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Nonsense Podcast

Episode 2: Featuring a puzzling riddle, a skeptical look at recent news and part one of two, discussing our trip to The Living Planet Vegan Festival and the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival.


I'm enjoying the podcast a lot, arth. Keep up the good work!

Near the end of Episode two, Jason and the other guy were wondering what logical fallacy was being committed by the ear candling guy at the MBS show who kept saying "but I've been doing this for 13 years" to all your questions. I believe this is the sunk-cost fallacy.

When one makes a hopeless investment, one sometimes reasons: I can’t stop now, otherwise what I’ve invested so far will be lost. This is true, of course, but irrelevant to whether one should continue to invest in the project. Everything one has invested is lost regardless. If there is no hope for success in the future from the investment, then the fact that one has already lost a bundle should lead one to the conclusion that the rational thing to do is to withdraw from the project.

To continue to invest in a hopeless project is irrational. Such behavior may be a pathetic attempt to delay having to face the consequences of one's poor judgment. The irrationality is a way to save face, to appear to be knowledgeable, when in fact one is acting like an idiot.
I'm enjoying the podcast a lot, arth. Keep up the good work!

Near the end of Episode two, Jason and the other guy were wondering what logical fallacy was being committed by the ear candling guy at the MBS show who kept saying "but I've been doing this for 13 years" to all your questions. I believe this is the sunk-cost fallacy.
Cool! I'll pass that along. I knew about that fallacy, but I didn't know its name.
Episode 3 is ready for download!

According to Jason, we received over 1200 downloads over the month of May! How cool is that?
Great work arth. That boy is lucky he wasn't taken to a homeopath, he would now be dead.
I've listened to the final edit now, and I'm a little disappointed that Jason didn't use The Guru this time around... :cool:

In other podcasting news, I'm in the process of arranging an interview with none other than Jesus Christ himself!
I just finished an excellent interview with Brian Dunning from Skeptoid.com. We should have it ready for episode 4 or 5. :yahoo
Episode 3 is ready for download!

According to Jason, we received over 1200 downloads over the month of May! How cool is that?

Yay, and yay!

I've downloaded Episode 3 and am looking forward to listening to it when I'm on holiday this week.
I'll be interested as I don't know who Neil Saaverda is. If a kook, it still will be good for a giggle.
This is his show: http://www.premiereradio.com/shows/view/jesus_christ.html

It's syndicated on a number of American radio stations, but of course we don't get it out here. Susan Lancaster facilitated our "meeting". It's going to be an interesting afternoon.

Oh, and I have a new microphone. Its debut was the Brian Dunning interview. It makes me sound like I actually have a proper voice, so I'll be using it for all podcast recordings from here on.
Episode 4 is online. See the link in my sig. This episode features the Brian Dunning interview, amongst other things. It's also the first episode recorded with my new microphone, which makes me sound a whole lot more like I'm really there and not so much like I'm linked in electronically from 400km away.
Episode 5 available for download right now!

Featuring Crop Circles, Alien Abduction, Affirmations, Detox, PETA and Forced Abductions/Stolen Generation. Plus an interview with Ordinary Guy from the BrainsMatter Podcast.

I heard on the Skepticality 100th episode that your first five podcasts are always crap, and that you get your groove on after that. Well, we're now over that hurdle. Hopefully from here we will only get better.

Our sixth episode is going to be a Special Report from TAM!
Episode 6, and this is a big one.

We cover my experience of TAM7 in Vegas, we feature my interview with Neil Saavedra - who is about the furthest from being a kook that it has been my pleasure to spend time with - and we are getting to know none other than Adam Savage of the Mythbusters!

It's a really good episode, guys. Check it out.
Episode 7 of the Nonsense Podcast has been posted. Featuring the CSC's assessment of the state of teenage sexual health during the Bush Adminstration, Australian journalists being silenced, and whether Connie Sonne was actually dowsing or not. We also conduct a Nonsense Investigation into the science of milk, and an interview with Tim Farley (krelnik) of whatstheharm.net.

I also have a special request for my friends. Very soon we're going to have a contact email address set up so that listeners can write in and tell us how fantastic we are. :D

I also want to start thinking about a new segment - Listener Questions. Basically, we want people to email in with interesting questions for us to research and report on.

