Which is a valid point in its own right. Plus, just the fact that it is a private platform means that the freedom of press applies, that is: to whoever owns the press. There is no freedom of speech right on any private board or other medium.
Just saying, the talking serious stuff at the mall analogy isn't adding anything there.
As for Musk, I'm not sure he really demonstrates anything except that he's a tinkerbellend who, I still think, didn't even actually intend to restore free speech or whatever. He just thought he'd make some big publicity waves and not pull through, as he's done before. Then it turned out that, just like my dad, he couldn't pull out
And he still doesn't do much more even after purchasing it, than being a full time tinkerbellend on it.
Plus some idiotic ideas on how to deal with the huge debt he's saddled it with, that he tries to spin in certain ways, but really contradict even his initial objections. E.g., he's worried about bots and impersonation, but fires the guys that were there to verify that it's really who it says it is. And now wants to sell old handles to the highest bidder, so basically you can be Barack Obama with a verified mark on X if that's for sale. It's not even coherent with what he was saying.
Again, because he never actually intended to go through with any of that, so he had no actual plan.
So I wouldn't read too much into what didn't work for Musk there. Whether some free speech platform works or not, well, probably not, but it's not from Musk that you'll learn that. He just proves that a tinkerbellend's ill conceived publicity stunt didn't work.