is not a resource, it's just something to put up with,

Except that of course the forum is a resource. The goal of the JREF is not to make money, it's to disseminate information and teach about critical thinking. Money is simply a necessity in making that possible. But the forum already does that without needing to raise extra money. Search for any prominent paranormal or skeptical subject, and threads from the forum will often be among the top results. And that's all with essentially no input from the JREF at all. Just think how much more useful it might be if the JREF actually tried to make use of it instead of hiding it away and pretending it's not there.

Or look at the MDC as an example. What information can you find out about that on the main site? Pretty much nothing. It exists, and there are some rules. I honestly can't find any more than that. There was almost a blog about it, but after 4 posts over the course of a year, there's been nothing in over 3 years. On the forum, on the other hand, there's a huge repository of applicants, their discussions with the JREF, and the results of their tests, if any. Plus a lot of discussion among members about, and with, the applicants and their tests, much of it ultimately being used in the official negotiations. As far as I am aware, this is the only place any of this information can be found without physically visiting the JREF office and going through their files. That's an incredible resource for the JREF's single biggest and best known activity.

It hasn't been touched in 2 1/2 years.

There's no great reason for the JREF staff to communicate often with the forumites because the forumites are the least likely supporters of the JREF to give meaningful support.

Alternatively, the forumites are the least likely to give "meaningful" support precisely because the JREF staff never try to communicate with them.

The reason the forum table is at TAM isn't because it's so important it needs representation. It is because very few attendees are aware of its existence.

Exactly. Despite being able to find the JREF website and actually attend TAM, they don't even know the forum exists. Somewhat contradicts DJ's claim that the JREF cares about the website. The solution would seem to be rather obvious - tell them about it.

What would ultimately make more sense is to separate the JREF from the forum and have someone else run it. It could still fly under the JREF name, but not be associated to any greater extent. And actually, if you look at it, isn't that pretty much already the way it is?

Why would that make more sense than the JREF actually making use of the forum and turning into a more valuable resource? It's already set up with the hardware, software, a large and active community, a good reputation in some areas, a high Google ranking, and the beginnings of potentially very useful resources (MDC log, book reviews, etc.). The only thing holding it back is that the JREF absolutely refuses to actually do anything with it. And the main reason for not making it a more useful resource seems to be that it isn't already.
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