Is there anything you'd like us to investigate on the podcast? Think about it for now (or reply in this thread) and we'll have our email address set up by the next episode.
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The Nonsense Podcast Episode Eight: In this episode; organic food, fortune tellers offending gays, complimentary medicine, a review of medium Mitchell Coombes, aliens living in America, the campaign against the AVN, and a chat with DJ Grothe from the Point Of Inquiry podcast.
I've just discovered this podcast.. It's sounding really good.. Slowly working my way back through the episodes.

Do you have someone on the ground at TAM London?
Possibly... how could I be of assistance?
It's up to you really. You could just record a straightforward event report, or if you're up for it I'll email the organisers and see if I can get you Get To Know Your Skeptic interviews with cool people like Richard Dawkins and Tim Minchin. You could have a Press pass like I did at TAM Vegas!
If you're up for it I'll email the organisers and see if I can get you Get To Know Your Skeptic interviews with cool people like Richard Dawkins and Tim Minchin. You could have a Press pass like I did at TAM Vegas!

*gulp* I'd be up for that. I'd probably need to brush up on my interviewing technique though!

I don't think Richard Dawkins is coming to London TAM, but there are a fair few others there.

I've got digital recording equipment, and microphones, so I'm all kitted up!
*gulp* I'd be up for that. I'd probably need to brush up on my interviewing technique though!

I don't think Richard Dawkins is coming to London TAM, but there are a fair few others there.

I've got digital recording equipment, and microphones, so I'm all kitted up!
Awesome. PM me your email address and we'll start coordinating!
Am I the only one having a problem with the bass level?

When I heard you mention that there had been complaints about sound - I assumed they were complaining about the fact that the bass has been cranked way up...

I have to set the EQ to 'Full Treble' otherwise its just unlistentoable...

I'm pretty sure this isn't a problem on my PC as eveything else that I play works fine at normal EQ...

ETA: Show's pretty good so far, not quite SGU yet, but I'm going to keep listening to it.

One other suggestion tho: voices could be a little bit more conversational - a little less "I'm on the RADIO, and I'm TALKING like a RADIO guy..." :-D

(I'm exagerating in order to try and explain myself - you're not quite that bad... :-P)
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Just listened to ep 7, and I take back that last comment - your voices are fine - keep doing what you're doing...


One thing that i've just noticed tho (and this may just be me) but it's "Ho Me opathy", not "Hom ee opathy"
I think the intro has far too much bass, but the sound (especially my voice) very much improved at about episode 4 when I got a real mic.

And we're not going to quibble about pronunciation :) Jason says "PEETA" where I say "PETTA"...
Hmm - I'll have another listen, but I'm pretty sure the bass is too high all the way through... (You are right tho - it's on only one of the mics... Maybe over-compensating for the tinny mic?)
I've subscribed via iTunes so i will be listening to episode #8 tomorrow at work.
Episode 9 is up, but there's a bit of a flaw in the initial cut. Jason's re-doing it right now, and we should have the right cut up pretty soon.

For contents, see my sig.
Episode 9 is up, but there's a bit of a flaw in the initial cut. Jason's re-doing it right now, and we should have the right cut up pretty soon.

For contents, see my sig.

I listened to it this morning, and I did worry for a moment you might be talking to yourself :)

And why am I not surprised you had to bleep out part of the interview with Rebecca? :)
I listened to it this morning, and I did worry for a moment you might be talking to yourself :)

And why am I not surprised you had to bleep out part of the interview with Rebecca? :)
The amended version is now online.

And yes, I forgot to warn Rebecca that we had the "clean" label in iTunes... :D
There are three more GTKYS interviews - Alison Smith, Jeff Wagg and George Hrab.

(Thinks - already had Tim Farley, Joe Nickell, Rebecca, DJ, Adam... I think that's about the lot.)

I also had a recording of the Connie Sonne press conference, but the Skeptic Zone already aired their copy, which was better quality than mine.
Just finished recording for Episode 12. This was a fun one - I got to put on my journalist's pants and actually go cover a story. Check out my photos of the rally in the JREF Forums Picture Thread.


Should be up within the next couple of days.

Incidentally, today I did the interviews with the Voice Memo app on my iPhone. The quality is MUCH better than the TAM interviews I got with my little Panasonic recorder.
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