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Nonsense Podcast

Just finished recording for Episode 12.
Just listened to Ep 12. It should be pointed out to Jason that someone being sentenced to jail for a period of time implies that they have been convicted, not merely charged.

It was interesting to hear the babbling loonies on Mt Ainslie. They sound like foolish adults making "baby talk".

If I were speaking in tongues, it'd sound much better than that. I'd throw in clicks and glottal noises and other phonemes not used in English.
If I were speaking in tongues, it'd sound much better than that. I'd throw in clicks and glottal noises and other phonemes not used in English.
But that would make it different. And you can't just change the Language of the Angels arbitrarily... :D
Whoa, you're one of the hosts? I've been listening for weeks and somehow missed that. Keep up the good work....I'll probably listen to your latest one at work tomorrow.
Dang, stuffed the riddle up. I was too busy thinking metaphorically/laterally to even come close (circle of life, that sort of crap). Thanks for whoever found the top ten worst bible passages thing and the Catch the Fire investigation/recording was great.
I've just recorded and interview with an ex-Scientologist for the Nonsense Podcast, which was both utterly fascinating and just a tiny bit creepy.

James was a scientologist for twenty-five years before leaving the church in February of this year. We chatted about a number of subjects. One of the things he said, which I aleady suspected, was that lower-level members do not know about Xenu. He hadn't even heard of Xenu until this year.

He was also Sea Org. Look that up, because the Sea Org is the really scary part of the church. They believe that it is their ordained mission to save humanity - whether humanity wants to be saved or not.

After the recording we discussed the e-meter, and this is where it started to get a little creepy, as he was telling me about the questioning techniques that the meter is used in conjunction with.

Apparently L. Ron Hubbard drew up a chart of all the world's governments and religions, and he's going to see if he can get me a copy of it. That'll be interesting.

Anyway, he's agreed to stay in touch, and act as a kind of a "consultant" on matters scientological. I'm looking forward to speaking to him again.

The interview probably won't go online until early February. We're not doing an end-December episode - the latest is our last for this year. The mid-January episode probably won't happen because that's when Jason's baby is due. But this interview will definitely be in the next episode.
Very cool. I am enjoying what you guys are doing. It's fun to be here in Colorado and hear about what's going on in Australia.
Episode 17 is going to be a bit special. Because of Jason's new bubs, and his pretty hectic workload this month, I am doing this episode entirely solo. It will feature a look at the news, my interview with the ex-Scientologist, and Getting To Know Mike McRae - aka athon.

All I need to do now is teach myself how to edit it all together.
It's done! Episode 17 is completed and awaiting upload.

Remarkably frustration-free, in the end. It features 10^23 and DDOS attacks on Australian Government websites, an interview with ex-Scientologist James, and getting to know Mike McRae.

My very first completely solo episode! In the end, it was remarkably frustration-free.
Thanks, it's in my ipod playlist, docked into a speaker ready for tomorrows housework...
The Nonsense Podcast is unfortunately on indefinite hold while Jason gets his life in order. In the meantime, I've got some plans of my own... bwah hah hah hah!!!
I'm in the planning stage of a Canberra-based skeptical podcast. I have three, possibly four, correspondents lined up and I have a plan and a structure. The only things I need to do now are settle on a name, arrange hosting and a site, and we can start recording.
Perhaps Arth can get an interview with our first ever lady PM. Wouldn't that be a scoop?
She is agnostic I believe, she may even be atheist, she looks smart enough. :p

You never know if you don't ask. I know she's extremely busy now, but she is approachable. If you pulled that off, you'd have an audience of a million at least.
She is agnostic I believe, she may even be atheist, she looks smart enough. :p

You never know if you don't ask. I know she's extremely busy now, but she is approachable. If you pulled that off, you'd have an audience of a million at least.
No way. Now that she's PM, every public appearance will be stage-managed by her PR machine. The only way I could get anything is to go to press conferences and join the gaggle, which quite frankly I don't have a great interest in doing.
No way. Now that she's PM, every public appearance will be stage-managed by her PR machine. The only way I could get anything is to go to press conferences and join the gaggle, which quite frankly I don't have a great interest in doing.

You don't give yourself enough credit. You bear all the respect and cachet that accompanies a bona fide member of the JREF Forums community.

Your entry will be smoothed by the affirmation of thousands of fellow Forumites.

Well ... hundreds.

She is agnostic I believe, she may even be atheist, she looks smart enough. :p

From her answer to a direct question, yes she is an atheist, but I doubt she's going to actually say so, preferring to continue referring to herself as a "not religious, non-practising Baptist".
Judging from the letters to the editor on my local newspaper most admire her for coming out and saying she's atheist, while others think she cannot run the country properly been an atheist. One guess who those writers are. :)
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