I've just recorded and interview with an ex-Scientologist for the
Nonsense Podcast, which was both utterly fascinating and just a tiny bit creepy.
James was a scientologist for twenty-five years before leaving the church in February of this year. We chatted about a number of subjects. One of the things he said, which I aleady suspected, was that lower-level members do not know about Xenu. He hadn't even heard of Xenu until this year.
He was also Sea Org. Look that up, because the Sea Org is the
really scary part of the church. They believe that it is their ordained mission to save humanity - whether humanity wants to be saved or not.
After the recording we discussed the e-meter, and this is where it started to get a little creepy, as he was telling me about the questioning techniques that the meter is used in conjunction with.
Apparently L. Ron Hubbard drew up a chart of all the world's governments and religions, and he's going to see if he can get me a copy of it. That'll be interesting.
Anyway, he's agreed to stay in touch, and act as a kind of a "consultant" on matters scientological. I'm looking forward to speaking to him again.
The interview probably won't go online until early February. We're not doing an end-December episode - the latest is our last for this year. The mid-January episode probably won't happen because that's when Jason's baby is due. But this interview will definitely be in the next episode.